Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition

1.6K 48 23
By aiimee9

An- My artwork of these Slayers.


Are you prepared for the fate that many Dragon Slayers must face?


Izuku couldn't comprehend how it happened, but it was so sudden. After their intense Hero lessons and polishing on basic Quirk stamina, Midoriya was about ready to sleep. Skipping shower and joined his lover's in their shared bed. Once his head snuggled against Koyuki's shoulder and embracing her close to his exhausted form, he fell instantly asleep. The next thing he knew, he was standing in a dark domain that seemed like an endless abyss. Not only that, but his whole body seemed to not all be there. From his nose and below, his whole body was nothing but a shadowy wisp. It felt awfully strange and disturbing, feeling his face and yet was able to feel his skin under his shadowy fingertips, yet still couldn't comprehend what was happening.

Emeralds searching for something, landing on rows of people that seemed awfully familiar to him. Memories of the day Shinso had him under his clutches and brainwashed him. Before he thought he was going to lose due to his stupidity for being instigated from Hitoshi's plan to gain a response then seeing shadowed faces that looked onto him. Almost as if they heard his cries to stop himself from leaving the lines and ultimately snapping him out.
The first one that's closes to him from the row was a woman with ebony locks of hair with a small ponytail held high up. Yellow gloves and a beige cape fluttered behind her back. Dark body suit that showed her strong abs, plus being sleeveless revealed her formed muscles.
Next to the ebony haired woman is a man, what stood out was their intense gaze that stared out to the darkness. Completely bold with the exception of sideburns and a scraggy beard. Next to the scraggy man was a younger gentleman with just as dark hair as the woman, seeming impassive to all. While the rest of those down the row were either shadowed or barely shaping a visible face to put to description.

Until suddenly those people faded into shadowy like mist and reformed into something else, another person. Standing ways down from Midoriya and grinned an unnerving smile. Wearing a wrinkled tuxedo with their buttons unbuttoned and had their hands lazily in their pockets of their stylish trunks. "Why struggle? Join me, my dear foolish Ototo-chan." Freezing in his spot from the cold sensation quivering down the greenette's body.

"Never. You're wrong, and I can't forgive all you've done, Onii-san!" Emeralds snapping to the second person, never noticing their presence since the other man stood out with the whirlwinds of mist hitting their back. But the way the second person bit out wrathfully to the first man sounded hostile.

"Why the hurtful tone?" Izuku could feel the shivers of panic and alert from the first voice once again, "Especially since I'm meeting you halfway. Or is tolerance not included in your righteous ideals?"

'I'd never forget that voice!' Cold shivers and what ever skin that could be seen paled tremendously from the voice alone. 'All For One! The two brothers... Which means the younger one...' Turning to the second person and obviously the youngest brother, 'The first wielder.'

Snapping back out of his thoughts once hearing the youngest brother bit out, "The world's in chaos now! And Meta Powers should never be used for personal gains. Yet all you think about is how to fulfill your own desires!" Frowning to this at the old name for Quirks when the world had yet to grasp the concept what Quirks were and capable of.

"But I give back to them, don't I?" Chuckling at their brother's voice of hostility and anger. Almost seeming to find it laughable and childish in a way. Turning to a certain direction and waving two shadows to come over, "Come, you two." Willingly obeying to the man, both figures stepped closer for them to see them. All For One gesturing to the man with harden-like jaw, their skin creating a harsh exterior with razor jaws protruding from beneath their lips. "This one's jaw underwent a transformation. Those fangs just continue to sprout all over. He's a kind reserved man who has to care for his aging parents. But those very same parents chased him out, calling him a diseased monster." The gestured to the second figure, a man who seemed openly hostile from the dark look in their pupils and the deep frown on their face. Nothing out of the ordinary on the man's form, which could quickly conclude the man had no Quirk from the eldest brother's reveal, "While this one has no ability at all. Walking home from work one night, he was assaulted by a gang of Metas. The taser he carried for self-defense proved useless, and an attacker with tentacles for hair crippled him."

Instantly knowing what's happening, not even Izuku understood, not without the first wielder bolted from their place. "Don't do it! There's no going back--!" Suddenly tripping onto their knees and cupping their mouth from the coughs wracking their whole body. Izuku didn't realize how frail the man seemed until they took few steps. Nor how pale and bony the man seemed, as if they lacked the proper nutrients for their health to remain stable.

"Please." Pleaded the timid Quirk user, while the other growled out, "Make it quick."

Midoriya watched All For One grinned and strut to the two with palms hovering over the two. An electrical current seemed to zap the two and transfer to the other, witnessing the transformation right before the teen's eyes. The bony jaw suddenly receding and disappearing, leaving a smooth skin on the younger man's face. While the other suddenly had spikes protruding their whole entire body, if they didn't seem menacing at first their malicious grin said another.
Satisfied with the result, but not without gaining something from the two. "Should I find myself in need, you two will come running?"

And like thankful patrons, the two men responded with thanks words or promising grin.

"Of course, sir! Ohh, my parents will be so happy! Thank you for this!"

"I'll never forget the debt I owe you." Leaving the two brothers alone once again, with the exception of a third party witnessing their conversation.

Laughing now, thinking what their youngest sibling has stated. Throwing a glance behind them to the quivering man who's still on their knee's, "The world in chaos you speak of, what world is that?" Grinning connivingly, "What is it you see, exactly? I see people in need and a way to use my power for their sake."

