Deep Ocean, Vast Sea

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"So do you think I have a real shot with Quinn?" Tommy whispers as we look through paper work

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"So do you think I have a real shot with Quinn?" Tommy whispers as we look through paper work.
"You two have spent the last few months seeing each other."
"I know. I want to ask her to officially be my girlfriend."
Eyes widening I grin at him, "you do know this is a HUGE deal, right?"
"What? Why?"
"You haven't had a steady girlfriend since.... me I think."
"Not true. There was Mary."
"Contrary Mary doesn't count. You dated for five weeks and she stalked you for months afterwards."
"Thats very true."
"But you and Quinn? That's a no brainer dude. Ask her!"

"This situation's like a war, Nate. We're gonna lose a few battles." Clay assures my brother as I pass out coffee.

"Just stop with the metaphors and tell me what the hell happened this morning."
"Simile. What? Similes use "like" or "as"... "like a war." Haley rambles sniffing the coffee.
"Guys. We lost the rainstorm body spray campaign, And it looks like the shoe deal's going away."
"What?" I gape, glancing at Nathan.

"This is unbelievable." Nathan scoffs frustratedly.

"I know it feels like the sky is falling, but when something like this goes down, marketing executives distance themselves to protect their brands. All right, almost always, they come back as soon as the air clears."

""Almost always"?"

"Look, we knew there was a risk when we decided not to deal with Renee, but it has become a bit of an issue with the Bobcats."

"They don't want him back?" I whisper sadly.

"No, he is far too talented for that, but they're using it to their advantage, and negotiations have slowed. Again, like I said, we expected this. More importantly, Nate, the whole agency's on this, all right? Everybody respects your decision to fight this, and we've got your back. You just got to have some faith in us... and in each other."

"Clay. He's gonna have a career when this is over, right?" Haley asks, hand clutching mine.

"Haley, I'm not gonna let anything happen to him."

"Because you didn't see how dark he got the first time."
"Hales." I give her a look.
"Look, this is a staring contest. Our best chance at having her blink first is if the press gets tired of this and nobody makes this story any bigger than it already is."

"You okay?" I ask Clay as the two of us walk to our vehicles.
"I'm trying to keep all our heads above water. I don't know how any of this is going to end." Clay huffs.
"Hey. You're doing your job the best you can. This is a huge ass mess and we all know you're doing what you can."
Clay smiles lightly at me, "I'll see you later?"
"Yeah. Or we can hang out now?"
"Even better."

"So let's really talk about it, Clay." I state as we settle onto the beach.
"There's just so much riding on it. Blake, I'm not in Tree Hill for a vacation. A while back, I went off the rails a bit... emotionally, and... luckily I had earned enough capital with the agency that they didn't fire me. They just scaled back my client roster and suggested I spend the summer here... pull myself together."

"And then Nathan's scandal happened. So the calm, cool exterior..."

"... is kind of a lie."

"Just when I was beginning to wonder if we had anything in common." I joke with a smile.

"Blake, I shouldn't be here. Nathan doesn't want us hanging out, and I, uh, I have to respect that."

"No, look, Clay..."

"I'm sorry. Uh, thank you for this. I mean that. You're really great."

"Stick around. You think you and I not being together is going to change anything? I can wait for you because I haven't felt this way in a long ass time. But I can't wait forever and I won't let Nathan dictate who I see."

"He DEADASS said he couldn't see me cause of Nathan!" I exclaims as Kam, Quinn and I watch the kids play at the park.
"Are you serious?" Quinn winkles her nose.
"Look, I understand that Clay doesn't want to mix his business life with his personal but he probably should've said something before he put his dick in you." Kam shrugs watching as Killian pushes Kayson on the swing.
"Exactly! Like I'm a grown ass woman I can see who I want. Maybe I should've just stuck with Chase." I frown.
"Girl please. I love Chase but the man isn't emotionally mature to be with you let alone play step daddy." Kameron adds.
"But god was he good with his mouth." I sigh with a dopey smile.
"He looks like he would be." Quinn nods with a smirk.
"No but seriously I understand him though. Like I get he wants to do his job and stuff." I gave in, "I just wish he didn't choose."

"Don't. It's the press. They've been calling all day." Nate says to Quinn as she goes to answer his phone.
"beat it, nerds."
"You're welcome." She nods before shooting me a look.
"And as a favor, it would be great if you wouldn't give Clay such a hard time about hanging out with me. I'm not a child anymore, Nathan." I comment, crossing my arms.

"Are you sure about that?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know. Running away from your problems just doesn't seem very adult."

"Says the guy who's afraid to answer the damn telephone!" I exclaim.

"Look... if you want to sleep around, I'm sure there's plenty of guys in Tree Hill who aren't responsible for my career that could probably help you out with that."

Quinn's eyes shoot from my brother to me before she stuffed a slice of bread into hee mouth.
"You ever hear the one about people who live in glass houses?" I ask my little brother.

"Yeah, I have. And if you don't like being in mine, you're welcome to go back to yours."

"Nice, Nathan. You know, speaking of running away from your problems, maybe you should try answering one of those, coward." I snap, picking up a throw pillow and slamming it towards him as Quinn pulls me out the door, stuffing more bread into her mouth.

"I'm sorry."
I look up from my book as Nathan enters my livingroom.
"I said I'm sorry. I was a complete asshole to you."
"It's fine."
"No it's not. You've been by me through all of us. I feel like I keep taking my anger out on you and I shouldn't be." Nathan looks down.
"Hey, I can handle myself. And I know when you talk out of anger. I love you okay? No matter what."
"I know. I love you."
"I love you too little brother."

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