Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki

5.7K 225 105
By aiimee9

An- My finished art of Hana. And this chapter is so heartbreaking, especially for these two boys...

Clipping the pin in her hair and stood back to inspect herself on the mirror. Grinning brightly, satisfied with the placement of the pin. Perking at the knock on her door and turned to the person entering, revealing it to be Daisy in her humanoid form. The human-Exceed smiling upon seeing the silverette, "Sorry that I'm late...."

"Hey, you." Pacing to the auburn with open arms, which the petite rushed to the Slayer; hugging her tightly, "I'm proud of you, Daisy."

Blushing at the praise, "Shouldn't I be the one congratulating you for gaining your provisional licenses."

"Mah, hearing that you're taking classes is more important than a card." Pulling back from their hug, receiving a pout from the smaller girl, "Koyuki." But only blushed more at the hand ruffling her hair and hearing the Dragneel's chuckles. But perked up upon the seriousness and yet held a pinch of relief, "Someone's going to bring a communication lacrima to contact Earthland."

Juts as Koyuki expect, Daisy snapped to her with wide orbs, "What?!"

"Turns out we're not the only wizards teleported on Earth." At this, Daisy felt nervous sweat; her gaze seeming to be distant from her thoughts, "How is that possible...? What is going on...?"

"That's what I'm wondering." She couldn't grasp how and why there were more wizards. They may have attacked her for personal reasons of wanting to battle against someone from Fairy Tail, but it still boggled her in seeing them even here. Hana and Shira along with another wizard named Darla go to the same school; which was easy for her to contact them through Hana. Rebecca went to the same school with the blonde wizards, who turns out to be cousins and were names Jack and Fill. Now that left the Moora twins, which uncalled for due to her actions, has Crystal's phone number. Leaving her to at least have connections through someone.

"Koyuki, this quest has become stranger and stranger."

Exhaling at this, "No kidding..." Yet gave them a gentle smile, "But we get to contact Fairy Tail."

Seeing the relief and glee behind Daisy's shy smile, "Mhm..."

"Koyuki-chan, where did you get your hair-pin? It's so pretty!" Was the first thing Toru spoke once spotting Koyuki entering the room. Scooting for the Slayer to join the chat with the girls.

Petting her pixie hair, rubbing the head of the butterfly pin, "Tamaki gave it to me."

"Ah...?" Came from Ochako, the familiar name appearing once again, 'This Tamaki person again...' All she and everyone knew was that they're a third year, since Kendo knew Koyuki's relations with their seniors.

Grinning cheek to cheek, Mina clapped happily, "Well, who ever he is, he has cute taste." Then perked at something, "Oh! Since you have shorter hair, I think headbands and pins will compliment you."

"He and the others also bought me ribbons and headband." Which Mina and Toru perked up excitedly, "Really? That's so thoughtful of them."

"We should all one day go shopping for accessories." Ochako offered, which many agreed, though Kyoka stayed silent with a nervous smile at the offer. Especially when it's something about hair products and hair accessories. Daisy throwing a consoling smile towards the ravennette, receiving a nervous chuckle from Jiro, not use to have someone young console her.

"Let's all go on the weekend then. How does that sound?" Many of the girls agreed to the idea.

While the girls conversed, both Izuku and Eijirou watched the girls talk amongst themselves and giggle, "Glad she's doing better." Eijirou started off, as Ojiro joined the girl's, seeing that Hagakure waved him over from the movement of her sleeves. Izuku nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it really shook her what that girl with lenses said about...the premonition..."

At the mention of this, Kirishima glanced to Midoriya with concern in his pupils, "Yeah, how are you doing on that topic? You and Bakugou were terribly pale."

Surprised that they caught that about his reaction and nervously smiled it off, "I-I'm doing fine, it just really...brought bad memories."

Humming in understanding, then held a saddened look, "I guess that could be the reason for Bakugou." Which Izuku glanced in worry to the red head, knowing what that meant. It may have triggered something for Katsuki to be reminded of the torture and why he held a pale complexion at the mention of...death.

Shaking off the depressing topic and quickly pulled out his phone, quickly tapping to his emails and checked if All Might responded. Seeing the picture he and Koyuki took an hour ago, the two smile pair with their cards up for the camera too see. It brought a smile on his face upon seeing it, along with warmth on his freckled cheekbones.

