chapter 108 punishment

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yang jiali looked at the divorce application and flashed three thoughts.

the first thought that crossed my mind: you fucking bully me again, don't you suck english?

this thought disappeared, and he looked at the thin divorce application in his hand, and his heart suddenly softened and hesitated.

he actually didn't doubt ye ting's feelings for him.

he could even imagine how uncomfortable ye ting felt when he carefully put the divorce application that had signed him into the paper box and handed it to him.

yang jiali's fingers trembled slightly, and he was stunned for half a day at zhang's divorce application.

when he came back to god, a third year flashed through his mind: this would not be one of ye ting's routines again, and it would be a strategy within his plan.

thinking of this possibility, yang jiali's heart burst with anger.

his heart was soft at that moment, maybe it was ye ting's calculated reaction.

thinking of this, yang jiali was not angry, patted the table and stood up, paced back and forth in the room, and hummed coldly while pacing: "mad dog, i really think i don't dare to divorce, i don't want to sign it..."

he drew a pen from the side and pulled out the lid.

the tip of the pen touched the paper, and yang jiali froze for a moment, gritted his teeth, and signed his name.

it's just that the writing is crooked, and you can see that my hands are shaking when i write.

yang jiali threw his pen aside, looked at the signed divorce application, and just began to sneer and feel relieved, thinking that this time he finally did not follow the calculated path of surname ye, and finally he could make him fall glasses once.

but the more he looked, the more disturbed he became.

at the end, he frowned, shoved the divorce application into the table bucket, and irritably went into the bathroom to take a shower.

after taking a bath, he lay down on the bed, looking at the ceiling, which was cut into two pieces of light and dark by the light coming in from the window, and his fingers unconsciously caressed the wedding ring that was still on the base of his fingers under the quilt, and his thoughts were heavy.

the pointer ticks to point to a point.

yang jiali's mind was full of chaotic thoughts, it was difficult to sleep, he grabbed his hair and sat up.

he got out of bed, sighed, and walked out of the bedroom, trying to pour himself a glass of milk to drink.

as soon as he entered the living room, he heard a slight whining sound coming from the side.

it's little yellow.

yang jiali frowned, walked over, sat cross-legged next to the kennel, looked at xiao huang's round eyes that were still open, and smiled: "it's so late, why don't you sleep?" "

xiao huang did not shout loudly, probably afraid of waking up ah fu, who was sleeping not far away.

it slowly moved its body over and quietly leaned its small head against yang jiali's leg.

yang jiali was stunned and reached out his hand to stroke its head.

yang jiali lowered his head, sighed, and said softly, "actually... you miss him a lot, too. "

xiao huang shook his tail, and he didn't know if he understood.

"ah fu ming is what i picked up, took it to the veterinarian to feed it cat food, the result is good, now it follows you, in the afternoon it lies at the door and waits for people, even i rarely have this kind of treatment, it really has no heart." 」

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