"You're twisting things around! All you did is recruit two more loyal servants." Knowing the full truth to what their eldest brother schemed with such souls. Abusing such power to manipulate the weak and their minds, naïve to what the man had in plan.

Proving what the youngest pointed and twisting it to their form of viewpoint, "They needed something to cling to someone. By denying me, you deny the joy I've brought them." Izuku felt disgusted and unnerved what the man has said when they're clearly manipulating those peoples weakened states of mind. "In a world looking less and less human, my power will restore order. So which one of us is the real egomaniac?" Midoriya felt cold sweat built on his temple, unable to comprehend what the man was thinking.

"You're exploiting their weaknesses! Where's the order in that? And it's convenient how you forget the ones you manipulated and tossed aside when they stopped being useless!" Izuku didn't see the person, not until they slammed down onto the first wielder and crashed them onto their stomach from impact. Causing the boy to flinch and fret for the man, knowing with their health they couldn't have handled such force well. True to his concern, their was another wrecking cough that spat out blood onto the dark ground.

"Whoa there! Be gentle. He's a fragile one." Even with such words, the disturbing grin didn't accompanied such words. Then introduced the person, "Meet my bodyguard. I'm getting somewhat famous after all." Finding it amusing that they've gained such reputation that there are people after him. And it seemed from their henchman's strength, they're to go for the instant kill without any hesitance. Especially with the tone behind the person's voice, "Nobody insults the boss on my watch."

Shadowed eyes seemed to look over their weak brother, sighing at such poor sight of their sibling. "Ah, how pitiful. Those born without Meta power of their own lack the strength to see their own convictions through." Yet the dark, calculative, grin never left their face. "Still, I do love you, poor Ototo of mine. My only family."

Next, the surrounding area and figures warped and changed, creating another vision with skyscrapers. He couldn't help to be on edge with the way the shadows and wisps formed the buildings, as if flames burned high up to the skies. Jerking to the sound of frightened cries, snapping to the direction and seeing people fighting desperately from Quirk users. Beaten with many scratches and bruises littering their bodies. Not even weapons could keep their assaulters from leaving them be. Even if a dream, he wanted to bolt over and stop the violence from these vile people who misuse their Quirks. However, a shadow flew over his head and those with Quirks. Suddenly those with estrange powers reverted back to normal looking citizens without Quirks. Causing those who fought them back to gawk in astonishment, while the man who caused it to smile blithely to such looks. Presenting them to the now powerless men, "To you, the powerless, I present a choice." Upon these words, Izuku watched in utter horror how those without Quirks use those very weapons to fight back their assaulters with the very weapons to the point of committing murder. "Forgiveness for those who've sinned. I give to all whatever they may seek." One of the assaulters reached out to the man who stole their Quirks, seeming to plead for salivation. Which was what the man very much hoped and reached out to the man with an offer, "That is if you agree to join me!" Suddenly the wisps shot out and revealed the army that All For One has created in such short span. And like that, the environment transitioned to the next. Well, he was unsure if he was in a new vision with his whole surrounding being pitch black. Seeing nothing but the darkness and the never ending abyss.

That's when sound of metal unlatching, followed by gears whirling around to unlock the volts. What seemed to be the door hitching open and allowed rays of light to enter. Instantly noticing a small form slouched in the corner of his eye, feeling his chest clench in concern for the first wielder. Seeing how sickly and thing they've become. It only further proved his fears when All For One noticed the tray of food laid untouched, "Oh, still refusing to eat?" Then back to the silent brother, "You're wasting away Ototo, how sad."

"You'll never convince me to do things your way." Ultimately coughing out behind their knuckle's from their sickness and poor health.

"Come now. Just give in." Izuku couldn't begin to grasp how the older brother, All For One, could still retain that smile upon seeing their younger brother's state. But here was this deplorable man, watching their own family suffer. "Some of these Metas form gangs, abusing their power to commit petty mischief. One such group stood up to me, they rejected my new world order. Their mere existence was a threat." Grinning ear to ear like a child that had heard splendid news that's ever gifted them. "And so they were eliminated." Just like Izuku, the first wielder scowled from this announcement. It seemed the eldest sibling noticed such reaction from their younger sibling, "Not on my orders, mind you. My many friends just respect me that much. They act on their own, all in pursuit of order." Chuckling from how proud he is with his obedient and loyal subordinates are to him. Finding such joyful pleasure from this, "It's trilling! How they move as if according to my will. It's like a dream come true." Midoriya shivered from such unhinged look in those eyes of All For One, fearful from such dark gaze alone. "Just like in that comic you used to read."

Unlike Izuku, the youngest brother huffed from the manipulative man, "You only read through volume 3, there was more to the story. The Demon Lord did conquer the world, yes. But the hero fighting for justice struggled past the pain and managed to save everyone." Seeming proud from the main trait that many can take from these stories, stories of the good verses evil. "Get it, Onii-san. The villain always loses in the end!" Crying out in shock at the calloused hand gripping their face, causing Izuku to reach out; but remained in one place. No matter how much he wanted to stop All For One's action. Particularly the dark gleam in their glaring eyes.
"Yes, fantasy has become reality! But reality doesn't follow the old playbook." Tightening their grip around their younger brother's face, even with all the struggle they've put up and weakly pulling on their sleeve, "If you refuse to submit, I'll just rewrite the story. You matter to me."

