Day 2

35 4 3

Pet names
IOH era


Patrick inhales sharply.


Another inhale to collect his sanity.



Patrick can hear Pete's smirk.

"What's wrong?" Pete says shuffling into the room.

Patrick peers up from his computer for a moment before looking back down. Pete smiles cheekily as he pats Patrick's thigh.

"What do you want?" Patrick asks, more harsh than wanted.

"Are you busy?"

Patrick sighs. "No?"


"No, Pete. Why do you wanna know?"

Pete inches his way next to Patrick. He begins pressing kiss to his neck. Patrick bites his lip. "Go away." He whispers.

"Awwww but I wanna spend time with my Tricky Ricky." Pete says rubbing Patrick's arm.

"Pete I swear to God."

Pete ignores Patrick placing more kisses onto his neck. "Pete."



More kisses.


Pete stops. Patrick's face heats up as tries not to make eye contact with Pete. Pete smiles wildly. "Awwwww." He giggles.

"Will you go away now?"

"Only cause you asked soooo nicely."

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