"Texting someone?" Noticing the smile and stare on their screen, grateful for the change of topic.


Eijirou excused himself and left Izuku to his business; however, it left a certain ash-blonde to approach Midoriya, "Yo!" For the greenette to flinch in shock at Katsuki's voice and turned nervous surprise at the call, "Meet me out front later." Emeralds widened the moment Katsuki muttered under his breath for only Izuku to catch, "We gotta talk about your Quirk. So don't fuckin bring Frozo." Thus headed towards the growing group and spotting the Dragneel in the center. The mage blissfully conversing with both Toru and Ochako, with Shoto and Tenya close by the chattering trio.




Pulling the covers over Koyuki's shoulder, trying not to disturb her from her sleep. But the girl was completely knocked out, if the sign of drool at the corner of her mouth said anything and along with a silly smile. It seemed she exhausted herself from both magic and emotionally. A well deserved sleep the girl needed. Daisy slept in Koyuki's room, since the Dragneel only used it for the purpose of clothes and to laze around with her music.

As quietly as he could, he left through the doorframe and gently shut his room; locking it just in case. With that, he rushed down the hall and headed where Katsuki waited. The moment he found the waiting ash-blonde, Katsuki was already walking before he could question. It went like this for few minutes, "Kacchan! How far are we going?" Now response once again, "We're not supposed to be out at night..." Again, to be ignored; seeing Katsuki's back as they walked to who knows where, "Hey."

The scenery transitioned from rows of tree to rows of buildings; however, one building particular stood out the most to him, "This is..." The very building he fought both Katsuki and Koyuki, "Ground Beta..."

"I fought you here during our first battle training." Finally speaking after his awkward and tense silence, "It's where I lost to you." Back still facing Midoriya, "And I've felt like shit about it ever since."

Frowning at this, he expected this response from the ash-blonde.

"A worthless, Quirkless wonder like you somehow got into U.A, of all places. And somehow got a Quirk of his own." Glancing back to Izuku, revealing a sarcastic smile, "You were always the little fuckin weirdo, spouting cryptic shit and making that face like you were the only one in on the joke. Climbing higher and higher." Turning back towards the building once more, "Since the whole sludge thing-- Nah. Since All Might first came to town, really. Higher and higher. And higher." His hands clenched with their pockets, "And now you've got your license. While I don't. I mean, what the fuck, fuckin seriously?"

"I wouldn't say it necessarily reflects our actual abilities, but rather--"

Snapping at the greenette for butting in, "Shut the fuck up and listen, you gutter of shit!"

Flinching back at their tone, "Sorry..."

Katsuki, clicking his tongue, the toes of his shoes digging in the dirt, "This whole time, I've felt shitty about it. It's been pissing me off." The soles of his shoes digging the dirt much more violently, "But then, after the business in Kamino, I got this idea." Izuku knew Katsuki was picking up the pieces, "See, I've been thinking that you got your Quirk from All Might."

Which caused Izuku to sweat profusely, not responding nor making any reactions at this.

"Y'know that big bad villain boss?" Referring to All For One, "Apparently he can suck up Quirks to use or just give away. Hard to believe, but that one cat lady lost hers and can't be a hero anymore." Bringing up Ragdoll's condition and how she lost her ability to use her Quirk, "Then there're those fucking Nomu things with multiple Quirks. So I'm pretty fuckin sure. All Might and boss mook seemed to know each other." All of these things were hardcore evidence of Quirk transferring and the connection All Might and All For One have, "We know it's possible to transfer Quirks. And we know that wasn't the first time those two met. Then there's your whole "I got it from someone else." Thing" Now directly facing the nervous Izuku, "When you met All Might, that's when everything changed. And All Might lost his strength." Ruby's narrowed directly at round emeralds, "You're the only one who understood him differently." Hearing this, Izuku felt a single sweat cascade down his cheek nervously, "All Might himself wouldn't gimme a straight answer. So I'm coming to you."

It seemed karma came back to bite him for revealing this important secret to Katsuki, even All Might told him once both Bakugou and Koyuki left. Clenching his fists, unable to confirm nor deny it.

Which Katsuki to great notice, "So you're not denying it? That how it is? You asshole."

"If I tell you, what then?" Seeming to dodge both denial and confirmation to the question.