Quivering under All For One's hand, pleading desperately now, "St-Stop, no!"

Ignoring their pleas entirely, "So I've dug up a Meta ability that even you, in your feeble state, can use. Walk this path with me!" No matter how much Izuku wanted to cry the top of his lungs for the villain to stop, his missing mouth couldn't release such sound. Which he weakly watched the man screech the top of his lungs and the scene fading away in torrent of shadowed wisps. Confused and mind in disarray, Midoriya tried to grasp threads of understanding what he had witnessed. Witnessing the birth to One For All in what he could only assumed his consciousness.

"You must be the ninth..." His wide green eyes darted to the younger brother's voice, seeing the first One For All user slowly ascend from the wisps of shadows. "I wanted to show you more. You're only twenty percent." Sounding disappointed that he couldn't reveal more to the confused and shaken teen, but they couldn't complain with the large amount of information already given to Midoriya. It was already an amount that could have the boy witness and understand the birth of One For All, but question as to how this is all happening and what is happening to the boy. "Be careful, we've already passed the singularity. But fear not," Reaching out to the greenette's out reached hand and grazed his fingertips, "you're not alone--" The first wielder froze so suddenly, the shadows around the man suddenly consumed them whole. Causing the greenette becoming distressed from their reaction and what seemed to be the look of panic.

"Somethings wrong..." Cranning his neck, searching where those five voices came from. Unsure what was happening now, but from the voices all around saying those words, this was not supposed to happen.
He swore he heard a soft voice calling his name from behind him, prompting him to pivot around to where he heard the voice coming from and to see a familiar figure. Koyuki stood in the far distance from himself, her body bare but light shone off from her skin was enough to censor her private parts. Her rosy-silver hair fluttering from winds that he couldn't seem to feel. Midoriya couldn't understand how the Dragneel was here in his consciousness nor how she was in this realm.

'Koyuki?' Wanting to move towards her and, surprisingly, he moved his missing feet. Taking the initiative to move closer to her glowing form. With each step he took he was getting closer to his smiling lover, unsure how she arrived here. Yet the closer he got, the more he begun to notice something strange behind the Dragon Slayer.
His eyes narrowed in confusion on the dark figure, they stalked slowly behind Koyuki. Their diabolic smirk unnerved him the most, it gave off this sinister aura. But mostly unsettled him was the fact they looked terribly familiar. As if he's seen them before. Their long dark blue spiked hair blew by the dark winds. They were becoming much clearer; his skin darkly tanned for being in the sun very long, baring same colored jagged markings over their body. Their dark cape fluttered, held together around their throat by two large elongated teeth bones. His already pale face that's covered in cold sweat froze in shock that quickly turned to fear from the familiar figure from his dreams all those months ago.
Emeralds dilating in utter horror at the figure morphing from within the dark miasma of fog; hearing what sounded like burning fire, as the darkness grew in large size. The earth under him trembled, at the Jurassic form, slowly bringing up its head and revealed a large dark monster with lapis lazuli colored marks coating their scales. It towered over the pink-silverette, comparable in size to the time he saw an ultramarine dragon, yet the girl took no notice but smiled on towards his direction.
The whites of their eyes stared down to the girl. Regurgitating out a malicious growl that made his already quivering body tremble and unhinged its lethal jaw. Its enormous head pulled back, at this if his mouth was present he would have shrilled the top of his lungs in warning, and dashed to her, 'KOYUKI!!!'

Roaring and lunging its open jaws upon the Dragneel whole.

Snapping awake, body trembling from the horrors within his dream. His heart thundered in sheer panic. Panicked for his lover. Remembering about Koyuki, he snapped to his side and his trembling calmed in relief upon seeing the sleeping Dragneel. Safe by his side and not killed by such monster from his dreams.

Reaching up and clasping her hand between his, slowly bringing it up to his face. With no hesitation whatsoever, he kissed her knuckle; his lips could feel the tiny, soft, thin scars. Healed from intense healing from a certain magenta haired healer in her world. Nuzzling her hand to his burning cheek, watching her with soft, warm, eyes. 'I won't let anything bad happen to you, Koyuki.' Turning to and kissing her palm. A kiss that held a deep promise for the pink-silver haired Slayer. 'I'll do everything in my power to protect you and your happiness.'
Almost flinching back at the twitch of her finger, but the girl remained asleep. Relieved at this, not wanting to wake her up just because of the his nightmare...or vestiges. Even so, it was a horrifying scene. It was the same man with dark blue locks of hair and menacing stare. How they slowly trekked their way to the youngest Dragneel. He couldn't comprehend the vision. Was it a warning? If so, he'll take this to heart and do everything within his power to protect Koyuki.
Gazing at his sleeping partner and lover, an overwhelming sensation of affection bubbled within his heart. Face leaning close, pressing his forehead to hers; his curls intermingling with her wavy-spiked locks. Seeming like a pale and wild rose with curls of green leaves. Almost giggling how contrasting his messy green hair and her pink-silver wild locks; almost complimenting the other from its color hue. It honestly delighted him, delighted him that they held complimentary colors- even their backpacks are complimentary. Finding these details to be aweing.

