Miss Missing You

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Soul Punk Pat
Hiatus Pete
Angst but it gets cute at the end I promise

Patrick's eyes wander from the paper. He's distracted. He can't think. Well that a lie. He can think. But the only thing that comes to his mind is his best friend. The man he wishes was here.

It's different writing without him. It's hard. Pete always has great ideas. Great lyrics. Great everything.

Patrick sighs before throwing his pencil down in frustration. He puts his face in his hands and he starts to cry.

He doesn't cry often. He hates when he cries. He thinks he sounds pathetic and weak. But he needs to cry.

More tears, they drip onto the paper. "Fuck.", He whispers.

He takes the paper and crumbles it into a ball before throwing it vigorously across the room.

He picks up his phone. He goes to his messages. Last time they talked was three months ago. It's crazy to think only one year ago they talked every single day, every single hour, every single minute they talked with one another.

He smiles at the cute texts he used to send. All the cute nicknames. Pattycakes, Lunchbox, health bar, Trick.

Patrick never realized how much they talked. This isn't even a quarter of their conversations. Patrick misses it. Misses the late night calls and texts.

Pete: Hey Pat did u take Hemmy out?

Patrick: Joe took him out

Pete: thanks dude oh by the way I gotchu a surprise for later ;)

Patrick smiles as the memories fade in. That's when Pete had gotten him a new guitar. He keeps reading, he remembers more and more.

After a while he's sobbing and he puts his phone away. He tears another page from his notebook and begins to wirte. He doesn't take a break and for two hours.

He wrote a song. It was for Pete, about Pete. He wrote the last words at the top of the notebook. Miss Missing You.

Patrick puts down his notebook and picks up his phone. He decides to text Pete just let him know he is thinking of him.

Patrick: Hey Pete! Hope you are doing okay and wondered if you want to meet up for quick coffee or something some time this week.

Patrick sends it with no hesitation. He regrets it but can't unsend so he can't do anything about it.

He sets his phone down and immediately gets a notification. It's Pete.

Pete: Yes! That sounds great actually. Jim's?

Patrick smiles. Jim's is an old coffee shop they would go all the time. It's familiar and it's close by.

Patrick: Totally! What day?

Pete: tomorrow?

Patrick blinks. Tomorrow? He smiles. He can't wait.

Patrick: eight?

Pete: yes that's perfect

Patrick smiles again.


As soon as he walks into the door Pete is hugging him. He smiles. "M missed you." Pete whispered.

Patrick but his lip and held him impossible closer. They sat down and Pete's hand stayed by Patrick's the whole time.

"How are you holding up? Are you dating anyone?" Patrick asks taking a sip of his coffee.

Pete looks down and then back up. "No." He replies. "What about you? How's Elisa?"

Patrick balls his fist up and chuckles dryly. "It- it didn't work out." He says.

Pete frowns. "I'm so so sorry Patrick. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Maybe another time."

The silence is so loud. Pete placed his hand and Patrick's and squeezed. "Love the hair. You look really nice." Pete says.

Patrick smiles. "Thanks. Good to know your out of your emo phase." He responds.

Pete laughs. That fucking laugh. Patrick can't help but smile. "Hey uh, I was wondering if we could go back to your place after this? Just talk in private ya know?" Pete says rather quietly.

Patrick nods. "Sure." He says.

They finish there coffee and Patrick drives them back to his house. Pete hesitantly steps in. It's familiar but it's still weird.

"Make yourself at home." Patrick says awkwardly.

"Patrick." Pete says.

Patrick looks up his eyes wide.

"I- uh- missed you a lot." He whispers.

Patrick smiles. "That reminds me of a song I've been working on. Can you just read the lyrics?"

Pete nods.

Patrick goes into his office and comes out with a piece of paper. He hands it to Pete and Pete reads over it. It's silent and it kills Patrick.

Until he notices tears coming out of Pete's eyes. "Did you write this for me?" He asks.

Patrick nods sheepishly. "Yeah. I wasn't planning to tell you but-"

Patrick is brought into a warm embrace. "Patrick I love you so much." Pete sobs out.

"I love you too Pete."

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