Not Afraid

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I awake up and head into the livingroom to see

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I awake up and head into the livingroom to see... Clay with Katie
"Clay...Oh, my God."
"Hi, Blake." Katie smirks at me vicariously.
"W-what is she doing here? Clay, s-she tried to kill us!"
"I've got an idea, babe. Why don't we eat her brains? On the count of two?"
"On the count of two." Katie pecks his cheek as the began to advance towards me.  Without thinking I head towards the door and ran out to only end up in Nathan and Haley's house.

"Tommy, Nathan, you have to help me. Clay is dead, and he's trying to kill me." I cry as I walk towards the duo playing video games.
"Clay's not dead. Not yet. I'll just give him one of my kidneys, and he'll be fine. It's not a match, but he can have it if he wants." Nathan shrugs as he looks at me.
"Or he can have mine. I don't need it anymore." Tommy says, his eyes turning black.
"What the fuck?!" I scream running up the stairs to see Kameron and Haley.
"Oh, my God. Haley! Kameron! Haley!"
"Guys! We have to go now!"
"It's too late. Nathan already bit us."

"Oh, my God."

"I think it's only a matter of time before we become a vampire, too." Kameron says with a shrug.
"You mean zombie?" I wonder as I tilt my head.

"I'm pretty sure he's a vampire." Haley backs up Kameron.
"Okay, look, it's kind of weird to be fighting about this, but he's definitely a zombie."
"We'll just agree to disagree, okay?! Listen to me! You have to take the kids."
I turn my head as James, Merida, Killian and the twins come in.
"You're the only one that can protect them now... From the vampires."

"Damn it, Haley --"
My words are cut short as the two turn into vampires.
"No! Oh, my God! Oh! No, no, no, no! Aah! Oh, my God, no!"

The kids and I  arrive at Clothes over Bros to  see Brooke, Jack and Julian fighting against zombies.
"You guys okay?"I exclaim as Kayson ran to Jack.

"We're fine."

"Blake, toss me that bat." Julian instructs as I do so.
"I will not let these vampire bridesmaids ruin our wedding." Brooke declares loudly as she hugs Killian and Keith.
"They're zombies! Are you kidding me?! Do you not see how slow they're moving?! Yeah!" I all but yell in frustration.
"Nice shot. Don't look at the dress!" Brooke states to Julian.
"I'm sorry! I didn't see it!"
"Blake! Take the kids and get out of here!"
I nod as I turn back to the kids to see them already vampires before they're throwing themselves on top of me.

I wake up with a start before calming my heart beat. What a wierd ass dream.

"Hey, handsome. I need a drink stat."
I was dressed at Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter as I make my way to Chase.
"Well hello there, Professor." He jokes as he hands me a drink, "what's the rush with a drink? You okay?"
"Yeah I just haven't been sleeping well and I'm a little on edge about going trick or treating tonight."
"I'm sorry I can't be there but you guys are having a group costume right?" 
"Yeah, James is Draco, his friend Maddison is Harmione. Keith is Harry, Kayson is Luna Lovegood, Merida is Ginny Weasley, Killian wanted to be Voldemort, Kam is Remus, Jack is Lucious and Tommy is snape, Mikey is Sirius and Quinny is going to be Fleur."
"And Clay?"
"Well I tried to talk him into being Hagrid but he says costumes aren't his thing."
"Of it makes you feel any better I'm not dressing up either. " Chase offers with a small smile.
"It doesn't. We couldn't have used you as someone."
"Ah don't miss me too much babes."
"Bite me Chase."
"I mean if you insist."

"Hey, guys. You ready to go?" Nate asks as he and Mikey enter the house.



"Ooh! Look! You guys look so great in your costumes! Especially you, Chuck. Thanks for not wearing the creepy clown mask." Haley makes a face at the boy.

"I couldn't. My dad needed it tonight."

"Oh. Well... I wish I hadn't brought it up."

"Hey. Where's your costume?" Killian looks at Nathan.

"What is my costume?" My brother glances at his wife.

"Um, I don't know yet. I'm gonna go shopping with Brooke right now."

"Great. Do me a favor. Don't get us one of those embarrassing couples costumes."
"Do me a favor and please get you guys one." I all but beg making Nathan elbow me.

"Oh. I love them." Haley's sighs.

"Seriously?" Mikey makes a face.

"No. Couple costumes suck."

"Hello beautiful."
I smile as Clay walks up beside me. We were getting ready to take the kids trick or treating.
"You came.... even if you are wearing plain clothes." I shudder, my eyes glancing around.
"You okay?"
"Um yeah."
"Tell me."
"I'm just on edge. All these people in masks.... I just feel  anxious."
"Nothing is going to happen. We're all okay. I promise."

"Hey man, what're you supposed to be?" Clay asks Chase as the two of us walk to the bar.
"I'm dressed as a guy who keeps getting dumped." The man deapans, "what are you Clay?"
"A male model, duh."
"Chase. I think you need to rethink your costume bubs."
"I think it fits." He shrugs.
"At least you're hot." Clay tries to cheer the man up a little.
"Thanks. So, when's Luke moving back?"
"Less than a month. Can you believe it?" I grin widely.
"I'm happy for you, boo."
"I'm gonna get you laid tonight." I admonish as Clay raises a brow.
"Excuse me?"
"Chase is sad and lonely and hot as fuck. We are gonna be your wing men." I shrug with a smirk.
"No no no. No no. Not doing that." Chase shook his head before walking away as Mouth and Nate walks up to us.
"Well damn."
"Did you ask him?" Mouth looks at me before looking at Nate and Clay.
"Not yet. I'm getting there." I say as Chase comes back.
"Ask me what?" Clay and Nate ask together.
"You ever high-five Julian?"
"What kind of question is that?" Clay scoffs playfully.
"A straightforward yes-or-no question." Chase shrugs, giving me a soda.
"You either have or you haven't." Mouth deadpans.
"No. No, I've never high-fived Julian. Why? Have you guys high-fived him?" Nathan wonders.
"I was the first. It happened the other day. And based on my experience, I told Chase he should instigate one, as well." Mouth explains pointing at the other man.
"And I did, to which I told Blake, obviously."
"And are we missing something?" Clay asks with a raised brow.
"You got to do it, guys." I assure them excitedly.
"He's standing right over there. Now's your chance."
"Are you guys being serious?" Clay asks as he looks at my brother.
"Yeah. If you don't, you'll always wonder."
The two walk over to Julian as Mouth and Chase try to hold in their giggles.

Clays mouth falls open as he watches Julian

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Clays mouth falls open as he watches Julian.
"Totally worth it."

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