Life's Unfair II

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All week Patrick tried his best to avoid Pete. Luckily he had at least one class with each of his friends.


Patrick turned around to see Ryan. "You free Friday night?" He asks.

Patrick nods.

"Wanna come to the soccer game with us?"


"One of Mikey's friends is on the team and Bren is on the team so we wanna go!"

Patrick smiles. "Sure." He says.

Ryan cheers and they walk to school.


This was an awful idea.

Patrick had totally forgotten Pete was part of the soccer team. For some reason he can't take his eyes off of him.

And Pete seems to notice.

After the game Brendon goes to Ryan. They share a few tender kisses. Gabe, Mikey's friend, comes to him. And Pete goes to Patrick.

"Hey nerd, you stare at everyone like that or do you like have a kink for degrading?" Pete smirks.

Patrick blushes and shakes his head. "You're lucky I am speaking to you, asshole." He spits sourly.

"Yeah?" Pete takes Patrick's hand and pulls him closer. Patrick gets the chance to move but he decides not to.

"I think you like me." Pete whispers into Patrick's ear.

"Hm, that's funny." Patrick whispers back.

"You're not very good at lying, Pat." Pete frowns.

"Don't call me that." Patrick pushes Pete away. Pete only smirks.

"Why not, Pat?" Pete asks.

Patrick only frowns. Pete wants him to get mad and he isn't gonna give him what he wants.

"Playing hard to get?" Pete smirks.

Patrick begins to walk away but Pete grabs his arm. A look of panic waves over Patrick's plate. Pete immediately let's go. "Sorry." He mutters.

"Just wait. I want to talk." He adds.

Patrick bites his lip. "I need to find my friends." He whispered walking away.


Days after the soccer game and Patrick can't get the moment out of his mind. He replays it over and over. What if Pete likes him?



Pete grabs him and pulls him into the janitors closet. He flicks the light on to reveal Patrick's face. "Pete?"

Pete bites his lip. "We need to talk."

Patrick nods sheepishly.

"I"m sorry about before. I'm sorry for throwing you on the ground and saying all that shit to you. I want to try and maybe we can be friends." He murmurs.

Patrick doesn't know how to respond. The things that Gerard said weeks before stir in his mind and he knows that he is probably right.

Patrick's hands fidget with the door handle and Pete stops him again. "Listen, I know Gerard probably said some things about me but I promise the whole Mikey thing was a big misunderstanding. And me and Ryan never actually dated."

Patrick just shakes his head. "M sorry Pete." He whispers.

"Just give me a chance!" Pete begs.

Patrick finally nods and Pete's face lights up. He pulls Patirck into a tight embrace. "Thank you." He whispers.


The next few weeks Pete and Patrick sneak around on dates. Patieck has to admit he has lots of fun. Probably the most fun he has had ever.

Pete asks Patirck to be his boyfriend and Patirck says yes. Pete flaunts Patrick around all the time and all throughout highschool they stay together.

All the things that Gerard said were true but Pete Wentz has a soft spot for some people.

Patrick Stump is one of those people.

I so rushed the ending im sorryyyy

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