Cheering For You

68 4 5

SRAR era

Patrick watched as Pete passed the ball Gabe. God he was so dream. A call of his name distracted him from his daydreaming. "Ugh Patrick. You never pay any attention to what's going on! Get back in line! Ryan shouted.

"Sorry!" Patrick hustled to get beside Mikey. "Alright! You guys remember the chant?" Ryan asked putting his hands on his hips. "Yeah!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Good. Alright let's start!"

After practicing for a little while they got a break. Patrick walked to the table to get a drink of water. His eyes stalked Pete's movements. He was so fucking good at soccer Patrick thought.

He spotted Ryan coming towards him. "Hey good work." Ryan said sitting on the table. "Yeah. Thanks." Patrick whispered. His eyes followed Pete again.

"What are you doing?" Ryan asked. Patrick pulled his eyes away and awkwardly looked at the floor.

"Wh-where you looking at Pete?" Ryan giggled. "He'd never like someone like you."

That caught Patrick off guard. "I mean look at you. You're too girly for his type. He needs someone like me instead."

Like me? Like me! Patrick thought. "Worth a shot." He mumbled.

"Yeah no way Patrick. Good try." Ryan strutted away right towards Pete. Patrick watched as Ryan handed him a water bottle. They both were smiling, then laughing, then touching each other.

Maybe Ryan was right. I have no chance.

The big day rolled around for the last game of the season. The one Pete had been getting ready for. The one where Patrick was going to decide to confess his feelings for Pete, but after that interaction with Ryan there was no way.

"Where's Gee and Frank!" Pete yelled. "Making out on the bleachers!" Ray yelled back. "Fuck! Go get them!"

Ray hurried off to find the couple. Ryan smiled as he spotted Pete in the locker room. "Good luck! You're gonna do great today!" He said letting his hand rest on Pete's shoulder.

Pete smiled awkwardly. "Thanks. You and the others are going to do great too. Can't wait to see everyone in uniform."

"Oh yeah! We get skirts this year!"

"O-oh!" Pete blushed.

Ryan smirked. "I bet you're dying to see us in those." And Ryan strutted off again.

The game was over. Pete's team had won and were currently jumping up and down. "Yes! Yes! Mikey is gonna be so happy!" Gerard cheered.

"I can't wait to tell my mom!" Ray exclaimed. Frank gave a quick kiss to Gerard's cheek. "You did so good baby." He smiled. Gerard blushed.

Pete smiled. "I'll be right back." He said. He walked over to where the cheer team was. Mikey was sitting on a bench chugging down a water next to Patrick. Ryan was smiling a big bright smile.

"Hey." Pete chuckled.

"I told you that you would win! I'm so happy for you!" Ryan cheered pulling Pete into a hug. Pete smiled and looked over at Patrick. His eyes tore away from Pete.

He walked cautiously to the boy in the skirt and slid his hands in his pockets.

"Hey Pete. You-you looked great out there." Patrick blurted out. Pete smiled. "Thanks so much. You look fucking fantastic in that skirt." He winked.

Patrick blushed and smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to grab some pizza or something." Pete asked.

"S-sure." Patrick said. He got up and walked to the side of Pete. Pete snakes his hand around Patrick's torso and placed his nose in the crook of his neck.

Ryan stared. Heart pounding. Eyes filled with frustration. "Yeah no way Ryan. Good try." Mikey cackled as he walked by.

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