Day 18

40 5 3

First Dance
Dance dance music video

Patrick grips the red solo cup harder in his hands. He got dragged to this party by Mikey and he hasn't seen him since he's gotten there.

People walk by him, eyeing him up and down and whispering in each other's ears. He feels humiliated and annoyed. He watches more people walk by, bumping into Patrick on accident.

He closes his eyes, inhaling sharply. When he opens his eyes, they fall on a guy sitting on a bench. Tears streaming from his face and Patrick frowns.

He walks over, cautiously, and sits by him. "Hey, you okay?" He whispers.

The boy looks up, his eyes the color of wild fire and Patrick fins himself blushing. He's really pretty.

"M fine." He mumbles, but as soon as he says that more tears collect in his eyes.

Patrick spits next to him and pats his back. The boy laughs aloud and smiles at Patrick. Patrick finds himself smiling back.

"So, do you want to talk about it?"

"Eh why not? I- uh- well- I got here with my girlfriend and she- she went off with another guy. Haven't seen her since we got here."

"I'm having the same problem! I came with my friend and haven't seen him neither."



The boy sits there, eyes fixated on the ground and Patrick can't help the words coming out of his mouth.

"Do you want to dance with me?"

The boy looks up and smirks. "Cocky, yeah?"

Patrick feels the burn on his cheeks due to embarrassment. "Sure I'll dance with you, first, what's your name?"


"Nice. I'm Pete."

Pete gets up and grabs ahold of Patrick's pale shaky hands. "Come on."

Patrick follows Pete out to a corner of the dance floor.

"There songs kinda suck." Pete whispers. Patrick giggles. "You are kinda cute." Pete whispers.

"Thank you." Patrick replied quietly.

Pete brings Patrick closer, interlocking their hands, and smiling against Patrick's hair.

"What's with the sideburns?" He asks.

"I don't really know. Probably gonna shave them."

"Don't. They're cute."

Patrick inhales deeply and smiles against Pete's chest. The song is not really a dancing song but they manage.

Afterwards Pete and Patrick go back to the bleachers.

"I've never noticed you in this school before." Pete says.

"I'm usually wearing a hat."

"Oh! Hat boy!"

Patrick giggles.

"That's what I call you." Pete laughs.

"Good to know."

Pete looks over to Patrick and scoots closer. His pointer finger lifts Patrick chin up. He slowly leans in, their lips connect. They kiss becomes more desperate, and Pete presses Patrick all the way down so he is on his back.

"Come on hat boy. Let's ditch this place and I'll give you a night you'll never forgot."

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