Crying Won't Help You Now

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"I brought you some lunch Nate

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"I brought you some lunch Nate. I also wanted to talk to you.'' I say, walking up to my brother as he shot baskets at the Rivercourt.

''Awesome I'm starved.''

My brother and I sat on the bleachers as we dug into the burgers I picked up.

''Is he really dying?'' I asked, glancing at my brother.

''That's what he told me. Six months to live if he doesn't get a heart transplant..''

''He said he left me and the twins a bunch of money.''

''Yeah, actually, almost 2.5 million.''

''Holy shit.''

''Yeah, he left me the beach house and some other things.''

''I know he's done a lot of horrible things... the worst things. But I'm afraid Keith will resent me for not letting him in his life, you know? Kayson could care less for Dan, but she's always going to be with her brother.''

''I feel the same way but we can't let him around the kids, okay? If he dies he dies.''

''Karma really is a bitch, isn't it?'' I joke as Nate laughs, getting up to shoot his ball.

''You'll get it back again, trust me.''

''What are you doing here, Dan?'' I ask, walking over to my brother.

''Nate, you told me in the gym you weren't trying to come back, and I know you are... it's what I would do.''

''It's not a comeback.'' Nathan sighed, resting his hands on his hips.

''Sure. You know, Nathan, you may just have to face the fact that you'll never be the same player you once were, but that doesn't mean you still won't be a great player. You just have to learn how to play differently... Reinvent yourself. The best players always find a way. Okay, try it again, but slow it down a tad.''

''Stop it! ''

''Stop what?''

''Following me. Trying to see Jamie and the twins. This... all of it. Dan, we don't care that you're dying, okay? This isn't happening. We're done here.'' Nate snaps, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.

''Nathan, don't hate me because I'm proud of your accomplishments. Take it from someone who knows. You don't want to live a life of regret. It's not too late. You can have your dream. You just have to really want it.''

Nathan throws the basketball toward Dan, ''Stop it! Okay, you don't get it, do you?! Just stop it... all of it! And leave my family alone!''


My head turns toward Dan as I stopped walking, ''What?''

''Watch out for your brother.''

''I always do.''

''I would really like for Keith and Kayson to see their grandfather.''

''As far as I'm concerned, you put a bullet in their grandfather Dan. So just fuck off.''

''Hey Mikey?''


I was at the bakery with Mike, who had the day off from his other job.

''If you could meet your mother, would you?''

You see Mikey's mother left him alone with is dad when he was six.

''I think so... i heard that when Peyton met her mother, it changed her life. Why do you ask?''

''Keithy and Jamie want to see Dan more.... and Dan told us he was dying.

''Shit do your brothers know?''

''Yeah, what if I'm making a mistake at not letting my kids see him, before he dies and they hate me? God, maybe I should talk to Haley, I know she's having doubts about keeping Jamie from him now.''

''It's like this, my mom left me over fifteen years ago. I would love to see her again, ask her why she left. And though my mother left me, she wasn't Dan Scott.''

I nodded my head, Mikey had a point.... why did my father have to be Dan?

I sat with my brothers and Haley around the kitchen table as the twins played the wii with Skills and Jamie.

''It's true. Dan's dying. Without a transplant, he's got six months.'' Luke stated, eyes switching between us.

''And you're sure?'' My sister in law frowned a bit.

''I spoke with the cardiologist.''

''So, what are we gonna do?''

''Nothing. In six months, Dan's out of our lives once and for all. It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Maybe that makes me the one with the bad heart, but I say... good riddance.''

''I'm all for Dan not being in our lives... but Keith and Jamie really want to see him and Kayson doesn't say it but I think she does too.... So are we really to do nothing and risk our children hating us for not letting them see their grandfather?'' I asked, eyes sliding over my brothers, stopping at Haley.

''You aren't seriously thinking about letting him around the kids are you Blake? He killed Keith.''

Luke looks at me with disgust as I shook my head, ''You're right. All this tiredness must be getting to me.''

I sat on my couch once the kids were fast asleep in their beds. Nathan had just called me and told me what Dan said to him... About him trying to hang himself in jail and how all he wants to do is see the kids.

''Tough day?''
Lifting my head up I smile at Tommy.

''What are you doing here?''

''You never came back to work after lunch... Are you okay?''

''Not really.''

Tommy gave me a small smile as he wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

''Tell me what happened.''

''Dan's dying.''

''Shit really?''

''Yeah and Nate told me that Dan tried to hang himself in jail....'''


''Yeah, and he wants to see the kids... Nathan said no, but i know him, he'll end up letting James see Dan.'

''What are you going to do?''

''i'm sure once my little brother relents than i will too, but as of now.... I can't. I'd feel like I'm betraying my mom and Uncle Keith.. Keith should be here, he should be the one they call grandpa, not Dan.''

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