"Koyuki..." The mage didn't respond in her sleep. His face heating up, whispering out with pleadingly, yet his voice held pure adoration and love for this young woman, "...Can I keep you?" Clenching his eyes shut, as he flushed deeply for their internal thoughts, 'And I give myself in return.' Peaking with one eye, wondering if she heard. Exhaling, unsure if it were relief that she didn't catch his greedy request or saddened she didn't react at all. Nonetheless, he wrapped his arm around her waist. Cuddling his body close to her warm one.





Not knowing the horror that has appeared within the girl's consciousness.





Koyuki blinked her obsidians from sleep then snapped them wide open, stunned at the dark abyss before her. There was no ending nor beginning to the darkness. Searching around, wondering how she came to such place. Noticing her skin seemed to glow and her PJs on her, as if she's teleported from Earth. Yet it felt awfully odd to her, the moment she flexed her fingers, she had no feeling of her even moving.

"Well, well." Koyuki froze at the masculine voice behind her, she could almost see their smirk behind the voice. Ever so slowly did she turned, eyes trembling in utter fear. Not by the voice, but the power they radiated, it was terribly familiar to one being-- a being that caused destruction wherever they go. "We meet again, little dragon."

Without a second thought, Koyuki blasted iced areol and leapt back to keep her distance. Glaring where the man once stood within the rising mist. Until her borts dilated into crimson, seeing the man smirking at such attacks. Finding her actions to be amusing to him, "Attacks won't work here." Glancing around the dark space, this void they're in, "Our minds are momentarily connected, no damage can be inflicted on the other." Till his dark jades flicked to hers, "No matter how much I want to kill where you stood."

Koyuki glared harshly to the malicious man, the man who should be a dragon: Acnologia. "What do you want?" Growling to the point her lips are pulled back to reveal her sharp canines, expressing her distaste and open hostility towards them. Her growls becoming more prominent and louder when the man's eyes wracked down her form. Until freezing entirely, "How is it you're yet to be a dragon?"

'What?' Unaware that the man heard her surprise.

Raising a brow to her naivete, but couldn't seem to find any fault when he himself as confusing. That's till their narrowed pupils blow wide, seeming to found their answer. Slowly fluttering closed, grinning now, "I see..."

Koyuki, still on edge and unsure what the man was spouting about. Finding this all confusing to her, "What the hell are you...saying?"

Ignoring her words and slowly stalked around her, seeming like a predator circling their prey. "I'll tell you a story, little dragon."
Gulping nervously, her muscle remaining taut from the knowing danger before her. Even if she couldn't be harmed nor killed by this vile creature. Freezing when the surroundings suddenly changed, surrounded by cottages with smiling villagers around. Baring togas and not clothing she's seen. Her eyes instantly flickered to one house, she swore she saw another Acnologia, until they entered the home and another person exited. A woman with flowing golden hair carried a basket of clothes. What stood out to the young mage about this woman was the necklace wrapped around the woman. It seemed to be rows of elongated teeth from a beast. Her golden eyes gazing out to their village in joy. Yet it wasn't the village she was gazing towards with such look. It was till a child dashed past her. Their hair was a dark blue color and caramel skin glimmering like gold. The little girl laughing giddily, holding yellow lilies in their grip. The woman giggling at the sight of, what Koyuki could only assume, their daughter. Possibly four or five years old.
Frowning, why was it they the most visible of the villagers, everyone around was either a blur or unable to decipher. Flinching when Acnologia spoke up,
"For the last four centuries, Dragon Slayer have fought Dragons that have slaughtered cities, towns, and villages brimming with people. It was our common goal to kill every single last one of those murderers." Feeling nervous sweat beginning to form on her temple. Carefully watching the man gaze towards the smiling mother and daughter, Koyuki swore she saw grief behind those dark eyes of the man. When she turned back, utter filled her being. The village burned in flames, and the home of the family burned to crisp. Everything around was in flames. She was witnessing hell...

"But did you know?" Crimson orbs flicking to meet Acnologia's jades, "Dragon Slayers slowly become dragons as well." She didn't know how it begun, but her jaw quivered from being reminded of this. "For learning this magic, you're damned from the start." However, she didn't predict there was more to this of the Dragon Seed. "If you're not transforming to a dragon, you're likely be going through a much excruciating pain." The frown on their lips curling into glee, "Many are likely to kill themselves for the relief of such pain." Watching the young Slayer quiver in her spot, while the flames lit and created shadowed that curled around her glowing form. "And it was thanks to the mother of such magic, the creator of Dragon Slaying itself." So there was a story behind Dragon Slaying. Someone or something taught this magic. "And I've realized on that day, why save humans" Turning to the girl with horrendous rage, "When they'll slaughter you and your loved ones like the monsters we were supposed to kill on their behalf." Suddenly the fires around them instantly switched to a prison cell, she was not prepared for the scene before her. The child of that village lied on the cold stone ground with their matching golden orbs of their mother laid open. Gazing out with such dull eyes, yet the desperation and fear on their young face remained on them. It was their neck that horrified her. Blood gushed from the large wound, spilling onto their torso and creating a large pool.
It's when Koyuki finally understood how the man went into a genocidal rage: both dragons and humans have slaughtered his family.

