Highechool Sweethearts III

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Patrick looks up timidly as Gerard stands there awkwardly. His hands are stuffed in his pockets and he's breathing heavily.

"Hey, Gee! I didn't know you were coming over I could have-"

"It's Pete."

Patrick blinks. His heart sinks. His mind races through all the terrible shit that could have happened.


"I-I'm so sorry Tricky."

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

Gerard fumbles for a moment before pulling out his phone. He opens it as Patrick's anxiety rises until his heart is pounding quickly and his mind is racing. Running to know what happened to his husband. His world.

"Uh look." Gerard slides his phone to Patrick. Patrick hesitates. He doesn't want to know. But he has to know.

He stares at the screen not evening rendering what he's looking at. He snaps back to his senses and he kinda just sits there. Pete's arm around him. That him not being Patrick. That him bring Mikey Way.

Patrick can feel tears. He doesn't believe it. Pete would never cheat on him, right? But he talks about Mikey all the time. He used to have the fattest crush on him.

"I'm sorry, Patty. They were being awfully close today."

Patrick doesn't respond. He just sits there unable to move. He doesn't know what to do. Gerard sits next to him, placing his hand on his thigh.

"Do you want me to stay?"


Gerard smiles gently. A gentle with a menace hiding a layer beneath. Silence for God knows how long until Patrick breaks into uncontrollable sobs.

"Mikey's so much better than me. He's prettier. He's probably better in bed. I'm just I'm not good as him. I never will be. I can't compete." He cries.

"Don't think like that Patrick, you are perfect to me." Gerard soothes.

"I can't do this. Please leave."

Gerard gets up and leaves.



Pete finds Patrick outside with his head on the bench. He already knows Patrick is crying.

"What happened?" He says running over to Patrick's side. Patrick blabbers things.

"Cheater!" He finally blurts.

Pete feels like he's being torn in half.


"Im sorry I'm not enough! I'm sorry I'm not good as Mikey! I'm sorry I'm not what you want! Why couldn't you be with him in the first place!"

Pete feels a huge lump in his throat. "What do you mean? What the hell are you talking about? Why the fuck would I cheat on you?"

"Because he's Mikey fucking Way! He's so perfect and I'm not. I'm just a fat nerd who needs attention."

"Patrick. Stop. Now."




Pete grabs onto Patrick's hand aggressively. "Patrick." He repeats.


"I'm sorry. Why do you think I'm cheating on you."

"Gerard showed me this picture-"



"Gerard is a liar."


"Patrick. Gerard told me you were addicted to drugs."

Patrick doesn't speak.

"Baby, I promise I am not cheating on you. I fucking swear to God. I would not break my vows. I married you. I want you. I need you."

"I'm sorry."

"Sh." Pete pulls Patrick onto his lap. "I'm heating the shit out of Gerard."

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