High School Sweethearts

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Based on the photo

Patrick took a deep breath as he tried to comprehend all the informs being thrown at him at once. He couldn't focus whatsoever. Everything was so confusing to him.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

Patrick looks up to see a tan boy with long black hair. Dark smudges under his eyes. He's wearing tight jeans and a baggy shirt. He's kinda cute, Patrick thinks.

The teacher crosses her arms and sighs loudly. "You don't seem to be sorry." She says. "Take a seat."

They boy rolls his eyes then takes the seat behind Patrick. The teacher goes back to the lecture and Patrick tries his best to focus. A small tap on his shoulder sends him right back to his gaze.

"Hey, man, what's your name?" They boy whispers.


"Patrick, could you be a dear and hand me a pencil if you gotta extra?" They boy asks.

Patrick nods shyly and grabs a pencil from inside his desk. He hands it to they boy behind him.

"Thanks, dude." They boy smiles.

"You're welcome..."



"Hey! You two! Quit talking!"

They both look up quickly. "Sorry ma'am." Patrick replies quietly.


"Hey Patrick sorry about getting you in trouble and shit."

Patrick looks up to Pete standing before him. His hair is in front of his eyes and he's awkwardly standing there. "It's fine." Patrick responds taking a bite of his turkey sandwich.

"What are you doing here in the bathroom?" Pete asks looking around.

"Yesterday I got food thrown at me so I don't wanna take those chances." Patrick responds numbly.

"Man that sucks. People can be real assholes." Pete says sitting next to Patrick.

"Yeah." Patrick mutters.

Pete continues to talk without letting Patrick get a word in. He thinks he's in love. Lunch is over too soon.

"Here lemme-"

Pete pulls Patrick up.

"Common let's skip." Pete pulls Patrick.

"I don't skip-"

"Now you do."

Patrick raises his eyebrows when Pete pulls under the bleachers.

"This is where to cool cats hang." He announces proudly.

Patrick can't help the laugh.

"Hey!" Pete shouts pushing Patrick playfully. "Prick!" He giggles.

They hang out under there until they have to go home.


Months go by of Pete and Patrick's friendship. They get along really nicely and have a lot of stuff in common. Prom is coming up and Patrick already knows he's never going to get a date. Boy or girl.


"Sup rickster!" Pete jumps into Patrick. Patrick yells out in surprise.

"I gotta ask you somethin' way important!" Pete shouts loud enough for others to hear.


"Sooo like prom is coming up and I wanted to know if you wanted to go. With me, I mean." Pete blurts out.

Patrick feels his face heat up. "Yeah! I'd love too."

Pete smiles. "Cmon Patty boy!"


Pete looks nice. He always looks nice but he looks really nice. Hot even. Okay he's hot. Really hot. Especially in a suit.

Patrick feels like they are getting married. Patrick doesn't even know if he meant as friends or as a date or whatever he is just happy Pete asked him and not some blonde chick.

Anyway the slow dance starts and they are awkwardly swaying together.

"Y'know it's not half bad as I thought." Pete admits as he looks down to Patrick.

"Mhm." Patrick responds.

"Do you know that I asked you to be my date, right? Like I didn't want to go as friends." Pete says awkwardly.

Patrick smiles. "That's good. I mean! It's good I know what you meant." Patrick stumbles over his words for a few minutes before Pete grabs his face.

"Kiss me." Pete demands.


"I said kiss me, Tricky."

Pete leans in. There lips connect. It's sweet and short but it's passionate. Pete pulls away.

"Wow." Patrick mutters.

"I think I know who I wanna spend the rest of my life with." Pete smiles.

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