
74 4 3

AB/AP era

Pete ran towards the hotel room with his hands over his head. Patrick laughed as he watched his boyfriend flop onto the bed.

"Are you that excited?" Patrick teased locking the door behind him. "Patrick! These beds are SUPER comfy! C'mere!" Pete made grabby hands at the younger.

He smiled and sat by Pete while patting the soft blanket. "Guess so." He giggled.

"Guess so? These blankies feel like heaven! I think I'm gonna meet God soon!" The blonde exclaimed. "I hope God doesn't keep you." Patrick kissed the older's forehead and stood up.

"Ooh! Ooh! I call the shower!!" Pete yelled darting up and racing towards the bathroom. Patrick rolled his eyes as his childish boyfriend struggled to open the door.

"Patty! They locked us out!" He pouted pointing to the door. The smaller walked over and twisted the door knob and pulled it.

"Oh it's a pull door."

"Yeah since I just pulled it Mr obvious."

Pete ran inside making small 'oohs' and 'aahs' at everything he saw. "Hurry up Pete! I'm really sweaty from tonight's show!" Patrick yelled forcing Pete to turn on the shower.

After a while Pete came out with a white robe on and a huge smile. "That was the best shower I think I've have gotten."

Patrick smiled. "That's good. Is it my turn?"

"All yours baby." Pete winked.

Patrick took a shower and as soon as he opened the bathroom door he saw Pete screaming into a pillow.

"What? Did you see God?" Patrick teased sitting beside the blonde. Pete looked back at Patrick. "They have fucking those big candy bars! Like the ones that the good houses have when you go trick or treating! Get this, they are fucking free! We have to get them Pattycakes! Please please please!" Pete begged.

The strawberry blonde rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yes!" Pete jumped up and pulled Patrick with him.

He knew that Pete was having one of the best days ever and he wished it would be like this all the time. He loved to watch Pete smile, even if it meant that he would be yelled at by Andy and Joe that Pete was on a sugar rush.

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