|EXILE.| Chapter 01.|

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|EXILE.| Chapter 01.|

For the longest time the Batfamily provided harmony and balance to Gotham

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For the longest time the Batfamily provided harmony and balance to Gotham. And they were a family because they all trusted and worked alongside each other. That is why no threat could ever parallel with them, because they fought as a team.

Gotham is known by the world as the home of the Batman, and the other heroes who stand for justice in his campaign for the soul of Gotham.

The GCPD was the public face of these victories, but most of the time their hands were tied by process and law, and the Batfamily could go places where the GCPD couldn't.

Ellie Bishop, the Warbird, the fearless leader of the Batfamily. The Guardian of Gotham City. The woman who four years ago repelled Carmine Falcone's attempt on Gotham, when she was only 17 years old. She is the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Constance Bishop. And during her tenure as Warbird, crime has taken a decisive downfall.

Bruce Wayne, the former Batman, and the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. He is known publicly as the billionaire playboy without a care in the world, but in private is known as one of the greatest soldiers in Gotham's war for peace. After being tortured for months on end by Falcone, Bruce was now confined to a wheelchair and could no longer carry on the fight. His knowledge and wisdom however proves invaluable for the team.

Dick Grayson, was the first sidekick to the Batman, and was a powerful ally as Robin. Dick is the only surviving member of his family, the Flying Graysons. His family having been killed by the Falcone Crime Family. He was fuelled by anger at such a young age, which caused him to sway towards violence. Only finding peace with his relationship with Ellie, whom he had loved since he was only six years old.

Now no one knew where to find Dick. A rift in Ellie and Dick's relationship had forced him from Gotham nearly four years ago. It was this that caused him to form the Titans in San Francisco.

Then came Barbara Gordon, the daughter of Jim Gordon. Barbara was one of the smartest women to sit behind a computer, her skills legendary with a keyboard. Her obsession with the Batman at a young age caused her to become Batgirl herself, and later be taken in to be trained by Bruce. It was five years ago that Barbara fell pray to the Joker and lost her leg. For the longest time she was in a wheelchair, but could now use her prosthetic to walk, and be Batgirl once again.

Luke Fox, was the genius of the team, it would be faster to ask what he didn't know. The prodigal son of Lucius Fox. Luke designed and made most of the Bat-tech, and was become a real wizard with his inventions. Luke was the long time boyfriend of Barbara Gordon. And Luke was the newest intern at Wayne Enterprise Applied Sciences Division, and making waves.

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