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Current era

It was a cold winter day in the middle of January. Even though the heat was on max it was still cold as shit. Patrick was at his best friend, Pete's, house.

They were on the couch watching TV.

"Damn it's chilly." Pete mutters under his breath.

"Mhm." Patrick hums.

Pete sits up and opens the blanket. "Come here." He says.

Patrick looks over, raising his eyebrow. Pete sighs.

"Come under the blanket with me. If we are close together we will create body heat, duh." He says.

Patrick rolls his eyes. "You just want a reason to cuddle." He says, crawling over towards the blonde.

He curls up to Pete's side and shoves his face into the crook of his neck. Pete smiles warmly throwing the blanket over their bodies.

Pete leans his head against Patrick's. They both stare at what's happening on the screen. With every movement their eyes follow.

It's starting to get hot under the blanket but Pete doesn't want Patrick to move away just yet. He pulls a risky move and places his hand on Patrick's thigh.

Patrick doesn't seem to notice and if he does he doesn't say anything. Pete thanks the Lord. He wants to see how far he can take this until it's too much.

Patrick yawns and stretches his arms out. He smacks his lips before shoving his face farther into Pete's body. Pete swears he is going to melt then and there.

"Tired?" He asks softly.

Patrick simply nods. Pete takes this opportunity. His couch has a few recliner seats and thankfully they are in one. He reaches to the side and let's the end of the couch rise up.

He wiggles back and brings Patrick impossibly closer to him. Patrick hums in response. "You're so perfect, Panda." Patrick mutters against Pete's chest.

Pete can feel his face heat up immensity. "Not as perfect as you, Tricky." Pete responds letting his hand rest in Patrick's hair.

After a few minutes Pete can hear soft snores from Patrick. Fuck he makes such adorable sounds. "I love you, Patty." Pete whispers quietly. He turns off the TV and rests his head back.

Soon both of them are sound asleep in the crisp winter day. Pete couldn't be any more lucky to cuddle with Patrick.

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