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"Pete you have to!"

Tears flood into Pete's eyes and he shakes his head rapidly. "No!" He mumbles. He walks toward Patrick pushing him against the wall.


"Pete please! You are the only person I could ask!"

"Patrick why? Why did you let it get this bad? Why didn't you tell me! I could have helped!" Pete yells.

"No Pete no." Patrick places his hands on Pete's arms. "No you couldn't have. It's something that isn't curable. I'm so so sorry that I didn't tell you sooner I just couldn't bring myself to it, but now I need you to help me. It will be the last time I ask for anything." Patrick says gently.

"No! No don't say that! It's not going to be the last fucking thing!" Pete screams.
He pushes himself away from Patrick and more tears escape.

Patrick can't argue with Pete anymore. He is on the verge of death and he needs Pete to help him. He should have said something sooner and he hates himself for not, but he needs Pete to do this for him.

"Pete please. For me? You are the only person-"

"Stop saying that! Stop! I don't want to! Why me?!"

Patrick inhales sharply stepping forward again. He holds Pete with his arms and looks his straight in the eye. Pete sobs and shakes his head.

"I'm so sorry Patrick. I shouldn't be yelling at you I just can't do something like that."

"It's not your fault. And you are mean so much to me Pete that's why I want you. I know it's hard for you but it has to be done. Please?"

Pete bites his lips and cries into Patrick's shoulder. He pulls away and nods slowly. Patrick cracks a smile. "Let's make these last days count."


It's over.

Pete did it.

The sound of beeping from the monitor brings Pete back into reality. He stands there gathering his thoughts and then it hits him like a truck.

"Fuck!" He screams. "Fuck fuck fuck! Why you Patrick why! Why! God fuck me!"

Pete breaks down. He sits on the floor rocking gently. He mutters things to himself unable to gather complete thoughts. They jumble together in his mind.

The memories. The happy times. He songs. Ever single slightly rude comment comes back to him and he wishes he never had said it. Death comes quicker than people think and they regret so much.

Pete knew he had to be done. It feels like he killed his own best friend. The shame, guilt, sadness, memories, it's all to much to bare for him.


Pete watches the casket get lowered into ground. People start to shovel dirt on top of it. Tears stream down Pete's face as he stares off.

Mikey taps Pete on the shoulder and whispers in his ear. "I'm so so sorry for your loss Pete. I hope you feel better soon."

Feel better soon? He just lost his best friend. The person that saved his life and he took his. He's supposed to feel better soon?

More friends come and go. They say there apologies and leave. Pete, Andy and Joe are the only ones left.

"Pete. What you did was so brave. Patrick is probably so thankful. Me and Joe have to get going don't stay for to long." Andy whispers. Him and Joe leave and Pete is alone.

Pete slowly crumbles to the floor. He shakes violently as he thinks. His thoughts good bad and everything in between. He misses Patrick so much and it's only been a few weeks. Andy and Joe seemed to have already gotten over it. Pete can't. Pete never will.

Patrick wasn't just his best friend. Patrick was his everything. His soulmate. His band mate. The man that made his day better just with a smile.

He loved Patrick.

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