Fourth Of July

51 3 11

AB/AP era

It was the fourth of July. Patrick's head on Pete's shoulder. Pete wasn't thinking about that though. He wasn't even thinking of Patrick.

He felt guilty for that. Patrick was right there. His best friend. He told everything to him. He could trust him, and yet he thought of another boy.

Specifically Mikey Way. It's so stupid Pete knows. But ten years ago on the fourth of July Pete was with Mikey. Exactly like this, Mikey's head leaned upon Pete's shoulder.

Pete stared off at the fireworks as they went off. Lyrics and thoughts hustled in Pete's mind. They came and did not go. The old memories of the good times he had with Mikey. And then he would remember Patrick.

He loved them both. He wanted them both. He can't have either of them. He could have had Mikey if he wasn't so stupid. He could have had Patrick if he wasn't so straight forward.

Patrick taking off his fedora snapped Pete back into reality. Patrick placed the hat on the floor and scooched closer to Pete. Unintentionally Pete placed his arm around Patrick's middle. The strawberry blonde made no effort to move it.

Pete swallowed thickly. He looked back up at the fireworks.

You and I were fireworks that went off to soon.

Pete made a mental note to use that as a lyric. Pete bit his lip hard drawing blood. He wanted the night to be over. For summer to be over. When it was though it just came back. More quickly than Pete wanted it to.

Pete realized Patrick's head was in lap know and he was slowly falling asleep. Pete smiled as he heard Patrick's soft breaths. Pete looked up again, his brain forming more lyrics.

I miss you in the June gloom too. My thoughts of you could heat or cool a room. I miss your early morning company if you get me. What did summer ever mean to you?

The more lyrics Pete though of the more he wanted to cry. He decided to stop before it became to much and lied down on the grass bringing Patrick closer to him.

I said I'd never miss you, but I guess you'll never know.

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