Like You Too

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SRAR era

God he's so cute! Patrick thought as he stared at Pete. Pete was at the lunch table with his friends. Patrick basically had no friends and was sitting at a table by himself. He had been watching Pete everyday since the beginning of the school year.

The loud bell rang and Patrick jumped over from his seat. He raced over to his class before it began.

The next day Patrick sat down at the same lunch table. He watched Pete slowly eating his sandwich. "Excuse me?" Patrick looked over to Brendon.

"Oh! U-um hi?" Patrick was nervous. No one talked to him.

"Sorry is someone sitting here?"


"Do you mind if I sit?"

"Uhm. No."

"Alright thanks." Brendon smiled at Patrick as he sat down. "So I'm Brendon." He spoke. "I'm Patrick."

"So this might be like weird, but like...can I ask you questions?"

Patrick blinked. It was weird enough someone wanted to talk with him. Then he sat down by him. Now he wants to ask him questions?

"No I don't mind."

"Alright. Favorite color?"


"Favorite type of flower?"


"Favorite movie?"

"The Hobbit."

"Music taste?"

"Mostly Rock and Pop punk. Like Nirvana and stuff."

"Do you listen to Green Day?"

"Of course!"

"Chocolate? You like chocolate?"

"Yeah. Especially dark chocolate."

"Do you prefer fancy dinner or like take out on a date?"

"Not a big fan of fancy dinners so definitely take out."

"What's your type?"

"Um...well I'm into guys..."

"That's good! I-i mean. What type of guys?"

Patrick hesitated. He definitely couldn't tell him he liked Pete.

"I-it really doesn't matter."

"Do you like anyone in this school?"

"I mean...guys at our school are attractive."

"You going to the game on Saturday?"


"Alright. Thanks for answering my questions!" Brendon got up and runs off. Weird. Patrick looked back to see if Pete was still there. He was getting up. Patrick decided against following him.

It was the big day. The day of the game. It was Pete's game. The only reason why Patrick was going. He smoothed out his leather jacket and headed out the door. He lived close so he decided to walk.

He finally got there. He found his seat and took place. He had no idea about sports but try to play close attention to want was happening. It got boring after awhile and Patrick was aching to leave but promised himself he would stay.

"Touchdown!" The words snapped Patrick out of his gaze. Pete's team had won. Patrick stood up and cheered. He knew Pete would never see him but he clapped anyway."I want to make an announcement!" Pete yelled. Everyone quieted down.

"First, I would like to say thank you for everyone who believed me and my team could win. Second, this is something I wanted to do for a while now, and I never really found the chance to make it a big deal. So I've decided to do it here and do it now. Patrick Martin Stumph. You might not know about me but I know about you. The other day I sent my fired Brendon to ask you all these questions, I wanted to know more about you. I've learned we have so much in common and would like to ask you out on a date tonight."

Patrick's eyes grew wide. He thought it was a dream, he pinched himself. Nothing. He felt as if this was the best thing that could happen to him. Unintentionally he sprinted down the steps and tackled Pete into a hug.

Pete chuckled his hands wandering the petite frame. "I'm taking that as a yes." He smiled. Patrick kissed Pete passionately his hands gripping on his sides.

Best football game ever.

Thanks whats_a_sleep for the idea! Its really cute and I love how it turned out! Cliches are rad :)

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