"Have you realized it, little dragon." Snapping out of her thoughts, grinning crazily now. As the room around suddenly quivered and shook, blue flames licking around the room and slowly burned everything in its path. The girl's body suddenly hoisted off the ground by someone, she couldn't see whom. But the two were gone from sight. Leaving Koyuki to stand in fear and Acnologia to smirk at such look. "You're damned to become another monster." Holding up their only hand, proclaiming loud for the girl to understand. "A dragon that's hell bent on killing everything in their path." Koyuki trembled in her spot, cold sweat coating her whole entire body. Curling her fingers into fists, as her nails uselessly dug into her skin; yet felt nothing. "I can imagine it now, once the humans realize what you are, they'll prosecute you and those closest to you. And once betrayed, that ravenous rage of a beast inside will destroy what ever humanity left inside you. You'll slaughter everything that you once hold dear and you'll hold no remorse!"

Her heart thundered, seeming to bash against her ribcage and begging to run away. "Watch the many civilizations burn in flames!!" Stepping back and only to trip, terror read in her eyes. Acnologia only smirked in great satisfaction of such reaction. Suddenly standing before her, she couldn't react in time and for him to snap onto her neck in their grip. Koyuki to cry out in shock. Her brain sending imaginative shocks of pain from the constriction around her throat. "Dread it, run from it. Destiny still arrives." His slits glimmered from the dark flames around them, glaring down to the quivering crimsons. "And so will I." With a terrified scream, he snapped her neck.


Shrilling screeches and screams filled the dorm. Many of the residence asleep snapped awake and very much alert. Assuming an enemy has infiltrated their dorm and attacking one of their classmates. Fumikage's body being shrouded in darkness by Dark Shadow, Mineta ripping his bungee orbs readily to intercept the threat, Yuga holding up his pillow like a weapon to fight the threat. The three neighboring teen instantly recognizing the screams belonging to the Dragneel.

Izuku tried to hold the girl against him from harming herself, but she would struggle and flail her arms around wildly. Attempting to push herself away from him. "Koyuki!" She only screeched and cried louder, blocking out his voice, "Koyuki!" Holding her head over his beating heart, showing that she is awake and safe with him. Thankfully, it seemed to work, her flailing ceased; but she now clung to him with tremors. Trembling to the point he worried she may be having a seizure, but her frightful whimpers said otherwise.

"Shh, shh. It's all right, shh, shh." Cradling her in his arms, rocking her gently. Hoping to calm her frightened tremors.

"I don't wanna... I don't wanna..."

Frowning from how low and the cracks behind her voice, "What's the matter?" Petting through her mixed colored hair, hoping to ease what ever nightmare she just had. It might as well be a night terror. From her low gasps that slowly brought him out of his sleep then turning to frightened peeps before finally snapping completely awake from her scream.

Clinging onto Izuku tightly, digging her face into his shoulder. Unable to stop the chattering of her teeth, "I don't wanna become another Acnologia..."

From the familiar name alone, Midoriya became stiff. "...Acnologia..." Testing out the name and tilting to gaze down to his quivering lover. Emeralds beginning to tremble now, this must be a coincidence. A coincidence of him witnessing the same horrific vision of that being. But didn't comprehend what she meant by that. "What do you mean 'Another Acnologia?'"

Afraid to say it, but she didn't want to hide this from her love. Not when he may be possibly be in risk. "The Dragon Seed may possibly turn you into a merciless dragon. Acnologia was a Dragon Slayer like me..." Borts quivering from those memories of the man. How he ultimately snapped and caused an extinction of the dragon race. "He finally lost his humanity when the seeds bloomed and the people persecuted him and his family." Further clinging onto him, "He showed me it all...he's determined to kill me before or after the Dragon Seed hatches. Before they either convert me or kill me into madness."

He felt utter fear on his lover's behalf, taking in the fact her world's greatest enemy is contacting her and even told her the fate of those with Dragon Slayer magic. Not only that, the Dragon Seeds may possibly bring Koyuki to... Biting back the thought of his lover ever causing herself self-harm to get relief from the pain. The thought of it caused him to embrace her closer in terror, as if she'll be much safer in his arms and protecting her from such possibility. "...Koyuki..."

Izuku flinched in alert the moment he finally realized he wasn't the only one who has heard Koyuki's scream in the middle of the night. Hearing someone banging the door violently, anymore it may break from its hinges; followed by the person's voice on the other side. "Deku! Open this fuckin door!"

"Kacchan?" Turning back to the trembling mage then back to the door, certain if he waited any longer those outside his door will likely panic further and allow Bakugou to even break the door down with pleasure. Quickly whispering he's going to answer the door and grabbed the duvets to wrap around her shivering body. Leaving her side apprehensively and went to the unlock the door. The moment he even did so, the door was thrown open by Katsuki and saw the rest behind with concerned looks. "What the fuck happened?"

Daisy, using her small form to push past everyone, sprinted passed Izuku's legs and to her partner. Leaving him with the others to calm.

Ochako, although exhausted with her brown bob hair wild and dishelmed, held the look of worry. "Is Koyuki-chan alright?" If Izuku didn't see the floating PJ, he wouldn't notice it was Toru by Uraraka's side, "Yeah, what happened?" Like she, many couldn't comprehend what happened to the Dragneel. They've never heard the girl scream with such fear behind her cry. It didn't help when they arrived the second floor, Midoriya and Dragneel's neighbors were tensed with their Quirks or pillow ready for an enemy. They couldn't imagine how it was like for them.

"She..." Searching how he should explain this, but there was no other way but revealing the truth to her frightened scream. "She had vision."

