chapter 29 there is nowhere to escape

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3:42 a.m.

yang jiali lay on the bed, wrapped himself in a quilt and died, revealing only half of his head.

obviously, the room was well heated and the windows were closed to the wind, but he still felt that his whole body was cold, and his lips and fingers were trembling all the time, like a stray dog with trembling hands and feet in the winter night.

he closed his eyes, but he couldn't sleep.

the buzzing in the ears didn't stop for a moment.

sounds came from all directions.

he heard countless people smiling mercilessly at him, cursing him with gritted teeth, those vicious words and humiliating tones, like a sharp and cold knife, straight into his chest, he trembled with pain, but he could only hear the laughter of others.

yang jialiqiang braced himself and opened the bedside table and swallowed a piece of melatonin in a panic.

at four o'clock in the morning, he finally fell asleep groggy.

i don't know what nightmare i had, but in his sleep, yang jiali still frowned and whispered, "don't hit me, you've wronged me, don't hit me, don't hit me..."

at five o'clock in the morning, yang jiali, who had only slept for an hour, opened his eyes again. 

he lay on the bed, his eyes wide open and panting, like a fish about to suffocate.

yang jiali got out of bed, his hair disheveled and his eyes covered with blood.

the mobile phone on the bedside table clanged again, frightening yang jiali and shaking his whole body violently.

he grabbed his phone with some trepidation, it was an incoming call from a strange number.

subconsciously, he lit the connection, and before the mobile phone was put to his ear, he heard a cold and resentful voice coming from there, scolding loudly: "bed bugs, you go to die!" if you punch wang yang, there will be countless people punching at your corpse! you wait, you don't have to die, you..."

yang jiali slammed the phone off.

as soon as the call was broken, the phone began to vibrate continuously.

text messages from various unfamiliar numbers poured into his inbox, all of them insulting and abusive.

yang jiali knew that his mobile phone number was estimated to have been fleshed out.

he didn't dare to click on any of these text messages, turned off his mobile phone in a hurry, and even took out the mobile phone card.

he propped himself up on the head of the bed, nausea in his stomach and stuffiness in his chest.

quietly moving to the window, yang jiali pulled open a small slit in the curtain and looked down.

the sky was still dark, and everywhere was pitch black.

there were far fewer people downstairs from the villa, but a small number of stubborn media reporters crouched nearby and refused to leave.

yang jiali closed the curtains and glanced at the calendar on the table again.

this date on the calendar was drawn by him with a large black circle.

his mother's death day.

yang jiali was silent in the room for a long time, then went into the kitchen and opened the pancake.

since his mother left, every year on this day, he would go to her mother's grave to talk to her.

his mother used to praise him for learning his flaky cake skills well, and the baked cake was delicious, so he would bake a few cakes every time and put them in front of his mother's tombstone, and he would not fall for a year, like the last contact between him and his mother in the dark.

putting the baked cake into the bag, yang jiali changed his clothes again, put on a black down jacket, put on a mask and a black baseball cap, bypassed the main entrance, and walked out of the villa lightly from the backyard.

no sooner had he walked out of the villa than three or two steps later than he heard an extremely excited shout behind him: "he's out!" 

yang jiali looked back.

after waiting for nearly a night, all kinds of media, paparazzi, and even some of them engaged in live broadcasting, holding up various equipment, stared at him one by one with excitement on their faces and rushed over, like locusts flying in the sky.

yang jiali pulled out his leg and ran.

halfway through, he was slammed into something on the ground, and the whole person fell to the ground, and the door of his head immediately broke through, gushing blood out.

he couldn't care less about it, so he got up and continued to run.

he casually hired a taxi on the side of the road, until he closed the door, and yang jiali breathed heavily.

pulling out a bag of flaks carefully hidden in his arms, a bouquet of flowers and placing it aside, he quietly looked at the car window, only to find that at some point, the blood from the crack in his forehead had flowed to half of his face.

he didn't feel any pain at all, he just felt chills all over his body.

yang jiali stayed for a while and secretly wiped away the blood with his sleeve.

he and the driver said, "turn the road to heshan cemetery."

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