I Have A Headache, And You're My Medicine

47 4 5

SRAR era


Pete sighed gripping his hair. "Patriiiick!" He mocked the smaller boy.

Patrick crossed his arms and pouted. "Come on! Talk to meee!" Patrick whined climbing on the older.

Pete pushed Patrick off of him. "I'm not in the mood trick. I have a fucking headache and it fucking sucks."

"Then let me fucking help you!" Patrick climbed into Pete's lap.

"Get off Patrick!" Pete pushed the problem yet again. Patrick just climbed back on Pete.

"You stubborn piece of shit! Get the hell off of me!" Pete practically threw Patrick onto the bed.

Patrick was stubborn and wasn't going to let Pete have peace and quiet. "Love me!" He giggled placing his legs in Pete's lap.

"Patrick." Pete warned pushing his legs off. "Get out."

"No! Stop being such a whiney bitch."

"Me being a whiney bitch? You are one to talk."

Patrick kept quiet for a moment realizing Pete had a point. Then he got an idea. He pretended to forgot about Pete. He went on his phone looking at notifications and tweets. Then when Pete wasn't expecting it he started to tickle him.

Pete started bursting out laughing. Tears collected in his eyes and he kicked and yelled. "Fuck! Stop! Stop! Stop f-fucking tickling me you bastard! Ah!"

Patrick was laughing too and finally stopped when Pete was trying to aim his kicks at him. Patrick contend to giggle as Pete was wheezing.

"I fucking hate you, ya know that?" He asked smirking.

"M I know!" Patrick said crawling towards Pete. "But I love you!" He said bopping Pete on the nose.

"M yeah sadly I love you too." Patrick smiled and sat back in Pete's lap. "Noooww can we go get something to eat?" He asked using his best puppy dog eyes.

Pete stared for a moment before rolling his eyes and nodding.

"Hooray!" Patrick shouted climbing out of Pete's lap and running to put his shoes on. Sure Pete's headache was worse but it was all worth it in the end. He loved Patrick very much.


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