"A vision?" Tenya raised a dubious brow. Not thinking of the girl a liar, but like the rest, he's never heard the mage scream such way. Throwing a quick glance inside the dark room, seeing a form hidden in their blanket and seemed to be hugged by a smaller form. Knowing Daisy must've transformed into her human form to properly embrace the Dragneel in a larger size. The question is what vision had she witnessed?

Nibbling his bottom lip, still unable to believe that such being went such lengths to connect to the young Dragneel and remind her of her current problem. As well revealing if not searching for the remedy, she'll go through the same fate as the other Dragon Slayers. "One of her far worst enemies- Acnologia- told her a Dragon Slayers fate and his promise..."

From such vague answer, Hanta spoke up the question everyone had in their minds, "Promise? Promise of what?"

Izuku remained silent. However, they all could see Midoriya's fear and worry for his lover.

Bakugou, becoming annoyed and aggravated with the greenette's lack of answers. Katsuki practically barked his demand from them, "Spit it out, Deku!" It wasn't Izuku who spoke the terrifying reveal, "He's going to kill me."

Many heads snapping to the silver-rosy haired girl behind the doorway. Daisy continued to stay by their partner's side, grasping on their sleeve in a show of comfort that they're by them. Many didn't predict it was this response from the Dragon Slayer, "Wha-What..."

Borts narrowing from the memory that's burned into her mind, how Acnologia smirked with malicious glows behind their eyes. "That murderer...he'll do everything to kill every living dragon."

"But you're not a dragon. You're a Dragon Slayer." Koyuki's form trembled once more from Ochako's appalled question. Izuku, being the kind and supportive partner, held the Dragneel's hand; giving it a comforting squeeze.

Katsuki knew something was horribly wrong if the mage isn't responding to such statement, including the worried look from the greenette. "Frozo...what are you hiding from us."

Like Izuku, she couldn't further hide something that'll concern their safety, "I'm slowly becoming a Acnologia." From such answer, Daisy tightened her hold on her friend; looking up to Koyuki in horror from such revelation.

Unlike Daisy and Izuku, they couldn't comprehend nor understand what she meant. Which Katsuki was slowly being aggressive from such confusion, "Like them? What the hell are you talking about?!"

Even Koji couldn't understand or grasp what his the girl was saying, "I do not understand, Dragneel."

She couldn't blame them, it was confusing to her as well when her Papa revealed this news to her. It still shook her to the core and she couldn't think what may happen if such seeds hatched while she's in this world. She neither could understand why her parents wanted to stop such transformation, but once understanding that the dark dragon was once human and became unhinged, she finally understood. "Acnologia was once human- a Dragon Slayer as well."

"...What..." Katsuki nor the rest could ingest such news, it was an unbelievable to them.

"Koyuki-chan/Dragneel-san..." Toru and Eijirou only took a step, as if to rush to her side and comfort their friend, but stepped in uncertainty if it'll any help to even ease the poor mage's mind.

"Why did you hide this from us?" Few felt betrayed that the girl would hide such thing, but then again, how would they handle such situation? Possibly the same way Koyuki withhold the info.

Sad obsidians looked away from the group, just like they, she felt mixed on the matter. Although there was one fizzling emotion: distraught. "Because I had no idea what was happening to me either when my parents told me how the seeds continued their affects...not until today did Acnologia revealed the possibilities what would happen. I didn't think they'll mentally affects me either to madness or harm if it ever came to it."

Upon this, many looks of disbelief and alarm. So it was a matter of time before her own magic either converts and transform her into a chaotic dragon or drive her to...

Unexpectedly blunt, Denki spoke up, "I may sound like an asshole, but; Dragneel, you have the shittiest luck."

"Kaminari!!" Kyoka lowly growled, reprimanding the electric blonde for their harsh forwardness.

There was something that bothered Kirishima, if Koyuki is adopted and taught by dragons then why would they put their daughter at risk? "So, you're telling me every Dragon Slayer turns into a dragon... Why the hell would your dragons even teach you that."

"I agree with Kirishima." Todoroki concurred to the puzzled red head.

Both Daisy and Izuku sadly glanced away, knowing her parents knew the about the consequences for teaching such magic. Many instantly noticed such reactions from the two. It didn't take long for Koyuki to fill the gaps to their question, "They used their remaining moments to cancel its affects..." Gulping down her spit heavily, the times of her searching with Natsu for their dragons. Thinking they abandoned them, when in truth they were inside them to create the antibody, Dragon Soul Technique. In addition, it wasn't only herself, "I'm not the only Dragon Slayer. My brother and friends' dragons did the same for them too."

Tsuyu couldn't help to find a disturbing comparison to gritty hero genres that her little brother, she wished he hadn't found such stories. "...This is sounding more and more like the revelation of the main protagonist of an unsettling story." How every turn of the way for the hero there was always something that'll attempt to crush their will to continue to fight, even continue to live as well. Again, she wished her younger brother didn't come across such genre.

"Except..." Koyuki couldn't help to agree with Asui, but there was one thing that's different about that description. Something that'll ruin the hero entirely upon realization what's happening to them. "The protagonist is slowly becoming what they feared..."

"Koyuki-chan..." Mina didn't like the look in the Slayer's eyes, the dark swirls in those borts of hers. Seeming to slowly lose their shine and leaving a dull smoke. It was an unsettling sad look that many were growing to feel concerned about, including Izuku and Daisy. Never having seen such look on the hyper Dragneel.

