chapter 160 the amazing fool

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yang jiali and ye ting are getting married.

the wedding is finally scheduled to take place at the end of this month.

yang jiali is a very staunch materialist, but in setting the wedding date, he still can't be exempt from the vulgarity, and quietly asked someone to find a master to calculate a zodiac auspicious day suitable for marriage, which finally finalized the specific date of the wedding.

regarding the specific arrangements for the wedding, yang jiali also argued with ye ting endlessly.

the wedding style ye ting wanted was like the religious chanting in the church, holy and solemn.

what yang jiali wanted was exactly the opposite of ye ting. he hoped that at his wedding, everyone could giggle and have no heart and no lungs, and smile so much that their ears and red mouth corners could grin to their ears.

one wanted a solemn wind, one wanted a nightclub bungee wind, and it was a big matter involving the wedding, ye ting rarely did not follow yang jiali, and the two of them quarreled fiercely.

yang jiali gritted his teeth and said, "i don't care, i don't want your kind of wedding." see for yourself, the kind you're talking about, can that be called a wedding? everyone's funeral still has a scream through the ear, and your wedding design is solemn and boring with mime, too boring.

ye ting frowned and asked, "then you want to blow the whistle at our wedding?"

yang jiali rolled his eyes: "i mean, the wedding still has to be lively to get excited, otherwise the bunch of guests sit there and watch dry for two hours, like dummies, you might as well fill the guest seats with turnips and hollow cabbage, so that i can look at the past and feel a little vigorous vitality." tthe

two men insisted on their own words, neither of them obeyed the other, and the chickens flew and the dogs jumped and quarreled for several days. c

in the end, yang jiali simply did not drill into ye ting's arms at night, a person turned his back to the wall, opened ye ting's dog hand that had tried to turn him over and fish him into his arms several times, and slept soundly by himself.

yang jiali rode on his back and shouted with joy, and ye ting had no opinion at all.

but yang jiali resisted him and wouldn't let him touch it, ye ting would be flustered and completely unbearable.

in desperation, he gritted his teeth, modified the wedding plan, and put it into yang jiali's hand: "look, you can't be angry with me anymore."

yang jiali opened the plan to take a look.

the first half is still ye ting's solemn and solemn style, and the second half of the process after the oath kiss adopts his suggestion, half to half, and the two of them take a step back and fold it.

yang jiali did not ask for more, and expressed satisfaction with this.

ye ting shook his head and sighed, "baby, i really can't do anything with you."

yang jiali sat down on ye ting's lap, looked at ye ting face to face, reached out and touched ye ting's head, smiled and squinted, and said, "who let me be your father, xiao tingting is really good."

ye ting's eyes darkened, and he grabbed yang jiali's waist to teach him a lesson.

yang jiali was busy struggling to open, afraid that ye tingzhen would not want to do anything to him in the office, so he hurriedly ripped away the topic: "... your planning content is quite thorough, and i have never seen when i wrote it. <

ye ting snorted, "i wrote it very early." "how

early is it?"

ye ting was silent for a few seconds, opened a drawer on his desk, and took out a thick stack of documents from it.

yang jiali casually opened a few copies, and found that these were all kinds of wedding planning, family decoration plans, husband travel strategies, dense, the earliest one, can be traced back to five years ago, when he and ye ting broke up, ye ting's first year to go abroad.

yang jiali raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised.

ye ting looked at his puzzled eyes and explained, "i wrote it all." "it started

after we broke up the year we graduated. at that time, i was abroad, and you did not come to contact me, and i would occasionally quietly inquire about your news. sometimes, i really want to think about it so badly, i just stay alone in the study, take a piece of paper, fantasize about the reunion of the two of us, and then secretly design our wedding and life together.

yang jiali was stunned for half a day, and asked in a dumb voice, "how many copies have you written?"

ye ting smiled and shook his head: "i don't know."

"as many times as i thought about it, i wrote as many copies as i thought about it."

yang jiali's nose was sour.

he could even imagine the picture in his mind. <

in china, he struggled to survive in the snow and wind, and his mother's illness worsened day by day, and he suffered and struggled on the road to despair, and could only quietly think about ye ting in his mind for a while before going to bed at night.

and ye ting was abroad, nervously and anxiously fighting with ye fan for power, and could only sit in the quiet study when he thought about his red eyes, quietly fantasizing about the future of the two of them, and writing a wedding plan that he didn't know if he could use.

five years, more than fourteen thousand kilometers.

in fact, none of them have forgotten, and no one has ever come out.

yang jiali sucked in his nose, suddenly slapped his face, grabbed ye ting's ear and shouted, "if you really think of me like this, then when we first met again in the mansion after five years, you hated me so much that you even shook hands to embarrass me, and said such ugly words to hit me."

ye ting smiled bitterly: "it's my bad."

"i calculated the time to return to china, just to come back and arrest you." but i was angry with you at that time, and you resisted me so much, i went crazy, playing tricks and tricking to tie you up next to me.

ye ting raised his head and looked at yang jiali with burning eyes: "baby, i was wrong."

yang jiali was still twisting his eyebrows at first, but when he saw ye ting's deep eyes, his heart softened, he reached out and hugged ye ting's neck and arched his head between ye ting's neck.

yang jiali said: "on the day of the re-encounter, if one person opened up and confessed his mind to the other party, then there would be so many messy farts behind him."

ye ting hugged yang jiali tightly and sighed, "yeah, if you had understood earlier, how good it would have been."

yang jiali said: "so we are two amazing fools."

ye ting nodded, kissed yang jiali on the ear, and said, "yes, i agree."

yang jiali said, "but your degree of stupidity is a little deeper than mine, and you have to admit it."

ye ting smiled, "be well, i'm even more stupid, i'm the most stupid."

yang jiali sucked in his nose, stood up straight, looked at ye ting's spoiled smile and the same gentle and loving eyes as before, his heart moved, and he leaned over and pecked at the corner of ye ting's mouth like a small animal.

ye ting was stunned, immediately grabbed yang jiali's waist, and also gave a fierce and fierce kiss.

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