Narrowed ruby's still kept on Izuku's form, "You also look up to All Might. Hm? Ain't that right?" Almost chuckling with pure sarcasm in his voice, "So here I've got this punk I thought was a pebble in my path, all of a sudden getting recognized by the guy I admire." It was there did Katsuki present his reasoning for them being there, "Which is why we're gonna fight. Here. Now!"

"Why?!" Baffled at this, more sweat cascading nervously; while frantically waving his hands to both deny and stop the ash-blonde from continuing such idea, "Huh? Wait, why's it have to be like that?!-- I mean... We're not even s'posed to be out here to begin with!" Trying his utter best to both appease and be within the school's rules, "At the very least, we could go spar in a tr-training room! There's no reason it has to be now."

"If we fight all out here, nobody can stop us- that includes Frozo." Katsuki's features to this look of indifference, unnerving and worrying Izuku even more, "You gotta show me just what it is about you that made All Might wanna bring you this far." Shadows darkening around his eyes, leaving his ruby's visible, "And if it turns out your way of looking up to him has been right all this time, that means I was doing it all wrong."

"Kacchan..." Stunned at their words, Katsuki was going to battle him on their views on their idol. Flinching back when Bakugou pulled his arm pack, wrapping his other arm under and stretched, "Better get ready if you don't wanna get hurt. You're all about kicking now, right?"

"W-Wait! We can't do this!" Far too late, Katsuki dashed towards him; propelling themselves with explosion that rocketed him off towards his shaken form, "Kacchan!!" Seeing their right swoop to strike, yet his mind was abuzz with what to do; with no choice at all of stopping them, Izuku activated his Full Cowling and leapt above air. Cringing at the fiery smokes singing his leg, causing him to yelp in pain.

"You think too much, y'know." Glaring back to the greenette wildly, "Come at me!!"

"Come on, please! Kacchan!" Landing safely and feet away from the ash-blonde, taking clear caution due to their first attack, "I said hold on! Do we really gotta fight?!" Their response was the show of popping sparks of explosives, unable to accept this was Katsuki's only solution of fighting; especially outside late at night, "It doesn't mean you were wrong about anything! Nobody ever said that your looking up to him was wrong!" Rolling away quickly the moment Katsuki leapt at him and bashed another explosive; smokes hitting the area where he stood. Narrowed towards them, "I said wait!"

For some reason, saying that further agitated the young Bakugou; glaring heatedly at Izuku, hands emitting smoke, "No running! And no saving from Frozo! Fight me!!" Flinching back in surprise, seeing the ash-blonde about to deliver an open hand right hook. Only for Izuku to grab onto Katsuki's shoulder from delivering the blow, but wasn't able to stop the foot that smashed under his chin. Yet used this chance to throw himself back, padding the floor and kick up his feet to return the hit; however, Katsuki used his explosion to push himself back from being bashed. Yet was not able to stop himself from skidding and tripping back to the floor.

Honestly worried, Izuku rushed over and held a hand out, "Are you oka--" Stopping at the swipe from Katsuki. Growling out to the young Midoriya angrily, "Quit fucking worrying about me!!" Stepping back at the aggression from them, seeing them stand back up with frustration, "Just fight!! I mean, what the fuck?! How?!" Emitting this aura of frustration and anger, bellowing out his words, "How?! How'd I end up chasing after a fuckin dweeb who was always playing catch-up?!" Izuku could do nothing but listen, nervous sweat falling from his temple, "Why'd a twerp like you get that kind of power? You got All might to recognize you, you got way stronger!" It hit Izuku more at the hurt on Katsuki's features, "So why was it me. Why was it me who put an end to All Might?" Genially stunned beyond belief upon seeing such thing; this was the second time he's seen Katsuki look this way. The first was... Koyuki's comatose body and the topic of her torture. Yet continued with his hoarse bellows the top of his lungs, "If only I'd been stronger, if I hadn't been kidnapped by those villains. Everything woulda been fine!" Swiping his back hand on his face, as if to wipe away a tear, "All Might's trying to keep it a secret himself. He hasn't told anyone! But even if I try to forget, sometimes it all just comes rushing back!" At the mention of memories, Izuku worried at the trembling on Katsuki's form, "That's not the only thing..." Now the greenette could see the angry tears of frustration, "Why was it me...?!"

