EXTRA dream awake 03

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"mr. wang, the formalities have been completed."

the man on the other end of the phone said slowly.

wang yang stopped chopsticks, looked at the gradually darkening sky outside, and said, "okay, i know." the

man on the other end of the phone added: "next you only need to settle the balance, follow-up things and arrangements, our staff have been arranged, please rest assured."

wang yang snorted, "thank you, trouble." after

hanging up the phone, wang yang looked at the hot fried rice that had just been fried, and suddenly lost his appetite again.

after swallowing a few mouthfuls, he wrapped the bowl of fried rice in plastic wrap, put it in the refrigerator layer, and walked around the room for a while before he took a small wooden box from the cupboard as if he had finally decided on something.

wang yang looked at the box, was silent for a few seconds, and opened it.

inside the box were neatly stacked items: a few pieces of clothes and pants, and at the top was a camel coat, faintly white, very old. next to it was a small box containing a gold ring and a very thin necklace. these things, without exception, are not feminine.

wang yang quietly picked up the camel coat.

his trembling fingers caressed the soft fluff of his coat, and his eyes were already slightly red. remember the url

this is his mom's longest-worn, favorite coat. <

he remembers that when he was very young, his mother wore this camel coat, warmly held him in her arms, and took a train from liancheng county in fujian province to the city. at that time, he was still too young to understand the world, but he just looked at the scenery flying all the way back on the train and the completely unfamiliar streets, and his heart was panicked and afraid.

his mother gently patted him on the back and said, "yangyang is not afraid, mother protects you." with

his mother's words, he really wasn't so scared.

the heavens and the earth are big, the world is big, he is too small, but as long as there is his mother's place, it is still home.

wang yang put down his coat and took out a pair of woolen gloves from the corner of the box.

this is the glove that his mother knitted for him in the second year of junior high school. he attended elementary school for working children, and when it was snowing, everyone in the class had a pair of new gloves that his parents bought, but he didn't. he knew that his mother had a hard time making ends meet, and he had no spare money, so he didn't say anything, but he couldn't help but be embarrassed all day.

when his mother found out, she secretly saved a meal, went to the farmer's market to buy a few wool balls, stayed up for a few nights, and on christmas day, quietly placed a pair of woolen gloves with kittens on his pillow.

he woke up to find the little gloves and jumped up with joy.

he asked his mother, "who gave me the gloves?"

his mother was washing the cabbage at the time, and while washing it, she smiled softly and said, "santa claus gave it to you." do you know santa claus, with a white beard, red clothes, and a hat.

wang yang carefully touched his gloves and worried: "but there are so many children, why should he send me gifts?" hhe didn't know me, our family was so small, would he be able to come in? his

mother wiped her hand that had been flushed red by the cold water, patted his little face, and said, "whether the family is big or small, poor or rich, as long as you are a good child, you can receive gifts." wang yang's

eyes lit up as he said, "i'm a good boy." mom

smiled and nodded, "you're a good boy."

later, wang yang wore those gloves to play with the snow, only to feel that it was cold, but his hands were not cold at all.

wang yang touched this pair of gloves, and when he put them on his hands again, he couldn't put them in, it was too small.

he bowed his head and smiled.

he grew up.

his mom is gone, and so is his santa claus.

since then, no one, because he is still a good child, will secretly put gifts on his pillow.

wang yang sucked in his nose, put the gloves aside, and then packed up everything in the box and put it in the corner well, wang yang looked up and saw that it was already early in the morning.

he got up to wash himself, lay quietly on the bed, and closed his eyes in the darkness.

he had a dream.

in the dream, his mother was still the same as she was then, wearing the camel coat, the corners of her eyes were wrinkled, the eyes were bright but clear, full of joy and gentleness, standing in the distance and holding out her hand to him, saying: "yangyang is not afraid, my mother will always protect you."

wang yang hadn't seen her for many years, and when he saw her in his dream, his eyes turned red, like a child.

he was mad and wanted to run to his mother.

unfortunately, the fog around him was too big, blurring his vision, and he ran for a long time but could only watch his mother go a little away.

after waking up from the dream, wang yang sat on the bed for a long time, wiped the wetness from the corners of his eyes, and got out of bed.

after washing, he called yu bin of songhe cemetery.

yu bin asked him, "do you want to come here now, so i'm ready to prepare?"

wang yang nodded, "then it will trouble you." yu

bin answered happily and hung up the phone.

wang yang changed his clothes, picked up a black coat from the cupboard, put it on, hugged his mother's relics, and went out of the house.

as soon as he walked downstairs, he saw li da's mercedes parked at the bottom of the building.

li da leaned against the car. he wore a black down jacket, a pair of black jeans, and a new pair of black and white basketball shoes on his feet. the shoulders are wide and the legs are long, and the good figure produced by long-term soaking and exercise cannot be covered. his very manly tough face was slightly reddened by the cold wind, and the corners of his mouth were torn with skin.

hearing the movement, li da raised his head, just now he was still relaxing and leisurely, when he saw wang yang go downstairs, his expression was like when a high school student entered the password to check the college entrance examination results, and he immediately became nervous.

he waved stiffly at wang yang and said, "early."

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