"Imagine that...someone who's supposed to use their magic for good ends up becoming the ultimate--"

Izuku couldn't take it. He couldn't allow her to fill her head with such thoughts, the very thoughts certain individual had filled her head in a young age and ridiculed her. Even as going far as to kidnap and torture her. "Koyuki!" Stopping her from continuing, he made sure to grasp her hands to have her full attention. Which her dull eyes met fiery jades that held such resolve, "Don't even say it. You're not a monster. You're my best friend and the girl I love."

Momentarily, her borts regained their glimmering shine that many recognized, "Izuku...?"

Midoriya wanted to further drive this in her mind that none of these lingering thoughts aren't her. No matter what many will spit, she isn't that! Powerful because of her magic and strength, destructive because how passionate she can be; but she isn't some malicious beast that takes joy in causing despair. "If you think you're the darkness, than I'll remind you as many times that you're my light."
The hall was silent from Midoriya's surprisingly bold speech to their lover, especially when its in front of a crowd. Which many can say how much she means to him to protest his undying affection for the woeful Dragon Slayer. Yet...

"That's a nice sediment, Izuku; but..." Her lips curling slightly, giving the freckled greenette a sorrowful smile. "How long will you say that when it happens?"

For a second, his heart stopped frozen from her depressing question, before restarting once more. Emeralds dilated once he saw bubbling tears in the edges of Koyuki's eyes. But mostly from her words and face that seemed to hold defeat. "Ko...yuki." He wanted to be by her side and hold her in a tender embrace. He never wanted his Fairy say such things, already believing that such possibility may come to be. He wouldn't accept it, no matter what. However, there was one thing nagging his mind ever since Koyuki mentioned the dragon.


Biting his bottom lip in apprehension, but he must have this answered. This was too much to remained ignored. "Yaoyorozu-san, can you give me black paper and a white pencil."

Quite surprised and put off to Izuku's question, the girl did indeed give the boy the asked items; but with her own Quirk, "Of course." Not wanting to waste time.

Once given, the boy quickly rushed inside his room and lit his lamp, ignoring the questioning stares. His pencil quickly sketching the dark surface of the page, going by memory that's instilled in his mind. Finally, Iida was questioning his silent rival and friend, "Midoriya-kun, what are you doing?"

Once finished, Midoriya returned back to the group. Yet his calloused hands quivered from the image he'll reveal. "Koyuki..." Flipping the paper over for the girl to take a close look of the dark dragon with soulless eyes, as their large jaw is open to release what seemed to be a roar. Their large body pulsing with muscle that could crush anything under its powerful weight, "Do they look like this?" As much as his answered is finally answered, he wished he didn't asked. If the looks of terror on Koyuki and Daisy's faces said anything, he only wished it was an illusion from exhaustion. But felt his own cold terror slowly grip his heart from such reactions from the two, "Oh, God..."

Confused and slowly becoming frightened, Kaminari looked between the three. "Dude, you're fucking scaring me..." Unlike Denki, many were slowly grasping what was happening.

"Oh my God..." Ochako looked to the greenette in pure fright, "You saw how they looked." Feeling her fright, Mina clung onto the brunette's arm, feeling cold sweat building. Which Toru joined the two and clung to the nearest person. Mashirao almost stubbled, but held his ground for the shivering invisible girl.

"This isn't a joke any more!" Minoru was just about done for the night, but things kept building for this teen. "If Midoriya saw the sick bastard, too. Doesn't that mean they're close to finding ways to get here?!" He prayed who ever this person, creature, being-- he didn't give a shit what ever they are, but he hopes they remained over in Koyuki's world.

"Mineta is right, this is a concerning matter." Tsuyu agreed with the shorter teen, feeling just as unnerved from this news. "How do you tell Sensee and the others that someone from Koyuki-chan's world are connecting through minds?" It was no longer a coincidence...

" a good question." Fumikage inputted, quite shaken as the rest that something was happening to his two peers.

"They...they can't be worse than the villians here, right?" Denki, attempting to lighten the mood, but was truly was becoming scared with all of this. Mineta, joining too, since becoming slowly and slowly hysterical. "Yeah! I mean, All Might fought that creep and got detained--"

"Are you series?" Koyuki scoffed at such comparison to All For One. "You wanna know how terrible it would be facing Acnologia?!" She's seen that creature twice. Twice! And every time that thing is more and more demonic than the last. Not even Zeref's demons were frightening as that dark dragon coming in to obliterate kilometers of land. "He can annihilate freakin five- maybe seven or eight- districts in one shot!" A single drop of sweat slide down by her scar on her jawline, "How big is Japan again?"

That question alone had many pale to such question.

Daisy wasn't liking the look of hysteria on the young Dragneel's face, "Ko-Koyuki...please don't--"

"Oh, yeah! An island! Like Tenrou island he almost obliterated!" Koyuki attempted to hide her face behind her palms, wanting to erase that close encounter from her mind. But then the bloody scene of her Papa's death would replace the memory, causing her to dig her nails into her skin on her forehead. "Oh, God!! If he gets here, who knows how many lives he'd kill with a smirk on their fuckin face!"

"Koyuki...!" Daisy tightened her grip, becoming worried.

"Like they did when they slaughtered my Papa!!"

