chapter 132 hands on

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the evening before the bid was opened, yang jiali was released from the cage.

being detained for such a long time, there was little chance of being able to get out of the cage, and yang jiali's hands and feet were almost numb.

he rubbed it for a while before he felt the blood flow and his hands and feet come alive.

ye fan was sitting on the sofa next to him, with a cigarette in his mouth, and his eyes were dark and a little mad.

he stared at yang jiali so straightly, without saying anything, just the corners of his mouth hanging on the arc of deep meaning, laughing so much that yang jiali got goosebumps and his heart was hairy.

yang jiali tried his best to hold his head high, and said sharply: "ye ting agreed to the conditions you put forward, tomorrow the bid will be opened, he is too late to submit the bid, now you can let me go." 

ye fan lowered his head, his fingers dusted the soot, silent.

yang jiali looked at his reaction, and a trace of uneasiness vaguely crossed his heart.

yang jiali secretly grabbed his fist: "anyway, everything you want has already been given to you, i want to leave." 

he turned and struggled to get out the door.

when yang jiali stepped out of the door of this small hall with one foot, ye fan, who was sitting on the sofa, raised his hand.

the bodyguard at the door would understand, and a grappling immediately pressed yang jiali to the ground.

yang jiali was strangled by the bodyguard's strong arm, and his face turned red in an instant.

he raised his voice and said angrily, "ye fan! what are you doing here, you're not keeping your word! "

ye fan pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, got up, walked to yang jiali, who was pressed to the ground, the tip of his leather shoe touched yang jiali's forehead, and the laughter carried a bit of cold and cold: "sister-in-law, i have lived here for more than half a month, i have not been able to entertain you with a good meal, i feel too guilty in my heart." 

yang jiali chuckled in his heart and understood.

ye fan, a dog bastard, had no intention of letting him go today.

ye fan provoked yang jiali's face and said slowly, "well, i still have a hidden house outside, i asked the people below to send you there first, and when i entertain you for a few days, you can leave again." it's all family, you're welcome. "

yang jiali's forehead exploded with green tendons, and he couldn't help but explode a rough mouth: i'm your whole family! "

"obviously said yes, promised your conditions, and let me go the day before the bid was opened." now ye ting has withdrawn from the bidding, the shares have also been given, and the land has been given to you, you have no faith in your words, and you are insatiable! "

ye fan stood up straight, looking at the sun that was sinking in the distance, and his eyes were deep.

his voice deepened and he said, "you don't know ye ting. "

"my wolf-like brother, his blood is cold except for you." even if i let you go according to the promise, i believe that before long, he will grind his fangs to kill me. you are now my biggest chip against ye ting, unless one day he has been crushed by me and can no longer stand up, then i can consider letting you reunite, otherwise, just let you go, unfortunately. "

yang jiali's eyes widened in anger, and he was so angry that he wanted to cut off ye fan's throat: "you fucking talk when you fart!" "

ye fan touched yang jiali's face, shook his head with emotion, and sighed, "it seems that you are too spoiled by ye ting." xiao yang, when you grow up, you will understand that no one will care whether you climb up on your own or step on the heads of others, only success or failure in this world is true. "

ye fan waved his hand.

the bodyguard dragged the grinning yang jiali and put him into an impermeable room.

not long after, the door was opened, but it was wang yang who came in.

wang yang wore a mask, white gloves, and held a water absorbent towel and a bottle of solution in his hand, and used ether for medical purposes.

when the bodyguard at the door was about to close the door, he instructed wang yang, who had entered the room: "that thing smells very strong, since you want to play, you can try it." however, you should pay attention to achieve the effect of anesthesia, and the dose is too heavy to easily kill people. "

wang yang nodded at them, "i know." "

the door was gently closed, leaving a room of darkness.

wang yang calmly walked over to yang jiali and looked at him.

the surrounding area was quiet, but wang yang suddenly smiled and whispered, "you really guessed it." "

yang jiali also smiled at the corner of his lips: "well, i have been in love with ye ting for so long, and i know that their ye family's natural skills are belly black calculations for others." if i don't keep another eye on it, i should be played by ye fan as a fool, and when the time comes, ye ting and i will both collapse the stove. "

wang yang nodded, took out a dagger from his pocket, and silently clipped it into yang jiali's clothes.

he opened the lid of the ether bottle, soaked the absorbent towel, and casually shook it twice on yang jiali's face.

yang jiali held his breath, only to feel a slight faint in front of his eyes, closed his eyes, and calmly lay down on the ground.

when wang yang closed the glass bottle cap, yang jiali lowered his voice and said, "thank you for being willing to help me like this." "

wang yang shook his head.

he walked to the door, and before opening the door to go out, he turned his head, and his wet and red eyes seemed to hide thousands of emotions, and he said hoarsely, "i just think that you and ye ting should be together." you know, every time i look at you, i have only one thought. "

"...... someone is hurting, it's good. "

yang jiali's nose was slightly sour.

not long after wang yang went out, the bodyguard came in wearing a mask, saw yang jiali lying on the ground, tried to shake him, found that he did not respond, and then relaxed his heart and dragged people out of this house.

when he was dragged into the trunk of the truck, yang jiali quietly squinted his eyes and looked at it, and his heart was shocked.

surrounded by mountains, the sky was also dark and heavy, and the environment was so remote, it was no wonder that ye ting had not been able to find it.

after yang jiali was put into the back box, two more bodyguards were also assigned to sit in and guard. before the car started, wang yang also found an excuse to drill in and sat down next to yang jiali.

the mountain road was bumpy, and the car was shaking into the darkness.

yang jiali closed his eyes and quietly shook wang yang's hand.

wang yang also grabbed yang jiali's hand, and the palms of both of them were sweaty and sticky.

wang yang looked out through the small window, and the car deliberately bypassed the provincial road and drove all the way to the remote road, presumably to hide people's eyes and ears, not to be photographed by the monitoring, and to leave traces.

wang yang observed all the way, and yang jiali was not idle.

he closed his eyes and felt the speed of the car.

when the speed of the car dropped significantly, as if it began to climb, yang jiali slammed wang yang's finger hard.

do it!

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