|Chapter 6.| Jason Todd.|

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|Chapter 6.| Jason Todd.|

Interrogating the Nuclear Family was getting Dick nowhere

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Interrogating the Nuclear Family was getting Dick nowhere. He recognised brainwashing when he saw it. The entire family were under the same guise and they kept repeating the same phrases over and over, scripted language had been implanted in their brains.

A quick search of their car turned up and address in Chicago. If they were ever going to get to the bottom of this then Dick needed to follow the lead to the source.

Isabella had decided to join him to make sure he didn't get himself in more trouble. Running off on his own reminded her a lot of Jason.

Jason and Dick were pretty similar in a lot of ways. Both headstrong. Both rushing into a problem without completely thinking things through. That's how Isabella had gotten shot last year, Jason had dropped in on an ambush and Isabella jumped in front of Jason to take a bullet.

The drive to Chicago wasn't too long. Only a few hours.

"I thought you didn't wear the Robin suit anymore" it had been bugging Isabella since Dick had put the suit on again the night earlier. It was different though than Isabella remembered, darker somehow, Dick had a thirst for violence now.

"I don't" Dick grumbled back "I just needed to last night" Dick was more trying to convince himself than Isabella.

"And in Detroit and DC?" Isabella questioned the man.

In truth Dick had found himself relying on becoming Robin a lot more lately. It's hands slowly snaking themselves to get a better hold of Dick's life again.

"What do you think that we're going to find when we get to this apartment?" Isabella asked a different question to try and get Dick to actually speak.

"I have no idea. But if this person is the one sending hypnotised super freaks after us, then we need to stop them" Dick confirms. Otherwise Rachel would never be safe. And now the rest of them would be on their radar as well.

Isabella leaned forward and turned on the car radio. "...and in local news Gotham's Mayor Quincy Sharp has set in place new curfew hours..." Isabella's eyebrows shot up in confusion.

"You listen to a Gotham radio station?" Isabella laughs. It was only confirming her theory more and more, that Dick wanted to come home.

Dick didn't say anything in response. He kept his attention on the road.

"...now let's talk about the strange bat creature that has been flying around the city. Local Doctor of genetics Kirk Langstrom transformed into the Man-Bat yesterday afternoon after a presentation of his new work at Wayne Enterprises. So far the only fatality is his wife Doctor Francine Langstrom" the radio suddenly caught Isabella's attention.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now