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Warped 05
I think you can guess where this is going

Pete's fingers lingered on Patrick's skin.

"Pete?" Patrick manged to breathe out as the older boy's hands began to grope at the pale frame.

"Yeah?" Pete whispered back.

"This isn't right." Patrick said pushing Pete off of him.

"What do you mean? I thought you liked me? What happened? Am I going to fast for you?" Pete asked.

Patrick shook his head. "Pete. What about Mikey?"

Pete averted his eyes. "He doesn't matter now." He said after a moment. Pete's hands went to travel to Patrick's body again but Patrick grabbed his wrist and squeezed tightly.

"Pete." He spoke harshly.

"Patrick." Pete mocked.

"This is not funny! I thought you liked Mikey! Loved him even! He doesn't deserve this!" Patrick protested.

"Deserve what? I moved on from him!" Pete started to raise his voice.

"Move on? You never called your relationship off!"

"It doesn't fucking matter! He doesn't care about how I feel!"

"Yes he does! And even if he didn't you can't just turn around and cheat on him! Pete, it's not right!"

Pete was silent. "I don't care." He muttered under his breath.

"Pete, if you want to be in a relationship with me that is completely fine. I like you Pete but you have to tell Mikey that you want to break up." Patrick spoke softly.

"But, Patrick, I love him! I really do! He makes me feel special like how you do!"

They both sat in silence. "I don't know what to do Patrick." Pete whispered.

Patrick looked over to Pete who was now sitting on the floor with his knees to his chest. Tears were running down his cheeks.

Patrick crawled over. "You are still going to be my friend if you want to be with Mikey, and I bet Mikey will still want be with friends with you even if you want a relationship with me. We're are always going to be there for you Pete no matter what you do." Patrick comforted.

Pete cracked a smile. "Mikey makes me feel good but you make me feel better." He said.

Patrick blushed.

"Alright. I'm going to call it off with Mikey. Can you please come with?"

Patrick nodded. They both got up and started to the My Chemical Romance tour bus. Patrick knocked. Gerard answered and raised his eyebrow.

"Is Mikey here?" Patrick asked. Gerard noticed Pete standing behind Patrick.

"Mikey!" He yelled. "Your little boy toy is here!"

Pete looked at the floor with sadness and Patrick squeezed his hand and looked back at him. Mikey peered in the doorway eyeing Patrick then noticing Pete.

Patrick backed up to let Mikey come outside. "Pete?" Mikey asked quietly.

Patrick backed away and pushed Pete up to where he was standing. Patrick slowly continued to back away so he could barely hear the conversation.

"Mikey." Pete said.

"Yeah?" Mikey asked.

"The summer is coming to an end and these little dates we have been going on have been fun but I think we should just be friends."

Mikey blinked and then he smiled. "Good. I think you and Patrick would make a cute couple anyway. Is Sweet Little Dudes still a thing though?"

"Yeah." Pete whispered.

"Okay. Good luck with Patrick." Mikey winked at Pete. He started back to the bus and smirked at Patrick as he walked by.

"You got yourself a good one." He whispered then disappeared into the bus. Patrick ran over to Pete. "What happened?" He asked.

"He-he took it well and thinks we're cute together." Pete said still surprised.

"Hey, well that's good, right?"

"Yeah. You wanna go get some pizza or something?"

"Like a date?"

Pete smirked. "Sure." He said.

Patrick nodded happily. As they walked away Patrick leaned close to Patrick's ear.

"After pizza I think I'm going to have some Patrick Stump for dessert."

Love me some Mikey Way.

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