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Hiatus Pete
SP Patrick

Patrick sighed as he opened his phone. He looked through his apps, not knowing what to do. He remembered getting a notification from Twitter earlier.

He swiped until he found the white dove. He tapped on it waiting for it to load impatiently. He saw that Pete had tweeted about him. It was sorta funny. Him and Pete didn't talk like they used to know that Fall Out Boy was on hiatus.

He was curious to see what he had said. It wasn't Patrick's birthday so he knew it wasn't that kind of tweet. He read it a couple times to make sure he was reading it right.

My dude @PatrickStunp really is packing alot in the back if you know what I mean ;)

Patrick blinked. Okay okay. This was how Pete normally was. He joked about everything. He took a deep breath. She he reply? It would probably be the right thing to do.

@PeteWentz you are such a tease! Lots of love <3

There. That should do it. Its simple and he is acknowledging Pete without flirting back. Patrick sighed again as he threw his phone on the bed.

He got up to get a snack and came back with a bag of chips. He opened his phone once again and saw that Pete had tweeted him back. Patrick opened it gracefully.

@PatickStump not a joke. I'd pay to see it right now

Patrick was surprised. Usually the 'flirting' would end here. Was Pete being serious? No way. He's just joking.

@PeteWentz haha you really know how to make my day. Hope yours is just as good as mine! <3

Patrick decided to keep it sweet. He grabbed a chip from the bag popped it in his mouth and licked his fingers. Another notification made him jump a little.

@PatrickStump seeing that ass would make my day better. Can't tell if I want to see it with or without the jeans.

Patrick took a deep breath. He saw people were already replying to Pete.

@PeteWentz wishing to be the friction in your jeans

@PeteWentz Peterick confirmed

@PeteWentz We live for the peterick

@PeteWentz @PatrickStump what do you have to say Patrick?

It made Patrick slightly uncomfortable. Was this really happening? Was Pete really flirting with him or just being himself. Antihero notification.

@PatrickStump I am not kidding. Please come to my house. Nobody is here expect me. I really wanna see you.

Patrick inhaled sharply and decided that he would go to see Pete. Pete was his best friend in the whole world.

@PeteWentz be there soon

Patrick rushed to find his keys. He drove all the way to Pete's house. He walked up to the familiar door. He knocked caustically.

Pete opened it. He seemed out of breath. "Holy shit. I didn't think you would actually come."

"I like to keep my word."

The silence was stabbing Patrick and he couldn't handle it. He opened his mouth to say something but Pete grabbed his face his kissed him.

Patrick's eyes widened but he played along and grabbed Pete's waist. "I've wanted this for so long." Pete mumbled against Patrick's lips.

"I wouldn't want you to wait any longer." Patrick replied connecting their lips again. Pete pulled them into the living room their lips still together. It was something that had been waited for but was never done.

"Fuck." Pete mumbled pulling Patrick into his bedroom. Pete stumbled onto the bed still kissing Patrick. Patrick straddled Pete's waist and his hands wandered around his body.

"Please take something off." Patrick whispered as grinded against Pete. Pete swiftly took his shirt off and started to bite at the pale neck.

"Patrick. I want you to ride me. Do you think you could do that?" Patrick nodded. He had never taken anything up the ass before but he was so prepared.

"Good boy." Pete replied. Re reached to grab lube and a condom from the bedside table. Patrick clawed at Pete. Pete ripped off Patrick's shirt and jeans leaving him in boxers. Patrick would care about his body but he was to lost in the moment.

Pete pulled off his owns jeans and threw them on the floor. Patrick smashed his lips into Pete's. Pete sat up slightly and his hands were on Patrick's upper back.

Pete decided that was enough waiting and pulled off both of their boxers and threw them onto the floor with all their other clothing.

"Trick baby you sure about this? Have you ever done something like this before?" Patrick shook his head.

"Please Pete!" He begged. Pete complied  and tore the tin square with his teeth. He slid the condom on and lubed himself. "Let me prep you." Pete said.

"Pete please!"

"No. Its gonna hurt without it."

Patrick grumbled and Pete poured lube onto his fingers. He traced Patrick's hole then pushed two in. Patrick cried out in pain.

"Told you it was gonna hurt." Pete said adding another finger.

He twisted them and spread them into Patrick was backing himself onto Pete's fingers. He took them out and looked up and Patrick.

"Whenever your ready." He said. Patrick nodded and slowly sank down. He groaned and was fully onto Pete's cock. "Are you okay?" Pete asked grabbing Patrick's hips.

Patrick nodded and began to roll his hips. Pete tightened his grip on Patrick's hips. Patrick finally began to bounce. He threw his head back and moaned.

Pete was moaning to and gripping harder and harder until his fingers were raking into Patrick's skin.

"Fuck baby oh fuck." Pete groaned. Patrick gripped the dark jet black hair and sped up his hips.

Patrick cried out when he hit his prostate. Pete watched Patrick intently. This was the best sight he had ever seen. The best sex he had ever had. He realized in that moment that Patrick was his soulmate. He couldn't live without him. He needed him.

"Pete! I'm close!" Pete was determined to see Patrick finish. He wanted to see his face. Everytime he jerked off he wanted to think of this. Pete started thrusting hard into Patrick.

That sent him over the edge and Patrick cried out as he came. Pete followed not long after gripping the bed sheets.

They stayed there, sweating dripping from their bodies. "Fuck." Pete murmered as he pulled out. Patrick collapsed onto Pete his breath hard and heavy.

"I missed you." Pete said.

"I missed you too." Patrick replied.

Idek what the fuck I just wrote, but here you go :)

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