30 Day fluff Day 1

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Parenting Time

Patrick bounced Declan on his knee. "Daddy? When is papa coming back?" He asked.

"Papa is gonna be here soon. He's picking Bronx up from soccer practice."

Declan smiled. "Yay! I wanna play with him when he gets back!"

"Who papa or Bronx?"


Patrick smiled and kissed his son's forehead. They continued to watch SpongeBob together.

The door opened and Declan sped off to greet them. Patrick laughed and got up to follow him.

"Me and daddy watched cartoons and played cars!" Declan said proudly tugging on Pete's pants. Pete smiled and picked Declan up.

Patrick ruffled Bronx's hair as he ran past him. "Hey honey how was work?" He asked kissing his husband on the cheek. Declan made a sickly face and stuck his tongue out.

"That's disgusting daddy!" He said pushing Patrick away from Pete. Patrick laughed and kissed Declan's head.

"You can only kiss me!" Declan giggled grabbing Patrick's face to give him a kiss in return. Pete smiled as he watched and he patted Declan's head.

"How about you play with Saint for a bit while me and daddy make dinner?" Pete said setting Declan down. "Yay! Saint! Let's play!" Declan ran off.

Pete smiled and kissed Patrick's cheek. "Work was great babe." Patrick smiled and turned to kiss Pete. "That's good." Patrick said tracing shapes into Pete's shirt. "You had fun with Dec?"

Patrick laughed. "Ofcourse. I love the kid to death." Pete chuckled and connected their lips again. "Let's make dinner."

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