"Koyuki!" Ripping the Dragneel's wrists down, meeting the Slayer's stare with her own. "Look at me! He won't come here. Not without some sort of transport." Knowing it wasn't easy to travel through worlds, if it were easy than Lisanna would have returned home sooner. "Even if he's able to connect telepathically, he still didn't teleport here." Holding truth, it was only mental connection. "As long as he's on Earthland, he'll never get to Earth."

Even with these words, everyone could see both mages quiver in fear. If something can strike fear in Koyuki Dragneel, they must be an unimaginable threat to all.

Quickly snapping out of his fright, Iida remembered the current time and had to sadly bring everyone back to reality. "Let's all calm down and get some rest. We still have classes in the morning, so let's rest for now and discuss this after school." However, with this news, he was certain it'll leave many tense and muddled. Seeing many glancing to the other nervously if they should even return to sleep, but knew that Iida held truth. They still had classes tomorrow, so they'll discuss this another time when they have the chance. It truly is something they couldn't neglect for the coming day.

As the whole lot dispersed, Izuku turned to the silent Dragneel; clear worry read on his freckled features. Seeing Daisy mutter something to their partner, who shook her head and heard her shaky voice loud and clear, "I...don't feel like sleeping."

"Koyuki..." Gaining both attention, "Do you...wanna go downstairs and make coco? We can also watch a movie, too, if you like?" The humanoid Exceed held the look of thankfulness that Midoriya is trying to aid in soothing the shaken Slayer, it's truly affecting them in a mental state. Wanting to ease the mage as best as they could. Which is working, seeing the rosy-silverette nod, "Mhmm..."

Wanting to physically ease and show his silent support, his scarred hand reached out and curled around her smaller hand. Warmth and comfort radiating off his skin within contact. Guiding her to follow him with Daisy following the two for moment, before running back to Izuku's room and coming back with his blanket. Once downstairs, Izuku attempted to remake Rikido's special drink from the step-by-step recipe paper the teen left on the fridge when Eri visits their dorm. Koyuki wrapped up in Midoriya's warm cover, while Daisy started up one of Disney's movie, 'Lady and the Tramp.' After half an hour, both Daisy and Koyuki fell asleep half way of the movie. With the girls leaning onto the other like a domino: Daisy already poofed to her feline size and leaning on Koyuki with Koyuki leaning onto Izuku. Leaving the greenette to caress Koyuki's temple with slow ease. Listening to the movie playing in the background, but his emeralds never left his Dragneel's face of serenity. Seeming to finally be in peace.
Leaning close to leave a chaste kiss on her forehead before grabbing the control to shut off the television. Snuggling into the comfy seat, with each minute, his eyes slowly fluttered closed and as sleep grasped his consciousness.

Freezing in shock, the familiar abyss filled his whole sight, the never ending darkness. 'I'm...back here again?'

"Hey, kiddo!" Freezing up and snapping to the direction of the voice, pausing once seeing the same ebony haired woman from before. Looking around in case he may be reliving another memory of some sort, yet see no one else. Turning back to the woman and pointed himself if the woman meant he. To which the woman giggled at such reaction, "Yes, you there." Finding the teen's little skittish act to be endearing. Quickly introducing herself to the greenette, "You may not know me, but I'm Shimura Nana! All Might's predecessor and teacher."

'All Might's?!' Gawking the woman in awe.

"You may be wondering 'Why am I back here?' But there is a reason. However, I have to take you to them to be answered." To which the newest One For All user frown skeptically, watching the woman take few steps; before glancing back to the boy with a calm smile. "Come on, they're waiting for you." With slight apprehension, the shadowy teen moved, which surprised that he's able to move. Following the woman behind, not without his emeralds searching around for the person in question. Until the woman suddenly stopped and turned back to the boy, "This is the farthest I can go."

'Wh-Why?' Nana didn't say anything, but a bell-like laughter, gently pushing the boy forward in encouragement. Unexpectedly, Izuku's whole shadowed body returned back with his whole limbs present. The area around him switching from a dark never ending abyss to a endless white realm of fluttering snow. Gawking the area around then back to the grinning woman, "Why is a stranger entering a conversation between a father and his adopted daughter's boyfriend?"

'What?' His voice reached a surprising pitch from Shimura's response. Freezing when he heard something huff behind him, the corner of his eyes spotted white feathers. Greatly large to the point they'll be the exact size or larger. Slowly turning around to see a giant creature. Unlike the dark dragon, this one is coated by white furred scales, their wings pulled back and glimmering by the snows. Emeralds wide in awe, 'A...dragon!'






Far deep inside the cave within cold mountains of Earthland lied a diabolic and destructive creature that could be very much humanities undeniable destruction. Acnologia, who's in his human form and sat crossed leg on the freezing stone ground, slowly smirked sinisterly, revealing his razor feline fangs. Opening his dark jade eyes that held excited reptilian slits, awakened from leaving his body to connect with the missing Dragneel, "Not for long, little dragon. Your traces are becoming more and more prominent." His orbs dilated in deranged and horrific glee, to the point they disappeared and only his white eye sockets are apparent. Flicking his wrist, at the sudden movement half of the mountain shattered into smoke. The earth shook with tremors from the man's raw power.
From their act, it allowed soft sunlight to seep through and caress the man's skin. Looking out the falling sun, the skies giving a nice orange and bloody red shades of color. The colors the girl shall spill once he finds her locations, and to his burning pleasure, it wasn't long before he does.

"And I will find you, if it's the last thing I do."

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