|EXILE.| Chapter 22.|

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|EXILE.| Chapter 22.|

Jason had been playing basketball a lot lately, he had been using it as a stress reliever, and he had been hitting the gym as lot as well to get his mind off things

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Jason had been playing basketball a lot lately, he had been using it as a stress reliever, and he had been hitting the gym as lot as well to get his mind off things.

There was so much stress in the Manor lately that Jason would've exploded if he couldn't come down to the gym, and work off some tension.

It was a good way for Jason to cool himself down after making out with Isabella. They would get to a point where the next step would be sex, and then they had to stop. Jason respected Isabella wanted to take things slow, it was just painful for him after a heavy makeout session.

Jason was also thankful for the cold shower as well, and he'd been having a lot of them lately.

Jason needed to talk with Isabella soon, and find out where their relationship was heading. Jason could live without sex for now, but everything seemed a little up in the air at the moment.

Everyone knew that Isabella and Jason were a couple, and now Harvey knew as well. But they were getting serious, and Jason didn't know what a serious relationship entailed.

Luke gets the drop on Jason, and steals the ball from his possession. Luke dribbles the ball down the court, and gets the basket in one shot.

Jason liked having someone to hang out with, as dorky as that sounded to him. And Luke knew the secret as well, so they didn't have to walk on eggshells.

Jason spent most of his time with Isabella, and then training with Ellie, or on patrol as Robin.

Luke wasn't like the other guys Jason's age. He wasn't an idiot which liked getting drunk and doing drugs. And Luke was serious with Barbara, so Jason didn't see him as a threat towards him and Isabella.

Luke comes over to Jason, trying to catch his breath. "Dude, are you okay?" Luke questions Jason.

Jason replies with a sharp nod. "I'm fucking dandy" Jason informs Luke. Jason liked having a friend, but he wasn't ready to start talking to him about relationship shit. Jason thought it was weird for guys to do that.

"Jay, you just let me steal the ball from you, and score. I'm rubbish at basketball, and you're not. Something's up" Luke offers with a knowing look. "Look, the one thing I've learned from Ellie over the years, is that bottling stuff up is dangerous for you guys" Luke tells Jason.

Jason shakes his head. "It's just relationship crap" Jason shrugged it off. "I'm sure you don't want to talk about my issues with Isabella" Jason tells Luke. Jason didn't like sharing his feelings.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now