"I was kidding," He said. 

"No, no, it's fine."

"Come in."


"Come in with me. Go close our door and come in with me."

I got undressed as I walked over to our door and shut it. By the time I walked into our bathroom, I was fully naked. I stepped in and Kurt looked at me. 

"You're perfect, Ruby," He told me. 

I scrubbed the vomit off of the sides of his mouth. "I'm going to take care of you, okay?"

He started tearing up. "I'm sorry, Ruby. You don't deserve this shit."

"I don't. But neither do you."

"My stomach's been worse."

"Then let's schedule an appointment today."

"They're not going to do anything. We already went!"

"Then we'll go again. We'll go to fucking Russia if we have to just to find out what's wrong with you." Then, a bed thought crept into my mind. "Kurt. Are you using again?


"You promise?"

"I promise."


"God, I need to get my hair cut," I observed as we all played poker. 

Krist and Dave were losing, and Shelli was doing worse than I while Kurt was just ahead of us all. The worst part was that he wasn't even trying. 

"You're a disgrace," I said as he won another round. 

I wasn't really able to enjoy it-my head was pounding. 

"Kurt?" I whined. 


"Can you massage my feet?"

"The fuck? Ruby, I'm playing poker."

"Kurt, please?"

"Kurt, she's pregnant!" Shelli helped me. 

"Yeah, Kurt, help her!" Krist added on. 

"Krist, massage my feet."


I laid my feet over Kurt's lap and wiggled my toes. "Listen, we all know about your foot fetish. Embrace it."

He rolled his eyes and put down his cards. "Sorry fellas, I'm attending to my woman."

He massaged my feet as Dave and Shelli cleaned up the poker mess. Krist just continued to drink. I didn't even like getting my feet massaged-I was too ticklish. As soon as his cold, fragile fingers grazed the tip of my toes, I giggled and pulled away. 

"What is your problem?" Krist glared at me. 

I looked at Dave and he was already smiling at me, thinking about when we were younger. 

"Don't you even think about it!" I chuckled as he walked over to me, ready to tickle my feet. 

When we were in high school, I was always known as the ticklish person. Everytime someone would accidentally brush their fingers against any bare part of my skin, I would giggle. Dave would take advantage of that and tickle me every chance he got. Obviously it's not as bad as it was before, but it was still really bad. 

"Alright, that's enough," A jealous Kurt said, pulling Dave away. 

"Someone's jealous," Shelli said in a sing-songy voice. 

I rolled my eyes; she was not helping.

"I think we're going to get going," Dave abruptly said. "Come on, guys."

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

"Home. It's getting late."

"It's only-" I realized that I should just stop talking. There was no convincing them. 

I stood up and walked them out, but Dave didn't even give me a hug. I wasn't going to let him go without giving me a hug or saying anything. What if he died tomorrow? I asked him what was going on, but he wouldn't tell me. 

He sighed. "Kurt's been on my ass lately about how 'friendly' I've been with you."

"Wait. You mean-"

"He thinks I have feelings for you."

I scoffed. "If anyone would cheat, it would be him." I covered my mouth. "Don't tell him I said that."

"Wasn't planning on it," He hugged me. "Bye, Ruby."

"Bye Dave. Drive safe."

I shut the door and walked up to our bedroom. 

"Hey, lay off of Dave," I told Kurt. 

"He needs to lay off of you," He said as we both turned off the lights and climbed into bed. 

"You're just jealous."

"I'm an easily jealous person."

"Don't take it out on others. Just don't be a dick to him."

"I'll try not to."

It's Better to Burn Out than Fade Away-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now