Day 10

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MANIA era long blonde Pete and bearded Pat

Patrick walked through the door, the sweet smell suffocating him.

"What smells good?" Patrick asks setting his keys on the table and walking over to his husband.

"Cake." Pete replies. "Taste." Pete takes the egg beater and puts it to Patrick's mouth. Patrick graciously licks the foresting off of it.

"Delicious!" He exclaims. Pete laughs and quickly kisses Patrick before placing the frosting into a piping bag.

"Whose the cake for?" Patrick asks leaning over Pete's shoulder. "Gee's kid, Bandit, it's her birthday and Gerard wanted me to make a cake for her."

"Oooh! Nice baby." Patrick presses his lips to Pete's neck as Pete begins putting the frosting on the cake. He writes out 'happy birthday Bandit!' onto the cake.

"Looks good babe." Patrick whispers into Pete's ear, tracing small shapes into his arm.

Pete rolls his eyes and playfully shoves Patrick away. Patrick laughs too and comes back over to Pete. "Gerard is gonna be here soon to pick it up." Pete says placing the piping back on the counter.

"Yeah?" Patrick asks nearing Pete and pressing his lips to Pete's. Pete smiles into the kiss his hands fleeing to Patrick's head.

Patrick breaks away and smirks. "You gotta make me a cake soon, I'm dying to eat one." Pete smiled and blushes. "What kind?"

"Red velvet." Patrick responds. "Make it nice and sweet just like you."

"God you're cheesy."

"You love me."

"That's why we are married."

"I'm honored to be your husband." Pete laughs and pats Patrick on the back.

"You should put sprinkles on the cake." Patrick says as he eyes the cake.

"You want to do the honors for me, my love?" Pete asks handing him a small container.

"It would be my pleasure, dear." Patrick smiles taking the container and shaking it above the cake. He watches in awe as the colorful specs come out and land on the frosting.

"Now it's our cake!" He announces smiling at Pete.

"It's perfect. Just like you." Pete says kissing Patrick on the cheek.

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