Sunflower dress?

38 2 3

SRAR era

"Pete I'm going out!" Patrick calls.

"Okay!" Pete yells back.

Patrick is going out to buy clothing for himself. He goes to a few stores before going to target. He walks inside and is hit with tons of dresses.

Patrick was always into cross dressing but was embarrassed to buy them. He looks at them. They are all cute. Then he comes to a sunflower dress. It's yellow and it's super cute.

He smiles. A lady walks past him so he mutters a 'I'll get this for her'. The lady turns and smiles.

"She will love it." She says before walking away. Patrick blushes and snags it. He looks at the tag. It's his size. He'll buy it.

He buys a few more clothes and then pays.


"Pete! I'm home!"

Pete rushed in and scoops Patrick off the floor. Patrick giggles as Pete kisses him. "Whatcha bought?" Pete asks.

"Clothes." Patrick smiles kissing Pete on the nose.

"Can I see?" Pete asks.

Patrick rolls his eyes but he nods. "Okay." He smiles.

Pete sets Patrick down and follows him into the bedroom. Patrick shows him the shirts and pants he bought. Pete compliments each one of the outfits.

"Last one! I'm excited about this one!" Patrick runs back into the bathroom. Pete sits on the bed eagerly. Patrick comes out.

Pete's eyes widen. The dress was basically a night gown on Patrick. If he were to bend over it showcase his whole ass. Pete laughs.

"Patrick that dress looks fucking amazing but you can't wear it out." Pete chokes through giggles.

"Why not?" Patrick pouts.

"Bend over." Pete smirks.

Patrick does and just as Pete excepted his ass shows. Patrick immediately stands up. Pete laughs again.

"It's alright babe, you can just wear it for me."

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