Who Will Survive and What Will be Left of Them

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I had gotten a sitter for the twins, for today was Uncle Keith's funeral

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I had gotten a sitter for the twins, for today was Uncle Keith's funeral. I wasn't ready to go, this funeral is going to make him being dead finalized. So here I was, standing in front of Keith's coffin with my mom, twin and Kam. I couldn't stand seeing my mom with a broken heart, knowing the love of her life was gone forever.

''I don't want to socialize. I want to stay in here with my babies.'' I state, glaring at Kam and Danny who were trying to get me to come down stairs for the wake.

''B. A lot of people are down there wanting to check up on you and your family. Plus don't you think having babies around will cheer people up?'' Kam asked.

''Like your mom for example.'' Danny adds.

I narrow my eyes before sighing in defeat.


''Welcome back, students. Today, as we return to our school with heavy hearts, you will note some changes. A the entrance to our school, you will see metal detectors. They are here for you safety. You will see an armed police presence on campus. They are here for your well-being. We can try to make the school safer. We can try to protect you. But there are few precautions that we can take to protect your hearts.''

Kam and I were walking behind Luke and Brooke as we came across Mouth putting a microphone in front of Jimmy's locker.

''Is that a shrine to the boy who killed our Uncle?'' I hiss, my anger bubbling.

''B, you know how Mouth is. He feels like if he was there for Jimmy none of this would have happen.''

I rolled my eyes before nodding.


I walked over and gave a flower vase a kick, causing it to fly across the hall as Luke came and teared down Jimmys picture.

''I thought you went to that party at school.'' I stated, taking a seat on Luke's bed, having just put the kids to sleep.

''I did... I didn't feel right. Partying after someone died.''

''Do you think what happened with Jimmy is our fault?'' I whispered, causing my twin to look at me.

''No... I don't know. We didn't know things had gotten so bad. Honestly I can't even remember the last time we had all hung out.''

''I do. It was after a game. Our little group was at the River court. Mouth and Jim were announcing.... Then it's like he disappeared. We didn't even notice Luke.. How did we not notice?''

Before Luke could answer Skills came through the door.

''What's up, my brother, sista?'' Skills said, taking a seat beside me.


''So, listen, the guys talked and decided. We're not gonna go to Jimmy's funeral tomorrow. I mean, Mouth's kind of tore up about it, but we all loved Keith. It just don't seem right.''

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