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AB/AP era :)

"Petey!" Patrick called out to his boyfriend of two years exactly. "Yes my love?" Pete called back. Patrick comes out blush across his face. "Do...do I look good?" Patrick asked smiling at Pete. Pete didn't say anything he only stared. "Patrick...you're so fucking gorgeous." He said suddenly admiring the younger boy. Patrick had a white t-shirt on with a black cardigan and jeans as normal.

But he had a flower crown of daises on top of his head. Patrick normally wore a black fedora but he wanted to try setting different. Patrick giggled and sat next to Pete, he crashed his lips into the older boy. Pete smiled into the kiss and placed his calloused hands on his back. They pulled away and Patrick placed his head on Pete's shoulder.

"I love you so much Tricky." Pete giggled.

"If I told you I love you so much more would you believe me?" Patrick asked looking into Pete's hot whiskey eyes.

"Not for a second." Pete said chuckling to himself. "We should get going beautiful. Don't wanna be late." Pete says winking. Patrick follows Pete out to the car.

It takes a few minutes to get to the restaurant. They walk inside and sit down at a table. "Hey Pete?" Patrick says shyly.

"Yes Mon Cheri?" Pete says winking. Patrick blushes intently and looks away. "Can you order for me please?" Patrick chokes out. Pete only smiles placing a hand on Patrick's shoulder. The waitress comes to the table smiling.

"What can I get for you boys today?" She asks with a preppy voice. "Two cokes please." Pete says looking at Patrick and then back at the waitress. The waitress smiles and skips away.

"Thanks Pete." Patrick says giggling. "Ofcourse gorgeous, what do you want to eat?" Pete asks grabbing the shorter boys hand. "A steak or something." Patrick mumbles. Pete nods and they wait for the waitress to come back.

"Here are your drinks, are you ready to order?" The waitress asks placing the two cokes on the table. Pete orders for the both of them and the waitress skips off again.

Patrick takes his straw and places in his drink. He drinks from it playing with his hands. Pete knew that Patrick was getting anxious, there were a lot of people here and it was quite noisy.

Pete leans over the table and kisses Patrick. Patrick smiles into the kiss and giggles. "I love you so much baby." Pete whispers cletchung Patrick's hand harder. "I love you so much too Petey." Patrick replies kissing Pete's hand.

"Excuse me!" They hear a voice. They look up to see a man he looked quite young and he seemed angry. "Sorry, do we know you?" Pete asks. "No you don't, but I must say what you are doing is disgusting!" The man started to yell.

Patrick tensed up, tears flooded his eyes. Pete clenched Patrick's hand even harder. "Who the hell do you think you are telling at us?" Pete spat. "My name is Bob, and you shouldn't be here! Being gay is a sin and you are in a public place with children!" Bob screeched.

Patrick was trying his best not to cry, he was being yelled at and everyone was looking at them. Pete quickly stood up and grabbed Patrick with him. "Being gay doesn't have to do with anything! I love him with all my heart and I'm not gonna let some homophobic asshole ruin this for me! You better get some fucking brains before you start an argument!" Pete ran out of the restaurant still clenching Patrick's hand.

"Pete..." Patrick began. Pete didn't let him finish he pushed him against the wall and kissed him. Pete pulled away and put his finger up to Patrick's mouth.

The ride home was silent. They finally got home. Pete took his keys and unlocked the door. They both walked inside. Patrick sat on the couch and he didn't say anything. Pete sighed and sat down next to him.

"I'm so sorry about that baby, what do you want for dinner?" Pete turned to Patrick. Patrick didn't say anything, he just bit his lip. "Patrick, I'm really really sorry." Pete whispered. "Thank you." Patrick said. "Thank you for pulling us out of there. I don't know how much more of that guy I could take. And thank you for saying what you did." Patrick kissed Pete's cheek and got up.

He placed the crown of daises on the table. "Tonight was great because I was with you Patrick." Pete hugged the smaller boy from behind.

A/N Yeah I didn't really know how to end it. I think it's cute though.

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