Snapping up towards Midoriya with wild red eyes that held bubbling tears, "Why was it me that realizing" Glaring into Izuku's eyes, "she's not always going to be there!!" Izuku froze, the greenette's body stiffened at Katsuki's scratchy words that they frustratedly cried out, "That one day, she's going back to her world and we accept that fact she's not apart of it!!"

Part of this world they live in...

Emeralds dulled in horrific realization of what the ash-blonde cried out.

~{Koyuki Dragneel won't always be here.}~

The six of them walked down the halls, chattering and grinning amongst themselves; until suddenly, the silverette disappeared and left the five to continue and talk.

The seat in the back of the classroom vacant of any soul.

The third and fourth seat in the Midoriya household, empty from anybody to use. That was said the same for the Bakugous', the fourth seat, that once held a laughing Dragneel who conversed happily with Mitsuki and Masaru, now empty.

How were they, the ones that knew her the longest, going to cope with that? That the girl will suddenly leave and disappear from this world and they have to move on with that as if it were normal.

The picture of the both of them, holding up their provisional license; suddenly, the pixie haired silverette slowly faded out the picture. Leaving the greenette to stand alone, holding up his card for the camera to capture.

'I...' His eyes trembled, body quivering, '...I-I haven't thought of that...' Had he really neglected at the fact Koyuki won't always stay, that she'll eventually leave and return to her home, her home on Earthland. Had he really ignored it, had he really erased the fact she'll leave them all. His curls shadowed his eyes, hiding the dull, and glazed, jades. His shoulder's quivering at the realization that was falling over him.

But he knew he wasn't the only one that was hurting at this realization, so was Katsuki; they both know the girl the longest. Thus the ash-blonde to angrily charge once more and Izuku knew he had to swallow down his wild, depressed, emotion and aid Katsuki with his. Cause he knew, he's the only one who understands what Katsuki was feeling. Green crackling energy pulsed off his body and kicked off the ground, delivering it on Bakugou's left side of his face.

Skidding back from the force of his attack, Izuku held up his fists; preparing any sudden charge, "No, this is perfect." Panting airily, but continued, "I've been wanting to find out if my Shoot Style works against you or not." Snapping up to meet glaring, wild, reds; almost seemed to green at the Midoriya, "If we're really doing this, I'll give it my all!" Both sides, heatedly glaring the other down, "I'm not gonna be your punching bag. Kacchan!!"

With rocketing blast of explosion, Katsuki leapt above the greenette. Snapping above towards the ash-blonde, but they conjured another blast and bulleted down to him in smokes. Leaping back from their sight, huffing out nervously, "Close one..." Flinching when he saw Bakugou out of the smokes and twirl in midair, emeralds widening in shock at the spinning ball of thundering smokes of explosions, 'He's gonna catch up before I land! This is bad!' Seeing them within the dark fog of smoke, aim to kick from above, 'Gotta repel that hand!' Yet, he didn't expect them to blast themselves once more above and be behind him, glancing back in shock. Their fist flew and dug into his side, spit flew from his mouth at the pain; cringing in pain and coughing out a cry. However, there wasn't time to stop nor breathe, grabbing the bar handle and kick off to avoid the swipe. Hearing Katsuki click his tongue, grabbing Izuku's wrist, intending to fling them across the ground, yet they countered that and threw them to the metal bar. Both sides crying out at the others counter attacks.

Even with all this fight, even if they fought at all the frustration and cloud of despair; Midoriya had to admit, Katsuki's skills had improved vastly than before. It even brought a smirk on Izuku features, "Guess it should've been obvious, but you're getting stronger..."

"What're you grinning at?!" Blasting once again in his charge and swiped them once more, however they leapt back from his attack, "You say you ain't gonna be my punching bag anymore, huh?"

Rushing forward with a roar, "I won't!"

"Sound to me like you've got another scheme!" A shrill sounded off and blinding light flashed, covering his face from being blinded by the Stun Grenade attack. "That's what always pissed me off about you! I could never tell what you were thinking!" Unable to predict their roaring charge that blasted him back, "I'd pound you again and again, but you'd keep sticking around! Even though you were a punk with nothing to offer! Always looking at me! With those eyes that seemed to know something I didn't!" Smokes filling around the area from the explosive blasts, steaming from the heat of smokes, "Always like you were looking down on me. Like you were just waiting for chance to surpass me."

