|Chapter 41.| Fear Itself.|

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|Chapter 41.| Fear Itself.|

Barbara tracked down the building quickly

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Barbara tracked down the building quickly. It was an abandoned Ace Chemicals laboratory that was due to be demolished before the city was evacuated.

"There is an old mixing lab in the building's sub structures. It is more than capable of being retrofit for Scarecrow's fear toxin" Barbara read off the specs listed in the blueprints. "And because of Ace Chemicals mixing processes there a series of tunnels that could use to flush out the chemicals in case of emergencies. Falcone could use those tunnels to escape the city" Barbara informs everyone.

"Then we need to move quickly but cautiously" Ellie tells everyone. "Be careful of Scarecrow and his fear toxin" Ellie reminds the people who will be joining her in the old factory.

"You be cautious and I'll follow you. I just want to fuck up Falcone" Dick tells Ellie. Falcone had his parents killed, and had sent Ray Todd to his death in Arkham, his body packed with venom canisters that had been ripped out of his body by Bane.

"Keep a level head" Ellie tells Dick. "Don't let vengeance cloud your mind. We will bring Falcone in to justice" Ellie informs Dick. Death would be too quick a punishment for Falcone, he had to pay for all of the pain he's caused.

"Yeah yeah" Dick agrees half-heartedly.

"I would recommend dealing with Scarecrow first. If you deal with Falcone first it will give Crane the chance to lay a trap for you" Bruce informs Ellie. "When you find him be fast and neutralise him" Bruce warns Ellie.

"Yeah I don't need to be hit with another dose of that fear gas" Ellie agrees. The gas could pass through the fibres of the super suits. Nothing could stop the gas. It was the perfect weapon.

"I'll have the GCPD set up a perimeter around the factory. While we breach they can make sure that no one gets away" Constance added. She had the whole GCPD on standby and ready to take Falcone into custody.

"Good. I want to close off every avenue of escape" Ellie agreed.

The plan was laid out so simply before them. This was it. This is how they would bring down Falcone.

"Alright. Let's suit up" Ellie tells everyone. Luke and Bruce would be staying behind to run support from the Batcave. Everyone else was going into the factory.

Ellie put on the Warbird suit.

Dick put on the Robin suit.

Barbara the Batgirl suit.

And Constance and Alfred geared up with their bulletproof gear and guns.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now