Day 21

47 4 3

IOH era


Patrick runs to the sound of his band mate's voice. "What's wrong!" He shouts in a panic as soon as he gets in the main area of the bus.

"Let's go shopping! Pretty please!"

Patrick's lips curve into a smile and he can't help saying yes to his adorable bassist.

"Yay! Thank you so much Patty!" Pete jumps up, grabbing Patrick along with him, and with that they are out the door.


"What are we doing here anyway?" Patrick mumbles, eyeing the walls with band tees.

"I need some new jeans. Then we have to go get me some eyeliner. Then we can eat something."

Patrick nods sheepishly and watched the emo freak out about everything in sight. It's cute to Patrick. Pete's eyes twinkle when he sees something he likes. The constant smile plastered upon his face as he searches the walls.

"These look good!" Pete smiles, running toward a rack of black jeans. He pulls a pair out, holding them up for Patrick to see.

"They look really nice." Patrick smiles.

Pete runs to the dressing room and the younger sits down, waiting for Pete to return.

The door opens and Pete is smiling wildly as he runs to Patrick.

"Look! Look! They are like really fucking stretchy and they even make my ass look good!"

Pete spins to show Patrick and the strawberry blonde can't help but giggle. "You're right Pete. They look really comfy."

Pete squeaks and brings Patrick into a tight hug. "Thank you so so so much for bringing me here." He whispers.

"Pete, really it's nothing."

Pete smiles and runs back into the changing room. He comes out in the same pants he came in with the other jeans in hand.

"Come on let's go pay then we can leave."

Patrick follows Pete to the front of the store. They pay and move onto some makeup store.

As Pete looks for eyeliner Patrick looks around. Finally he hears Pete giggling and laughing.

"Trick! Trick! C'mere! I found one that easily comes on and it looks nice too!"

Patrick walks over seeing the boy with dark black smudges on the bottom of his eyes. Pete's smile even wider than before.

"It looks really good on you Pete."

"I know! Come on!" Once again they pay for their items and walk out of the store.

"I'm beat." Patrick mumbles.

"You didn't do anything."

"Watching you made me tired."

"Okay. Want to go back?"




"Thanks again. So much. I really appreciate that you came with me."

Patrick smiles and feels Pete press a small kiss to his cheek. He blushes a light pink and follows Pete out of the mall not saying a word. Pete skips along and Patrick only things one thing.


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