EXTRA dream waking up 15

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Wang Yang was halfway through the dumplings and the phone rang.

He looked at the glowing screen of his phone, wiped his flour-stained hands with a towel, and lit hands-free.

Just after listening to a few words, his face turned white, and his breathing almost stopped.

Unable to take care of the dumplings of this large drawer, he stood up in a panic, grabbed a coat from the sofa and flew out of the door, rushing to a nearby hospital in a car.

By the time he arrived at the hospital, it was completely dark.

Wang Yang breathlessly asked the floor at the front desk, and did not dare to delay for a second, taking three steps and making two steps to rush upstairs.

It was so easy to find the ward number, he pushed open the door to see that Li Dazheng was lying inside, his head wrapped in several thick circles of gauze, the gauze was still oozing blood, looking quite embarrassed. Wang Xun was lying in Li Da's arms, the tear marks on a small face had not yet dried, and the small body was trembling with a twitch, frightened.

Li Er sat on the edge of Li Da's bed, saw Wang Yang coming and nodded.

Wang Yang swallowed the knot in his throat and asked in a dumb voice, "What's going on?"

Li Er looked at Li Da, sighed, and told Wang Yang the whole thing.

It turned out that Li Da had taught that Yu Bin a lesson last time, cutting off his financial path, and Yu Bin held a grudge in his heart. Taking advantage of the kung fu of Li Da taking Wang Xun out of the house to run at night, when they passed outside the small basketball court with no one, several people rushed up like mad dogs and beat up, and the wine bottles were smashed violently. RRemember the URL

Li Da was afraid that Wang Xun was injured, so he was busy pressing Wang Xun under his body, and he was smashed with blood on the door of his head.

The gang did not dare to stay longer, saw the blood, kicked Li Da a few feet out of breath, and then busily ran away with their tails.

Wang Yang listened to Li Er's words, hurriedly walked to the side of Li Da's bed, looked closely at Li Da's head wrapped in gauze, and whispered, "... Hurt, it's all right.

Li Da Shuanglang smiled: "It's all right." "There

are a few pieces of glass slag, the doctors have picked out with tweezers, stitched a few stitches, brain CT has also been done, the report has not yet come out, I estimate that there is nothing to do, just shed some blood, the old masters this little injury is nothing, you don't have to be afraid."

Wang Yang looked at Li Da's smile and the wound on his head, and for a moment, he only felt that his throat was tight.

Not long after the silence, there was a loud footstep outside the ward.

The door of the ward was pushed open from the outside, and Yang Jiali also received the news and rushed over.

Yang Jiali entered the ward, and Ye Ting followed behind like a bodyguard step by step, guarding people expressionlessly, refusing to relax for a moment.

Yang Jiali walked up to Li Da and asked about Li Da's condition first, and then asked the original committee.

Li Er told Yang Jiali again from beginning to end, and Yang Jiali listened to it, got angry, and scolded directly: This group of cubs, with those things to threaten people pits, abducted and deceived with conscience, it is still reasonable, call the police. <

Li Er nodded: "Just reported, for the time being, there is no follow-up." Yang Jiali's

eyes rolled, and he walked back and forth in front of the hospital bed, "No, I'm very angry, I don't want them to be happy for a moment, I can't catch anyone for a second." He

turned his gaze straight to Ye Ting, who had been silent, and squinted: "Husband, kill them!"

Ye Tingxu was pleased by her husband's two words, and unconsciously ticked the corner of her lips and took the mobile phone to call.

Yang Jiali comforted Li Da and Wang Yang: "You two rest assured, they absolutely have no good fruit to eat."

Wang Yang nodded to Yang Jiali, his eyes wet: "Brother Yang, thank you."

Yang Jiali accompanied them for a long time, until Ye Ting came in to urge him, and then he finally gave a few words and followed Ye Ting away. Li Er glanced at his elder brother and Wang Yang, and sensibly withdrew from the ward, and closed the door by the way.

When the ward finally returned to quiet, Li Da quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Yang carefully wiped Li Da's face, lowered his head, and said with some guilt: "I'm sorry, in the end, I still bother you."

Li Da was anxious: "What is not involved, always say such strange things to do."

Seeing that Wang Yang bowed his head and did not speak, Li Da added: "I will help you and protect your father and son, that is my willingness." It's not your fault if you're beaten today, and even if I do it again, I'll be next to it. <

Wang Yang silently raised his head, and blood was already gushing out of his eyes.

Wang Xun was still lying in Li Da's arms and refused to move, wang Yang sighed and reached out to hold him.

Wang Xun used to listen to Wang Yang's words very much, but now he unusually clasped Li Da's waist and refused to move, and Wang Yang couldn't drag it.

Wang Yang frowned: "Wang Xun, obedient."

Wang Xun raised his head from Li Da's arms, his small face was full of tears, and he twitched and said, "No pain, no pain..."

Li Da saw the tear stains on his face, and he wiped him with his sleeve and comforted: "It doesn't hurt, uncle really doesn't hurt, Wang Xun is a man, don't cry."

Wang Yang held out his hand to him and said, "Wang Xun, come to Daddy."

Wang Xun shook his head, his voice still trembling with tears, looked at Li Da, and said, "It's also Daddy, it's also Daddy."

Li Da understood Wang Xun's words and was slightly stunned.

Wang Yang also stayed for a few seconds, and then calmly laughed and said, "Wang Xun is actually quite sensitive. Whoever is really good to him, he will call whoever dad, you don't mind.

Li Da looked at Wang Xun's little crying face and thought to himself, I don't mind, I am happy.

He touched Wang Xun's head and kissed him comfortingly: "Don't cry, Wang Xun doesn't cry, and if you cry again, you will become a little flower cat."

Seeing that Wang Xun was still sobbing, Li Da's strong arm supported Wang Xun's arm socket, lifted him up and put him down, like a humble teasing Wang Xun, Wang Xun was scared at first and screamed, and not long after, he was really teased by Li Da and laughed.

Wang Yang saw this scene from the side, his breathing quietly tightened, and his emotions in his heart were somewhat complicated.

Li Da teased Wang Xun and let him lie down beside him again. Wang Xun was really tired, and only then did he hold on to his spirits, and now he understood that Li Da was fine, relaxed, and fell asleep before long.

Wang Yang helped him cover the quilt.

The ward fell silent again, and Li Da secretly looked at Wang Yang several times, but did not open his mouth.

Wang Yang sat on the edge of Li's big bed for a while, and suddenly cried out: "Brother Cheng Rong."

Li Dachun raised his head like a spring, and his eyes lit up, as if he was expecting Something Wang Yang to say to him.

Wang Yang said calmly: "During this time, thanks to your care, Wang Xun and I are much happier and smoother than before, and I am very grateful to you." But I have a question in my heart for a long time, and I haven't had time to ask you.

"You say."

Wang Yang took a deep breath and looked into Li Da's black eyes: "Why are you so good to me and Wang Xun?"

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