Frances had green all over her face. "Kurt, please tell me you're going to wipe her down."

"I will, Ruby," He grabbed the wipes and wiped her down. 

"Would you like me to hold her?" Kim asked me. 

"If you want to."

She nodded her hand, so I placed Melissa in her arms and sighed. I went into the kitchen and started getting Lorelai's plate of food ready while also getting mine. 

"Kurt, do you want me to get your plate, too?" I asked him. 

"Yes, that would be helpful."

I would just make myself a different plate. I gave Kurt the plate that was supposed to be mine, then I gave Lorelai her plate of food. 

"Don't eat it yet," I told her. 

"Mmm, burgers. Yum," She rubbed her stomach. 

I got myself a plate, then sat down next to Lorelai. 

I finally got the chance to sit down and shut my eyes, trying to compose myself. 

"You alright?" Kurt started giving me a back massage.

I groaned loudly. "Oh my God, please don't stop, Kurt. Please. I really need this; It feels so good."

Kim gave us a skeptical look and I flipped her off. Jokingly, of course. 

I took Melissa from Kim and sat back down, waiting for Wendy and Kim to get their food. After they did, Kim sat down next to Kurt and Wendy sat down on her own side. 

"Wow, leave me all by myself," Wendy scoffed. 

"I'll sit by you," Lorelai sat down in the chair next to Wendy's. 

Wendy didn't even say thank you or anything. She even glared at Lorelai a little. 

"Excuse me?" I asked Wendy. 

"What?" She asked. 

Calm down, I told myself. Calm down. 

"Nothing," I shoved some food in my mouth to keep it shut. I would not let her treat my daughter like she doesn't belong. It must be so hard for Wendy to treat her like her fucking granddaughter, but she would learn to. "Lorelai, did you finish your schoolwork from today?"

"Yeah. Grandma and Grandpa helped me."

"They did?"


"That was nice of them."

"Thanks for inviting us, Mom," said Kurt. 

"Of course," She smiled. 

"You alright?" Kim whispered to me. 

"Yeah, I'm alright," I said. 

Just then, I smelled an awful smell. 

"Goddamnit," I slammed my fork down on the table and grabbed the diaper bag, then slammed the bathroom door shut. I then realized there was nowhere for me to change Melissa in there, so I went back into the living room and laid her down on the floor. "Kurt, will you grab a grocery bag for me please?"

Shortly after, he brought me one. I wiped Melissa, holding my nose from the awful stench her shit made. I wrapped up the diaper, put it in the grocery bag, then put her in a new diaper. I walked into her backyard and threw it in the trash bin, walked back inside, and sat back down to eat. 

"You alright?" Kurt asked. "Do you want me to take her?"

"No, no. I wouldn't want to put that on you."

"Ruby," He made his way over to me and took Melissa from me, then sat back down. 

I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I decided not to look at them and continue to eat my food. 

After everyone finished eating, we sat down on the couch in the living room. As Wendy and Kurt talked about our time in Rio, I laid down with Melissa and Frances on the floor. They both just laid down on their stomachs. 

"Tummy time," I giggled at Melissa. 

There was definitely favoritism everywhere and it bothered me. Wendy favored Melissa and Frances over Lorelai-same with Kurt. I favored Melissa and Lorelai over Frances. I think that I always had a resentment towards Frances since she was created from Kurt cheating on me, but I felt bad since it wasn't her fault. She was incredibly cute and sweet, though. It's not like I went out of my way to neglect her, but I knew that I favored Melissa and Lorelai more. I hated it.

 I could always tell that Kurt favored Melissa and Frances more just because Lorelai wasn't his. He tried so hard not to make it obvious, but I could tell. Thankfully, Lorelai couldn't. Kim didn't favor any of them-she loved them all both equally. My parents didn't really care for Frances since they never had to watch her or anything like that. They would treat her well and care for her, but they never really had to. 

"Ruby, should we tell Wendy our news?" Kurt asked me. 

I sat on the floor in between his legs and spread mine out across the floor. 

"Sure," Was all I said. 

"Ruby and I got married in Rio," Kurt said. 

"What?!" Wendy shrieked. "Why?!"

"Because we wanted to get legally married and then have the ceremony later."

"Congratulations," Kim said. 

"Oh. Wow. And I wasn't invited?"

"No one else was invited, Wendy," I snapped. "We didn't want to invite anyone else, hence the elopement."

"Jesus Christ, Ruby," Kurt sighed. 

"Should I leave?" I stood up. 

"Should you?" He looked hurt. 

"I'm just really upset right now and I feel like I'm bringing everyone down."

"I mean if you want."

"I could always drive Kurt back home," Kim offered. 

"I'll take Lorelai with me," I said. "Lorelai, please get your shoes on."

"Mommy, I don't want to leave," She whined.

"I'll buy you ice cream on the way home," I told her. 


"I don't appreciate how your mother treats Lorelai," I whispered in Kurt's ear. 

"She doesn't treat her like anything."

"Oh really? Because if she wasn't doing anything, then I wouldn't be as pissed off as I am right now. I am so fucking angry because just because she's not related to her biologically does not mean that she's not family. But Melissa and Frances get all the love!"

Kurt grew angry, but I left before he could say anything. 

I was angry, too. I needed to leave. 

I needed to get out of there. 

It's Better to Burn Out than Fade Away-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now