Stunned in hearing this from Katsuki.

"You freaking eyesore!"

He, Izuku, couldn't believe what he was hearing from his old friend and bully, "Is that really what you thought...?" His battle stance laxed, "Normally I wouldn't want anything to do with a guy who kept insulting me..." Clenching his fist, "But as you said, I had nothing going for me." Yet his emeralds shined with his resolve, "As bad as your bad side was, your strength were just as impressive. You had so much that I didn't." Crinkling energy released over his body once more, flying off with dash, "I could admire All Might from a distance, but you were right there. This amazing person in my life!! that's why I always" Kicking off and swung his leg for the lightening strike. Cranking up the power to his Full Cowling by three percent, giving him an eight percent Full Cowling. "I always chased after you!"

Katsuki shielded his face from the swipe, yet glared at the strike; glaring heatedly. Blasting himself from behind from flying back, seeing Izuku not finished in his midair attack and twirled to strike once more. Yet did not predict for the counter blast; throwing them both back at the blast. But he wasn't going to stop, growling out determinedly with a war cry, "That all you got?!"

"Huhh?!" Irked, Katsuki dashed off the ground with a kick.

Both sides coming in fast, rocketing off the ground to meet the greenette in air. However, Izuku changed tactics and his fist flew true towards the ash-blonde, striking them in their face. Even with the blood spitting out in his ravenous cry, Katsuki wasn't going to take this, "I ain't gonna loooose!!"

Flinching in surprise, his wrist grabbed and being twisted in Bakugou's hold; crying out, yet it all happened in an instant. The blast that smashed him down to the concrete and being held down by Katsuki. His face pushed back by a hand, their feet shoe digging on Izuku's wrist while the other being pulled back from any movement, weight on his lower half. He was completely immobilized from moving.

Even with his ragged breathing, Katsuki was able to confidently say "It's my win." But this did not satisfied him, "All Might's power, even with that power. Even after making it your own, you still lost to me. Right." Not gaining a response with Izuku hard breathing of exhaustion, now that the adrenaline wore off, "Why'd you lose?"

"That's enough, you two!" Both snapped to the voice, they didn't expect the retired hero to be the one to appear. Walking through the fading smoke, wearing his white long sleeve button shirt, dark jeans, still sporting bandages over his hand from his past battle, "Apologies, but I overheard everything."

Started off Katsuki, surprised, "All..."

"...Might..." Ended Izuku, the moment Katsuki stepped back; the greenette was able to sit up.

"I'm so very sorry that I never realized." This was towards Katsuki, he never expected the ash-blonde to be suffering all of such things.

"Too little, too late." Turning away with a off, even though he sounded peeved; he still asked, "So why Deku? Ever since the sludge thing, why? Why him, of all people?"

"Even powerless, he was more of a hero than anyone. Dragneel-shojo had no need for a power that could possibly backfire against her magic." Receiving "The fuck?!" from the ash-blonde, "And I could tell you were strong. You were already on your way, so I decided to give him a chance to walk that path too."

Grinding his jaw, frustrated to himself, "Nah, I'm weak..." Memories of just sitting and watching the wizard smirk down at the lipped figure, their azures dulled; yet the wave of pain swam in them. "This whole time, I wanted to be strong like you! But I was weak!! And you wound up like that and the idiot ended up comatose!!"

"This is not your fault." This was something that need to be said, "I was fast approaching my limit either way, this was always my destiny."

"And Koyuki's parents summoned her soul." All Might and Katsuki snapped at to Izuku upon hearing this, the greenette glanced away nervously, "Ten days for us was half an hour in her world."

"What the hell are you blabbering...?!" Katsuki didn't understand, neither did All Might; was he saying that...

"Her missing parents weren't missing, they were inside her. Stopping something, something...from happening to her." He didn't want to further fill about the Dragon Seeds, and what her fate is to be a dragon. From the way she reacted, it was not something desirable.

"Ten fuckin days was thirty fuckin minutes in her world." Almost chuckling, yet it was bewilderment and sarcasm, "Fantastic..."

