Day 12

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Domestic Fluff
Soul Punk Patrick
Hiatus Pete

Patrick set his bookbag down on the floor once he got into his house. He heard quick, sharp footsteps coming from the stairs. He saw his husband, Pete, running down the stairs to greet him.

"Baby!" Pete exclaimed, leeching to Patrick. Patrick smiled as Pete planted small kisses to his face.

"I missed you." Pete whispered. Patrick chuckled softly, wrapping his hands around Pete for support.

"I miss you too babe." He said, ruffling Pete's pitch black hair.

"Come on! Let's cuddle!" Pete got a hold of Patrick and tried his hardest to pull him. Patrick laughed at his efforts.

"Let me put my clothes in the laundry, and get changed. Then we can do whatever you want, sound good baby?"

Pete smiled and nodded. Patrick picked up his backpack and went to the bathroom. He placed his clothes in the washer and got dressed.

He came out to see Pete with a worried look on his face. "Babe do you have to leave again?" He asked.

"No I don't think so baby." Patrick responded coming to sit next to Pete. "Why, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Patrick." Pete can't finish his sentence.

"Pete. What's wrong." Patrick uses the tone of voice to let Pete know he's serious.

"Do you know what some people are saying honey?" Pete says softly.

Patrick inhaled sharply. "Yes." He responds. Short and quick.

"I'm sorry." Pete whispers climbing on top of Patrick and wrapping his hands loosely around his neck.

"It's fine Pete."

"It's not! It means nothing okay? They don't know what their talking about. You are doing so good on your weight loss and I couldn't be more proud of you. You're gorgeous and you're still Patrick Stump no matter how much you weigh or if you don't have sideburns. You're you and they should know that."

Patrick smiles up at Pete. "Thank you so much hun."

Pete smiles back at him. "Can you sing for me?" Pete asks.

"What song?"

"Mr. Brightside."

"Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine, gotta gotta be down because I want it all. It started out with a kiss how did it end up like this."

Pete gives Patrick a kiss on the cheek like how he would if they were performing the song. Patrick smiles and giggles at Pete.

"I never told you you could stop!" Pete yells playfully.

Patrick laughs aloud and kisses Pete on the lips.

"Love you Petey."

"M love you too baby."

I had no ideas. Didn't really know what domestic Fluff even was til I looked it up and didn't really understand. This is me trying.

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