chapter 87 preparatory action

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when ye ting put away his mobile phone, his face was expressionless.

he calmly put the phone back on the table, clicked an email on the screen before it could be sent, took the pack of cigarettes from the drawer, walked to the balcony, lit it and smoked slowly between his fingers, and the white smoke dissipated.

just now on the phone, he heard what liu xun said to yang jiali.

ye ting thought that he would be furious, impatient and even fidgety.

but now it seems that there is not.

instead, he calmed down strangely.

yang jiali did not accept liu xun's confession and insisted on leaving, of course, one of the reasons, but the reasons did not stop there.

a long time ago, ye ting also had this state.

at that time, he was in the united states, life seemed to be peaceful, but in fact it was a whirlpool, secretly for the sake of power and ye fan tore into a mess, on the surface brothers and anger, the bottom was eager to drink its blood, raw and eat its flesh. during the most critical period of the battle, there was an important figure like a tooth and eye on ye ting's side, who suddenly defected to ye fan and counterattacked them.

everyone around them thought that ye ting was going to be furious this time, but ye ting's reaction was unexpectedly normal.

he just cleaned up everything with terrifying composure, crushed ye fanbu's bureau little by little, and rose to the top step by step.

when the overall situation was decided, he only calmly cleaned up the group of remnants of defeated generals left by ye fan, as for the person who had once played tricks to attack upside down, let him cry and howl, ye ting was also heartless, waving his hand to let people drag him away, so that he would not have the opportunity to make a comeback in his life and fall into the abyss forever.

later, ye ting slowly understood that his calmness at that time was because he was sure.

he was sure that he would definitely overthrow ye fan, and he must make those who dared to play with him fear and regret to the point of tearing his liver, he was extremely confident in all this and even inevitable, so the little hatred in front of him was not enough.

the same is true today.

yang yang can only be his.

no matter how much liu xun covets and how he stretches out his claws, this fact will not change.

all he had to do was to snatch yang jiali back as soon as possible and hide it, so that liu xun would never have a chance to touch it again in his lifetime.

the smoke ring burned to the bottom, ye ting pressed the cigarette butt, looked at the bright lights in the distance, laughed twice, and turned back to the room.

over the next few days, he ramped up his horsepower to get the job done as quickly as possible, using the free time to renovate the house.

he let people lay a thick carpet on the ground, yang jiali did not like to wear slippers when he was at home, he always liked to run barefoot, lay carpets, soft and warm, not easy to freeze.

he had people change the tone of the whole room to a bright warm color system, which made people feel very good when they looked at it.

he also sprinkled a small sheep doll on the ground; in the living room, he got a luxurious cat nest and cat climbing frame for ah fu; specially vacated a room and set up a set of very professional music making equipment; worried that yang jiali would be bored and bored when he stayed at home, he reorganized the yard behind the house and planted some eye-catching flowers and plants, full of vitality.

on friday night, yang jiali called as usual.

ye ting talked to him for half an hour this time.

the two people tacitly did not mention the previous topic, yang jiali was still unaware of everything, and ye ting did not show the mountains and dew, but quietly listened to yang jiali's youthful clear voice flowing into his ears and heart.

at the end of the conversation, ye ting's voice was dumb, and he smiled and said, "baby, you may not know, my current house has become particularly good." "

yang jiali also asked him easily: "how is it a good fa?" "

ye ting sighed for a moment and said, "the atmosphere is good, the living is comfortable, the equipment is well equipped, you like it here." suitable for health, flowers, cats... oh, and it's better for raising you. "

yang jiali's face suddenly turned red: "what crazy things are you talking about, cheeky." "

ye ting smiled deeply, and the smile seemed to have a deep meaning.

yang jiali muttered, "what does your house have to do with me no matter how well it is installed, nonsense." "

ye ting muttered faintly, was silent for a few seconds, and whispered with some smiles, "you will know soon." "

before yang jiali could understand the meaning of ye ting's words, he heard ye ting's hanging beep from his side.

ye ting voluntarily hung up the phone for the first time.

yang jiali was quite surprised.

usually, ye ting can drag as long as he can on the phone, but today's call is clean and sharp.

he didn't think too deeply about it, and turned around and did something else.

ye ting hung up the phone, put down the phone, sat in the dark, and smoked a cigarette again. he stepped barefoot on the plush carpet, put a cat toy in his hand, and listened to the song of yang jiali's album broadcast on the bookshelf, and a faint smile hung from the corner of his mouth.

before long, the screen-off phone lit up again and a phone came in.

ye ting picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

over there, the secretary said neatly: "mr. ye, your itinerary has been arranged, and the bodyguard and driver have also been notified." "

ye ting snorted calmly.

the secretary asked, "when are you going to act?" "

ye ting held the cigarette between his fingers, folded his legs, and squinted at the calendar next to him.

he spat out his cigarette, smiled, and said to the secretary on the other end of the phone, "just... monday. "

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