Part One Hundred and Fifty Nine

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"Oh for fuck sake!" I hissed before breathing my way through another contraction.

"Just breathe babe." Aston said calmly as I gripped his hand tight.

"12 hours, you must be uncomfortable." The midwife said sympathetically as she wrote some stuff down on her clip board.

"Just a little." I smiled weakly as I laid myself back down once the contraction passed.

"Well let's see, you're about-"

"Please say I'm close to ten." I whined as Aston sat himself on the edge of the bed.

"I'm afraid not, you're only about four centimetres."

"For the love of God!" I sighed, smacking my hands on the bed.

"That can't be right, she's been like this for hours," Aston said as he rested his hand on top of mine, rubbing it soothingly with his thumb. "Are you sure it's only four?"

"I'm positive. It's just a waiting game I'm afraid, don't worry you're doing great." The midwife smiled before leaving us alone.

"I'm done with this, you've gotta do something!" I sighed as Aston looked back at me.

"Like what? I can't do anything babe, you heard her it's just a waiting game." He shrugged, bringing my hand up to his lips before kissing it gently.

"Well I'm not waiting. You get down there and pull those kids out! It's only four centimetres, that's big enough right?"

"Luce four centimetres is like this big," He told me, using his fingers to demonstrate. "Listen, I'll call my parents, Mark and Rachel to see if they want to come and visit."

"Okay, but will you bring me back a cookie?" I asked as Aston dug his phone out of the bag.

"Sure, anything else?"

"Ooh a magazine if they have any."

"Alright, I'll be back before the next contraction." He said, pressing a kiss against my head.

"You better be or that cookie's going somewhere unpleasant."

"These hormones stop once you've given birth right?"

"Go!" I said as Aston jumped away from the bed to avoid a slap.

12 hours to be in labour so isn't fun and I've got a feeling it's not going to be over for a few more hours. Me and Ast are both getting frustrated by the hour, we're so close to having our babies but so far away.

Aston said he'll be back before my next contraction and they come every fifteen minutes, but he decided to stroll through the door half way through my second contraction since he left.

"Get your arse over here!" I said through gritted teeth as I clutched the bed sheets.

"Okay okay, just breathe, breathe, there you go." Aston smiled, leaving the plastic bag on the end of the bed.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked, sitting back and rubbing my stomach.

"Well I-"

"Did you get my cookie?"

"Course, here," He said as he passed me my cookie in a paper bag. "Anyway, I called everyone but my mum and dad can't come down because they're at work, they said that they'll come down once they're born."

"What about Mark and Rachel?"

"They pretty much said the same thing, I'll text all of them once they get here."

"If they get here." I sighed, putting the paper bag on the side table.

"Course they're gonna get here," Aston tutted, sitting on the edge of the bed as he rested his hand on my stomach. "You know what I think? I think you've made such a great home for them these last nine months that they just don't want to leave."

"Ast I'm already married to you and having your babies, you don't need to butter me up."

"Hey I'm just trying to make you feel better."

"You know what'll really make me feel better-"

"I'm not pulling the babies out."

"Fine." I huffed as Aston sat there laughing at me.

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