"I understand, but I'm worried that something will happen."

"Kurt, nothing is going to happen. Worse comes to worst, I give birth in the van."

"Yeah, nope, not doing that," He stood up. 

"It's not like you'd be the one giving birth!"

"Ruby, none of us would know how to help you give birth."

I groaned. There was no way that I could convince him. 

"I'm not going to give birth this early, Kurt," I muttered. 

He sighed and handed Frances to me without saying a word and walked upstairs. I looked down at her and saw how fragile she was-it was precious. I always wondered if her and I would get along when she would be older. Would it be the typical stepdaughter-stepmother fiasco? Or would Courtney do something to lose custody and I take care of her? Frances deserved a better mother. 

I just wanted my baby to come out already. Kurt and I hadn't even had a baby shower, no gender reveal, nothing-we didn't know the gender. He was so busy and constantly working on Nirvana's new album while I took care of Lorelai and cleaned up the house. He wasn't even noticing. And was he ever going to propose to me? Were we just going to stay boyfriend and girlfriend forever? That's even if we stayed together forever. 

 The doorbell rang and there were footsteps rushing down the stairs. 

"Lorelai!" I covered Frances' ears and scooted my neck as far as I could. I didn't want her opening up the door. Who was even there?

"I'm right here, Mommy," Lorelai walked up to me, but the front door was still opening. 

"You were in the bathroom for a long time; are you okay?"

"I went poo-poo."

I smiled and saw Kurt appear and walk over to me. He took Frances from me. 

"There's something for you at the door," He said. 

"Can you grab it?"

"No, go get it."


"Ruby!" He mocked me. 

I stood up very cautiously, my legs starting to shake, and I walked to the front door and saw my parents standing there. I screamed and they saw me and immediately stared at my stomach. I had forgotten that they hadn't seen me that big since when I was younger. 

"You're so big!" My mom hugged me. 

"Thanks," I groaned. 

"You're not fat, just big," She  let go of me, letting my dad hug me. 

"I didn't know you guys were coming," I was surprised by their arrival. 

"Kurt orchestrated this."

"He what?!"

"He helped us pay for our ticket to fly here," My dad explained. 

"That's why he wanted me to open the door," I whispered to myself. 

God I was lucky. 

"Let's go sit!" My mother urged us to sit down. 

I saw Kurt and I hugged him and kissed his forehead, thanking him for what he did. 

"Grandma!" Lorelai ran to my parents and hugged them. 

"You're getting so big!" My mom picked Lorelai up. "Stop growing!"

I sat down next to Kurt and my mom's eyes lit up as soon as she saw Frances. 

"Is that yours?" She asked Kurt .

"Yes," He smiled. 

"Can I hold her?"

He didn't reply. Instead, he stood up and she sat down in his place and he carefully set Frances down in her arms. 

"Be car-" Kurt was cut off by the doorbell ringing. 

"Is that Courtney?" I asked him. 

Kurt didn't respond knowing how I would react. He took Frances from my mom and put her in the carseat. 

"I'll be right back," He said, walking away. 

"Who's Cour-Oh, nevermind," My dad said. 


"So, we have some news!" My mom hollered, clearly having too much to drink. 

"Mom, shh, Lorelai's sleeping," I chuckled. 

"You need to sit down," My dad pulled my mother onto the couch. "We have some news."

"I can tell."

"We bought a house here."


"We bought a house here. In Washington. It's not that far from here."


"A couple weeks ago. We're here because we've finally moved in."

I hugged both of my parents tightly. I'd finally be able to get as close to them as I had always hoped to. My parents and I were never close with each other and that had always bothered me. I don't remember when I lived in the same state as them...it had been so long. They moved to Florida a couple weeks before Robert died. 

"Hey," Kurt rubbed my back. "You alright?"

"Yeah," I nodded my head. 

"Listen, I'm going to talk to Dave about the Reading Festival, okay?"

My eyes lit up and I smiled. "You will?"

"Yeah. I'm really nervous about it and I want you to be there."

"I'll be there. I'll always be there for you. Always."

It's Better to Burn Out than Fade Away-Kurt CobainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora