chapter 175 aberration

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on the night of the earthquake, both wang yang and xiao ye had an accident.

wang yang was hit on the head by a falling object and needed suture surgery.

xiao ye's situation was more serious, at the moment of the collapse of the mountain, in order to protect zhao xianghai and his daughter, he protected the person under his body, and he was smashed by the falling mountain stone and his back was blurred with blood and flesh, and he was directly sent to the operating room for rescue.

that night, yang jiali and ye ting had a very chaotic night.

the two of them ran to the two hospitals until wang yang lay down safely in the ward, and although xiao ye was not awake, he was not in danger of life for the time being, they could not relax their minds.

yang jiali comforted zhao xianghai and dragged his tired body out of the hospital.

ye ting just drove the car over, saw yang jiali, and was busy stuffing a cup of hot milk similu in the palm of his hand, stroking yang jiali's head: "tired."

yang jiali nodded and took a few sips of his hot drink.

he looked up and said, "i still feel like a dream, wang yang and xiao... mr. xiao, the good end is... the first time i experienced an earthquake, it was horrible.

ye ting hugged yang jiali over, kissed him lightly on the forehead, and comforted: "it's all right, it's all right."

when yang jiali calmed down, ye ting took his hand, carefully examined it again, and asked worriedly: "are you really not hurt, if there is any discomfort, you must tell me, you don't worry about me." c

yang jiali pulled open his sleeve: "i'm lucky, only my arm sniffed a little, red, other places are really fine." you've checked it a few times, how can it be so annoying. <

ye ting sighed, "i'm afraid."

yang jiali snorted, "you also have something to be afraid of."

ye ting nodded solemnly, "of course." i'm not afraid of anything else, except that you're sick and hurt. i'd rather hurt myself than make you feel bad even a little. you don't know, i called you, and when you didn't answer, my legs were soft... it's okay, you're okay, it's okay.

yang jiali lowered his head for half a day, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and kicked ye ting's leg.

ye ting was aggrieved: "what's the matter?"

yang jiali forcibly fiercely scolded: "whoever makes you frizzy will race over." the scene is so chaotic, the rescue team is still on the road, but you have the courage to rush directly to the disaster area.

ye ting took yang jiali over and said sullenly, "... my soul is going to be scared away, even if i have to take care of this.

yang jiali sighed and tugged at ye ting's ear: "next time you can't be so impulsive."

ye ting nodded and shook his head again: "there is no next time." in the early hours of

the morning, the two people returned home exhausted, naturally not in the mood to do it, and hugged and slept deeply all night.

the next day, when yang jiali went to see zhao xianghai again, he saw him holding a piece of letter paper, his whole eyes were red, and he didn't know whether it was boiling or tears.

yang jiali had never seen him become like this. <

yang jiali sat next to him, for the first time let this man who had always been polite and peaceful rely on himself, and after hearing that xiao ye was still in the observation period, even if he had survived, he would be in a coma for a long time, and swallowed his throat with difficulty, patted zhao xianghai's back, and gently comforted.

on the third day, wang yang woke up.

yang jiali went to his hospital room.

ye ting knew that yang jiali was worried, and silently asked several well-known experts to organize consultations.

several experts looked at wang yang's situation and determined the treatment plan for the wound, a director surnamed li was particularly careful, entered the ward and woke up wang yang face to face for a long time, after coming out, found yang jiali and ye ting, the face was slightly heavy.

yang jiali's heart jumped and he asked, "what's wrong with him?"


li said: "i have seen his smashing injuries, and the problem is not big." however, i think it is best to find a psychiatrist to show him again, i look... wrong.

yang jiali frowned and looked at ye ting.

ye ting quietly squeezed yang jiali's hand and said in a deep voice, "he has had mental problems before, but he has been treated and his condition has improved, do you think his condition has recurred?"


li said: "i am not sure about this, i have to ask someone who specializes in spirit to see."

yang jiali thanked him, and after sending director li away, he leaned over to the window and looked at him, turned his head to ye ting, and said, "it is indeed not quite right to look at it." it used to be just cowardly, but now the whole person seems to have no soul, and doesn't look at people, even more than i used to..."

when ye ting heard yang jiali mention the previous time, his heart hurt like a pinprick.

he frowned and looked at wang yang in the ward, his expression was sluggish, his eyes were unfocused, and he did not move for half a day.

ye ting sighed and went to the corner to make a call.

that night, wang yang was transferred to another hospital.

li da li er heard about wang yang's situation and rushed from home.

li da rushed the fastest, found yang jiali waiting at the door of the clinic, and breathlessly asked: "what's going on, what did the doctor say?"

yang jiali raised his chin: "it hasn't come out yet."

lee swallowed the knot in his throat and nodded his head hard.

the doctor came out of the examination room after half an hour, gently closed the door, and his face was very bad. he looked at the people in the circle outside the door, looked at the medical records, and asked, "who is the family?" the

scene froze for two seconds, and li dayi raised his hand without hesitation: "i am." the

doctor looked at him strangely: "what relationship?" li dayi

was awe-struck: "i am his brother." li

er scratched his head and looked at li da, and yang jiali seemed to see a question mark on his head.

the doctor sighed, "you come in with me, i have something to say."

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