Santa Claus

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M A N I A Era

Patrick watched as Declan bounced up and down. "Please daddy! Please please! Bandit said he was in the middle of the mall! Please!" Declan begged.

Apparently Gerard's kid Bandit had told Declan that Santa was in the mall. Which was really not true. Patrick had already went to the mall with some friends and he saw no Santa.

"No Declan. I already told you we have things to do." Patrick knew if he said Santa wasn't real Declan would have a fit so he used excuses instead.

"Why can't uncle Gee take me? Bandit is the one who said Santa was there! He must know where he is then!" Patrick sighed.

"Declan honey, uncle Gee has things to do today and he can't take care of a bouncy seven year old plus his own kid." Patrick said trying to reason with his son.

Declan just continued to plead to go to the mall. "What about uncle Frankie? Or uncle Mikey? Uncle Ray! No no! Uncle Brenny! Ryro? Joe? Andy! Gabe!! Travie!! Please daddy please!" Patrick only giggled that Declan got so desperate.

"Honey, all of them are Christmas shopping for their own kids. And I gotta shop for mine." Declan walked away in a big pout. He hadn't given up his mission to meet Santa Claus.


Declan swayed Patrick's hands as they walked. He had finally gotten tired of Declan begging to try and find Santa so they were at the mall.

"Bandit said he would be right in the middle of the mall!" Declan announced as he marched pulling his father with him. Finally they were at the center and no Santa Claus was to be seen.

"I'm sorry Declan. He probably went home to the North Pole for Christmas." Declan looked around frantically. His eyes widening when he saw a red suit. "DADDY DADDY LOOK!" he shouted running as fast as his small legs could go.

"Declan!" Patrick shrieked running after the small boy. The seven year old bounced right up to the suspected 'Santa Claus'. The man smiled at the young boy and patted his head.

"Why hello there! What's your name?" He asked trying to sound like an old man. "My name is Declan!" He announced proudly to the stranger. Patrick was huffing and puffing like crazy and pulled his son off the guy's lap.

"Declan! Don't you run from me like that! I could have had a heart attack!" Patrick yelled. He looked over to see the man giggling and laughing.

"I'm really sorry about my son sir. Sometimes he can get out of hand." He death stares his son.

"It's quite alright." The man says. He sounds soothing to Patrick. "Daddy daddy! I told you Santa was in the mall! Bandit didn't lie to me!" Declan cried.

"Alright alright. Calm down." He looked over again. "You wouldn't mind if Dec could take a picture with you?" He asked.

The man smiled. "Not at all." Declan jumped up and ran to sit back on the man's lap. Patrick pulled out his phone and aimed it at them. He smiled and tooled the picture.

Declan bounced off the man to look at the photo. He smiled and tugged at his father's leg. He ran off again seeing some toy truck.

"Again really sorry about that- uhm. What's your name?" Patrick gushed. "Pete, and don't worry about it. Maybe next time you can sit on my lap instead." Pete winked.

Hee hee Christmas Oneshots more to come :) Since I don't have school I'm going to try and write a lot of Oneshots. If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment them! ;)

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