chapter 178 a dream of ten years (part 2)

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yang jiali looked at the bachelor's uniform and panicked.

he narrowed his eyes at ye ting with red ears: "we have all graduated for so many years."

ye ting was unusual, playing like a child, hard to give yang jiali a bachelor's hat, played the tassel tassel tassel that hung down, smiled and said: "go again, i want our memories, there is no regret." just accompany me to make up that time.

yang jiali couldn't help him, put on the bachelor's uniform with a red face, and sneaked out of the car.

ye ting also smiled lightly and put on the bachelor's uniform and put on the bachelor's hat and got out of the car.

on the eve of graduation, next to the school's large and small roads and landscapes, all the graduates who were about to leave were gathered together in pairs, with bright smiles, like the morning sun, fresh and angry.

ye ting took yang jiali's hand under the wide bachelor's uniform.

yang jiali sneered: "let's both, the old cucumber brushed green paint, tender."

ye ting looked at yang jiali, touched his face, and said softly, "but you are still as cute as before."

yang jiali snorted warily.

ye ting was busy begging for forgiveness: "be good, not cute, handsome, handsome." yang

jiali nodded satisfactorily, and walked generously with ye ting in the school.

the campus of the university of commerce is huge, and it takes more than half an hour just to walk around. yang jiali's face is handsome and tender, mixed in a bunch of seniors who take graduation photos everywhere, there is no sense of violation, and even looks like a student, ye ting thought, this wave of earnings. <

yang jiali was familiar with that group of graduates, and the group of graduates took graduation photos for him and ye ting.

yang jiali chose the birch forest next to the art building of the commercial university.

when the group of graduates set up the camera and shouted three two one, standing side by side with ye ting in front of the camera, yang jiali was thinking about it, and the monkey hugged ye ting's neck and jumped on ye ting's back.

ye ting was afraid that he would fall, and he was busy supporting his legs with his hands.

yang jiali looked at ye ting's suddenly tense appearance, and his eyes were bent with a smile.

ye ting smiled helplessly and clumsily drove yang jiali. yang jiali was lying on ye ting's back, his eyes were bright, revealing a bright smile that could see two rows of white teeth, and the spikes of the bachelor's hat were mischievously flying in the air. the birch forest is dense and green in summer, and the warm sunlight penetrates the layers of foliage, illuminating the dreamlike forest. there are no performances in the nearby art building, and the solemn and holy chorus is faintly spread throughout the birch forest.

the camera's flash was so bright that it just happened to note the scene.

bidding farewell to this group of graduates who were about to go all over the world, yang jialixing rushed to pull ye ting to the third canteen.

he went to the cafeteria's stall selling sauce cakes.

as soon as the aunt who sold the sauce cake saw him, her eyes straightened up, and she shouted in surprise: "you, you, hey, you, you're not that, that and that-"

yang jiali thought that people recognized the star incoherently, and shyly half covered his face at the moment: "auntie, be quiet, you can sign the photo later." aauntie

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