chapter 94 thirty days

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yang jiali looked at the room full of gifts and was shocked.

having experienced so many storms in the past few years, his life has been too difficult and he is struggling every day.

these lively holiday anniversaries, he has all forgotten, there is no time to take care of.

but what he didn't expect was that there was still someone who secretly saved so many gifts for him in places he didn't know.

yang jiali's throat was dry, and there was a dense red blood in his eye socket.

the impact was a little large, and he was unsteady in his steps, and when he stepped back, he touched a large cardboard box at his feet.

yang jiali looked down at the cardboard box, which contained a lot of debris.

ye ting also saw this cardboard box, laughed twice, walked over and squatted down, took out a few objects from the cardboard box at random, and sighed: "these are all our things back then, i am not willing to throw them away, they are all well stored." 

yang jiali flipped over a few times, and sure enough, he saw a lot of familiar things.

the glowing lamp corner that he and ye ting wore when they watched the concert, the scarf he learned to weave half of for ye ting, the couple mug with the photos of the two of them printed on it...

yang jiali found an envelope from inside, opened it, and saw that it was a letter.

the letter paper was torn to pieces, barely patched together with tape.

as soon as ye ting saw this letter, he smiled, and there was a warm light in his eyes: "this is the first love letter you wrote to me." 

in his freshman year, yang jiali chased after the cold-faced ye ting, and he also plucked up his courage to make a love letter and stuff it in ye ting's bag.

ye ting flipped through this love letter when he was in the dormitory, opened it and looked at it a few times, and his face immediately turned black.

in front of yang jiali, he tore up and tore the letter that yang jiali had secretly written all night in order to write well, tearing it into pieces, and said to yang jiali in an extremely cold and frightening tone: "don't write me this kind of thing again." i will not have any other relationship with you in this life, stay away from me in the future, don't force me to do it. "

ye ting did almost do something to yang jiali several times.

at that time, ye ting wanted to listen to a lecture by a yangtze river scholar from a foreign school, but unfortunately it was an internal lecture, the ticket limit, and there were many people who grabbed fewer places, ye ting did not get a ticket, and he dismissed this idea.

the day before the lecture, yang jiali rushed into the dormitory and handed ye ting the ticket for the lecture with some embarrassment.

ye ting asked to know, it turned out that yang jiali knew that he did not have a ticket to attend the lecture, was anxious, begged for people everywhere, and finally begged for a long time, not only to feed and wash clothes for the senior, but also to help the senior sign in, instead of the physical education class, running punch cards, staying up late to copy the history program homework, tossing and turning for a week to get such a ticket.

ye ting somehow caught fire at that time.

he grabbed yang jiali's neckline and said so fiercely for the first time since entering the university: yang jiali, don't do these little tricks in front of me, if you bother me again, i will immediately apply for a change of accommodation. now, you, with your tickets, roll. "

with the force in his hands, yang jiali fell to the ground, and the ticket fluttered to the ground.

yang jiali's face turned white, and there was still a little grievance in his eyes and a panic that he didn't know what to do.

ye ting found the ticket from the cardboard box, touched it, and said softly, "... these have always been reluctant to throw away. "

yang jiali looked at the ticket, and then looked at the love letter in his hand, and his face immediately turned red.

he cheekily pressed the thing under the box and muttered, "how long has it been since i still look at it. "

ye ting smiled happily, "not ashamed." i like to flip through these when i'm upset, and every time i see them, i can feel how much my baby liked me. "

yang jiali skimmed his lips and did not speak.

his hand rummaged through the box, and he found a black-skinned booklet again.

yang jiali asked ye ting, "what is this?" i'm certainly not impressed with this stuff. "

ye ting took the booklet, sighed, and smiled, "this is what i did later." every time i come to this room to sit down, i think of some things that we said we were going to do but didn't do because of the breakup, and i was afraid of forgetting, so i wrote these things in this book one by one. "

yang jiali leaned over to take a look.

the book says a lot of things: go to harbin to see ice sculptures, go to osaka to see the fireworks festival, go to shanghai disneyland to play once, try the flower cakes sold in beijing's nanluoguxiang...

ye ting said, "these are all things i still remember, you can see if there are any things that i haven't written, and remember them together." "

he looked at yang jiali's reddened ears and whispered, "the last month, we finished them, and then we didn't regret getting together and dispersing, okay or not." "

yang jiali's hand holding the book trembled slightly, and the bottom of his eyes was wet.

for a long time, he nodded and said softly, "good." "


after a long time of hugging each other and sleeping for a night, the next day, ye ting got up contentedly to go to work.

yang jiali yawned and helped him tie his tie.

yang jiali said cautiously while tying it, "i want to go to hai ge later." "

ye ting froze for a moment and smiled naturally, "go ahead." "

yang jiali raised his eyelids to look at him: "you don't stop me?" "

ye ting shook his head, lowered his head and stole a kiss at the corner of yang jiali's mouth, smiled and said, "you are mine now, what am i afraid of." if you want to go, go and see him, but we only have thirty days, and you have to allocate as much time as you can to me, you know. "

yang jiali was stunned for a few seconds and nodded.

after ye ting went out, yang jiali went to zhao xianghai company to meet with him.

he told zhao xianghai about his experience during this time, including the one-month agreement he had made with ye ting.

zhao xianghai only smiled lightly twice: "one month, not long, but not short." "

yang jiali snorted softly, looked at zhao xianghai's more haggard face than in previous days, and asked: "brother hai, what about you, how did you live during this time, how..."

before he could finish speaking, the inner line on zhao xianghai's table rang out.

assistant wang's voice came out from the internal telephone: "general manager zhao, general manager xiao has broken in again." "

zhao xianghai squinted, looked at yang jiali with a puzzled face, sighed, and smiled bitterly: "i want you to see the joke." you go and sit in the lounge first, and i'll take care of something. "

yang jiali sighed in confusion and went to the lounge.

before the door was closed, he saw xiao ye through the crack in the door, and pushed the door open and entered the office with anger and displeasure.

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