Peyton III

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"Pete we made no money." Patrick frowns at the empty hat. Pete sighs and places his hand on Patrick's shoulder. "I know baby, but we can't give up! Day one of anything is hard. We just gotta keep trying."

Patrick nods blankly and Pete picks up the hat and places it on Patrick's head.

"I need to get back home cause it's about time school ends. See ya tomorrow babe." Pete pecks Patrick's forehead and waves him off.

He gets home and places his backpack on the table. His mother walks in her eyebrow raised. "How was school?" She asks.

"It was like how it is everyday." Pete replies.

"What did you learn?" She asks.

Pete swallows hard. "We learned about atoms mom." He says picking up his backpack.

"Any homework?"

Pete looks to her and rolls his eyes. "I don't need your help with my homework."

"Peyton honey your teacher said you got suspended and you didn't say anything to me? What you thought I wouldn't find out? Wait until your father comes home!"

Pete clenches his fist and tears trickle down his cheeks. "This is why I fucking got suspended! My name is Pete! Stop fucking calling me Peyton! Why the hell won't you accept the fact that I am trans!"

He runs upstairs quickly and shuts his door. It closes loudly and he slides down against it. Tears freely fall from his eyes and he doesn't care to stop them. He knows when his dad gets home he is going to beat the shit out of him.

Pete cups his face with his hands. He hears a tap on his window and covers his ears in response. They tapping gets louder into it sounds angry. Pete walks to his window and opens. Patrick looks up and throws a small pebble at Pete's face.

"What the fuck Patrick!" Pete pulls Patrick into his window and shuts it once he's inside. "Do your parents know?"

Pete raised his eyebrow. "Yeah but how'd you know?"

"Cause my parents know so the school must have called. How'd they take it?"

Pete sat on his bed and Patrick followed. "Not so well. My mom knows and she yelled it me for it. I yelled at her for using my dead name. My dad is going to beat me tonight."

Patrick frowns rubs Pete's shoulder. "M so so sorry baby. I promise things will get better."

Pete smiled at Patrick and placed a kiss on his head.

"You gotta go now. Before my parents know your here. You know they don't like you."

Patrick nods in response and he gets up and opens the window. He blows and kiss to Pete then winks and with that he is gone.

Pete hears the door open down stairs and his heart drops. He hears muttering and whispering and then hard loud footsteps approach his bedroom.

" You got suspended from school?!"

Pete grips the bedsheets firmly and stands up. "Yes father. I, Pete, did."

The door opens and his father stands there. "What did you do?"

"We got our test results back and the teacher corrected mine wrong. Patrick stood up for me and we both got sent to the principal. Then he suspended us."

Pete expected the worst from his father. "I see. I'm calling your teacher and asking her what happened. From what she says will be your punishment. I hope your being honest Pete."

"Yes sir."

Pete's father leaves and Pete's face softens. He smiles slightly. His father called him Pete. He feels warm and tingly inside. He feels like his family or at least his dad and starting to understand.

He grabs his phone and texts Patrick about the news. Maybe things are going to get better.

Sorry about not posting yesterday. I really like where this is going. I'm going to try to make these longer. ;)

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