Tell That Mick You're Busy

42 3 3

IOH era

"Pete, come on I'm working." Patrick grumbles as Pete pinches his side.

"Come on take a break. You've been working for hours." Pete pulls a chair next to Patrick. He presses soft kisses to Patrick's neck.

"Pete, I promise I'll be done in an hour." Patrick says pushing Pete away.

"If you're not?" Pete smirks.

"I'll take a break. Now, get outta here."

Pete rolls his eyes. "Okay." He presses his lips to Patrick's head and ruffles his hair.


Pete stares at the clock. The bigger hand hits the one and he jumps up. "Patty! You better be done!!"

Pete runs into the room and abruptly grabs Patrick off the chair. He spins him around while kissing him. Patrick laughs historically.

"One just a minute I'm almost done!" Patrick giggles.

"No! You said you would take a break if you weren't done!"


"What are you working on anyway?" Pete sits at the chair brining Patrick in his lap.

"What is it?" He asks.

"It's for a friend. He asked for a list of medicine that can help with pneumonia." Patrick responds.

"Boooring! Hanging out with your boyfriend is much more fun, isn't it?" Pete mocks.

Patrick rolls his eyes playfully. "Let me finish." Patrick mutters.

"No." Pete gets up and Carrie's Patrick into the bedroom.

"Pete!" Patrick whines in protest.

Pete throws Patrick onto the bed before crawling in between his legs. He kisses Patrick with passion as his hands wander his body.

"C'mon babe, you're little project ain't going anywhere." Pete whispers as his hands glide over Patrick's arms.

"Neither are you." Patrick says.

"What if I die in the next few minutes? Won't you miss me?"

"Not if you keep this up."

Pete laughs and kisses Patrick again. "Tell your friend that you're busy making love to your boyfriend." Pete smiles cheekily.

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