"Bakugou-shonen," Stopping the ash-blonde, he could see the raving emotions on their features; needing to bring them back to topic, the two dimensions was for Koyuki to explain, not him, "You are strong, However, I was distracted by your strength, I burdened you with it." Almost flinching at the hand that petted his hair, "I'm sorry. You too are only a boy." though All Might should have expected them to wrench themselves away, "Being a hero all these years has taught me something. I love to win, just like you, Bakugou-shonen. And like Midoriya-shone, I strive to save those in need." Further explaining his reasoning, "If either aspect had been missing, I never could have stood for justice in the way I did. Just like Dragneel-shojo had both desires to win and save."

"Midoriya-shonen looks up to your strength Bakugou-shonen. And Midoriya-shonen, Bakugou-shonen fears your spirit. You've both just laid everything bare; so can't you see, now?"

Both teens unable to look up or at anyone, "If you can learn to respect each other and lift each other up, you can become the ultimate heroes. Ones who save by winning, and win by saving." It was finally did the two met eye to eye at Toshinori's words, that those words have changed something between the two. "You think that's what I wanted to hear from you?"

Thus Katsuki stubble back and land on his behind, no emotions on his face; till he hid his face within his arms and muttered out, "You." Izuku flinched in surprise at the different tone, not use to it, "The strongest guy out there put you on the fast track and you still lost."

Izuku knew what Bakugou implied, 'You have this amazing power and you still lost to me?' hardening his resolve and declared determinedly, "I'll get stronger. Enough to beat you."

Hearing a rough chuckle from Katsuki, yet stilled asked the important question, "So who knows about this deal you and Deku got?"

"Recovery Girl, the principle, Daisy, among the students, only you and Dragneel-shojo."

"How am I not surprised that Frozo and her feline knows of this."

All Might couldn't stop his chuckle, it seemed the girl had a knack for these things, "How did it go again? "A dragon's nose knows.""

"Oh, for fuck sakes...." Ruffling his hair at this, the girl had the nose that surpasses a hound dog. Sighing in defeat, "And you don't want the word getting out. Right, All might? If you're still trying to hide it, then I won't breathe a word. I'm not gonna go and spill the beans like fuckin Deku, here. I'll keep your secret."

Thus All Might explaining Katsuki the full detail and the importance of such secret of One For All. An important thing that Bakugou must keep secret.

"So if word got out and people knew who had that power now, y'think there'd be trouble? In that case, why'd you go and tell me, Deku, you fuckin idiot?" Peeved that Midoriya easily told an important secret that could have endangered the two, both hero and successor.

"It was my choice to run out of power the way I did. Like I said, that wasn't your fault." Reminding the ash-blonde.

Silent at first till finally speaking once more, "So, nothing's really changed about what I've gotta do..."


"S'not gonna be like it was before though. Deku." Narrowing his ruby's at the greenette, "I'm gonna make all my skills my own and keep risking. Even higher than you, chosen one."

"Okay." Pumped that he clenched his fists before him, "Then I'm gonna rise higher than that. I've gotta keep growing too!"

Growling under his breath, "I'm saying I'm gonna surpass you dumbass."

"I can't accept that. I have to be better than you."


It seemed a proper rivalry bloomed between the two teen; instead of this messy scuttle they once held. This was what All Might also took notice, as they walked back to the building. Yet there was another thing that must be brought up, since this was what burdened them when they watched the fight between wizards. Even if it irked Katsuki in mentioning it after they just had an argument seconds ago, "If you don't improve on that Quirk, you'll only get in her way."


Clicking his tongue, after the news brought up the picture of Val Chronos, his time during house protection; the moment he saw the wizard, unbridled rage still kindled within him. But he couldn't lie, not when he and the world saw it before their eyes, "Because that bastard wasn't a joke to fight against. He single handily fought all the heroes on that day, while the other fucker watched." If she was still here in this world, that meant her mission was not finished; not yet. Not when he saw more of those wizards still out there, so even of the big boss was captured, the rest of them won't stop in this plan they had, "If you don't hurry up and get in her way, you'll end up getting her killed."

Surprised at Katsuki's honest words, but nodded, "I know." Though he did not expect their next words that he almost froze in his steps.

"So, if you don't hurry up, it'll be me fighting." Glancing back with his ruby's, meeting bewildered emeralds.

Stunned, Izuku couldn't help to hear Shoto's voice speak the back of his mind, "I like Koyuki."

Facing forward and continued his calm pace, leaving the greenette to stand, stunned, in his spot.

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