You Look Amazing III

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Pete immediately picks Patrick up as soon as they get through the door to the hotel room. Patrick laughs as Pete kisses all around his neck.

"Come on, baby, it's our honeymoon." Pete mutters against Patrick's lips. Patrick shakes his head and chuckles. "Okay okay." He smiles kissing Pete. Pete smiles and hikes Patrick up higher.

He tries his best to walk to the bedroom. Bumping into everything on the way , but he does mange to get there. He tosses Patrick onto the bed before climbing in between his legs.

Patrick is trying his best not to laugh historically as Pete nibbles at his neck. "Stop laughing!" Pete growls into his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry!" Patrick says through tears.

"It's a huge turn off with you crying like that!" Pete complains as Patrick bangs his fists into the sheets.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't even know why I'm laughing!"

Pete sighs before angrily pinning Patrick's hands above his head. "Quit laughing before I make you!"

Patrick stops immediately.

Pete smirks as Patrick stumbles over his apology. "Just shut up stay still." Pete barks.

Patrick nods and watches as Pete pulls his vest then his shirt. He leans back down to claim Patrick's lips. He slips out of his shoes and pants still kissing Patrick.

He breaks from the kiss and runs his fingers along Patrick's legs. His fingers dance over the pale skin. Patrick watches in anticipation as the gown rides up. "Hurry up and take it off." Patrick grumbles.

Pete laughs and rolls his eyes. "I'm getting there." He smiles. Patrick sighs before lying back down. He feels Pete's warm hands across his body. He shudders but he knows he's safe. Pete would never hurt him.

"Turn over." Pete says rubbing Patrick's inner thigh. Patrick complies so he's turned on his stomach. Pete drags the zipper down and proceeds to undress Patrick.

He carefully has Patrick step out of it and neatly folds it. "I don't want anything happening to it." Pete says as he places it on the night stand.

Patrick smiles warmly as comes back to the end of the bed. He climbs into bed next to Patrick. "Let's get this after party started." He smiles as his hands glide towards Patrick's ass.

Patrick shudders and nods slightly. Patrick gets on his hands and knees as Pete comes behind him.

Pete grabs lube and a condom from the bedside drawer. He sets the condom on Patrick's back for the time being as he oils up his fingers.

He takes his index finger and slowly inserts it into Patrick. Patrick hisses at the sudden sting. "Sh baby it's okay." Pete says taking his other hand and holding Patrick's.

He inserts his middle next. A groan comes from Patrick. One more finger for reassurance. Pete tears open the condom packet with his teeth as Patrick shoves his face into the covers.

Before Patrick knows it he can feel Pete's tip. He cringes makes a whining sound as Pete continues. "You doing alright?" Pete asks running his fingers along Patrick's back as he bottoms out.

"Just a second." Patrick says through gritted teeth.


Pete starts thrusting. He finds a good steady tempo before spacing out. He thinks about the fact that yes the Patrick Stump is in fact his husband. Which means they are married.

He's Pete's husband.

He has Pete's ring on.

He said all those things about Pete. Everything he does he's doing being married to Pete. It's crazy to Pete. To think his crush since ever is now his husband.

It's not a big deal but for Pete it is.


Pete snaps back to reality. To the sight before him. Patrick's face in that very moment.

"Yeah baby?" Pete whispers.

"Nngh i love you!"

"I love you too, so much, baby!"

Patrick let's put a whine as Pete speeds up his thrusts.



Patrick freezes as he orgasms. He gasps as Pete does too. He bites his lip and closes his eyes. Moments late he feels Pete curl his arms around him.

"I just had sex with my husband." Pete says into his neck.

Patrick smiles. "Me too." He responds.

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