chapter 72 ye ting was dumbfounded

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when the phone rang, ye ting was returning to the office from the conference room.

he did not rush to pick up, but sat back behind his desk with a solemn face, and then took out his mobile phone.

displayed on the screen is a strange number, belonging to guangdong.

ye ting was not in a good mood, he couldn't catch yang jiali, he couldn't hold anyone and couldn't hear his voice, he was very irritable in his heart, and he didn't have the heart to take care of these calls. seeing the incoming call prompt in the upper right corner of the screen: the phone was identified as a pyramid scheme harassment, and ye ting hung up without hesitation.

yang jiali was still holding the mobile phone, full of tension thinking about how to talk to ye ting.

unexpectedly, the phone rang for a long time, and there was a hanging beep.

liu xun stood next to him, looking a little nervous: "is it open, what do you say over there?" "

yang jiali awkwardly put down the mobile phone and handed it to liu xun: "no answer, forget it." "

liu xun pushed the mobile phone back to yang jiali's body: "you can use this mobile phone, wipe the positioning, it is safer." the previous number should not be used first, so as not to be traced. "

yang jiali thought about it, but it was also, so he stuffed the mobile phone into his pocket.

liu xun took yang jiali's shoulder and walked towards the villa, and when he was about to walk to the room where yang jiali lived, liu xun asked nervously, "yang yang, you didn't call haige just now, you did call... the one? 

yang jiali nodded.

liu xun asked again, "you don't plan to go back with him." 

yang jiali was stunned for a moment and suddenly laughed: "brother xun, you are stupid." 

"i called him to talk to him, and it took me a lot of effort to get out of that prison-like room, and i plunged headlong into it, and unless a donkey kicked me in the head, i wouldn't go back if ten cows pulled me."

liu xun listened to his words, and a relaxed smile immediately appeared on his face, as if a matter of heart had fallen to the ground, and he was finally at ease.

he wrapped his arms around yang jiali and smiled, "that's right." don't throw yourself into the net again, live here in peace of mind, brother will take you to play around this neighborhood, play a lot. go, pack up, and in the evening i'll take you to the best hot spring baths here to relax. "

yang jiali answered and went straight back to his room.

he held his head and sat still for a while.

thinking about those things about hai ge, thinking that ye ting was now going crazy and making chickens and dogs restless, his heart was troubled again.

yang jiali took out his mobile phone from his pocket, tangled for a few seconds, and dialed ye ting again.

when the phone rang this time, ye ting was walking from the office to the conference room.

he took out his buzzing mobile phone from his pocket and looked at it, and it was a strange number, this time in yunnan.

ye ting wanted to hang up, but he stared at the string of numbers, and the ghost made the god send it to the connection.

he put the phone to his ear: "which one." 

there was no sound on the other side of the phone, only light breathing, ups and downs.

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